F3 Knoxville

Hump day

AO: shamrock
Q: Eliza
PAX: Lizzy, Mermaid, slappy, Dumpster Dive, LeBling, Skidmark, Waxjob, Anchorman, Eliza, Crawlspace
FNGs: None
WARMUP: Good Mornings, reach for the sky, SSH, Moroccan night clubs, hillbilly walkers, cherry pickers

THE THANG: Carry CMU to the practice field and leave it.

Line up on end zone.

Round 1. MOT: lunge walk

10: 10 merkins
20: 20 merkins and 20 Mtn Climbers
30: 30 mtn climbers and 30 hammers
40: 40 hammers and 40 flutters
50: 50 flutters and 50 Hello Dolly
Run to the end zone and do 2 burpees

Round 2: MOT: Bear crawl

10: 10 big boys
20: 20 big boys and 20 Freddie mercury
30: 30 Freddie mercury and 30 hillbillys
40: 40 hillbillys and 40 squats
50: 50 squats and 50 SSH
Run to end zone and 2 burpees

60 lb bag toss competition: anchorman beat 5 yards.

Carry CMU back and do 25 curls, oh press, windshield wipers and bench press. 10 sit-ups with CMU

MARY: plank


COT: what’s Gods plan for your life?
Bonus: be an organ donor.

“From Mellow to Jello” – Crawlspace

AO: shamrock
Q: Anchorman
PAX: Crawlspace, slappy, Stitch, Skidmark, Squatter, Honeydew, Anchorman
FNGs: None
Run in Circles

Baby Arm Circles forward then backwards (IC) 4 CT x 10 each

Side Straddle hop (IC) 4 CT x 15

Cherry Pickers 5

Twinkle Toes (IC) 4 CT x 10

Mosey around to another parking lot
Spread Out in AO Parking lot
There are 12 parking space lines
Line 1 – 25 Merkins
Line 2 – 25 Big Boys
Line 3 – 25 Squats
Start over at line 4.
We will end up at 100 reps per exercise.
Mosey to rock pile
Pick up 2 small rocks
Baby Arm Circles forward then backwards (IC) 4 CT with rocks X10
Butterfly with rock
American Hammers with rocks
Mosey to Weigel’s Hill
Bear Crawl or Lunge to the top.
At the top we all do Monkey Humpers 4ctX10

MARY: We did about 8 minutes of dealer’s choice mary

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Haw Ridge – be there

“God must do everything for us. Our part is to yield and trust.”

“O God, I have tasted Thy goodness, and it has both satisfied me and made me thirsty for more. I am painfully conscious of my need for further grace. I am ashamed of my lack of desire. O God, the Triune God, I want to want Thee; I long to be filled with longing; I thirst to be made more thirsty still. Show me Thy glory, I pray Thee, so that I may know Thee indeed. Begin in mercy a new work of love within me. Say to my soul, ‘Rise up my love, my fair one, and come away.’ Then give me grace to rise and follow Thee up from this misty lowland where I have wandered so long.” – A.W. Tozer


AO: shamrock
Q: slappy
PAX: Waxjob, Stitch, Lizzy, Squatter, Crawlspace, slappy, Band Camp, Smoked Pickle, McGruber
FNGs: None
Welcome to the best day of your life.
-cherry pickers
-twistys with little baby arm circles forward and backward
-shoulder taps
-calf stretches
-runner stretch with the noodle
-mountain climbers
-1 burpee – from slappy cause I say so
-1 burpee – from Waxjob cause he didn’t get enough
-1 burpee – from Squatter cause he loves them
-1 burpee – from @McGruber cause he’s missed all week
-1 burpee – from Band Camp cause he’s a Fla St fan and loves torture
-1 burpee – Crawlspace imposed a penalty on the car parked on in our warm up space
-1 burpee – from Stitch cause he wanted to reach 100 today
-1 manmaker burpee – from Lizzy because he’s a contrarian

We ran like the wind to Jesus where the gameboard was set up. Think Monopoly with a F3 / Shamrock AO flavor. There were three teams. Each team gets three hotels (coupons), two big dice, and one colored chalk. The team with the most property squares win. Roll the dice, move to a square, and do the exercise on the card. If the card isn’t owned you can claim it by marking the pavement with the team number beside the card. You can put a hotel on your property and make everyone else do double of the exercise. If you land on your own property, dealers choice. This ended up being a burpee heavy workout for some teams because some of the players (Stitch) are terrible rollers. It was fun, we listened to a sweet playlist. The workout flew by.

After we racked the coupons we went back to the flag. We decided to do AMRAP burpees until time was up. 100 was reached by a couple dudes.

-Clinton AO will launch soon next Friday I think.
-Escape from Haw Ridge is the best party of the year and you don’t want to miss. If you do you should feel shame and cry yourself to sleep. It occurs on 3/28/25. I will doing a shirt order if you want to jump on mine to save on shipping. Just let me know what you want. I will order next week.

I missed this on Valentines day, but here’s my advice to dudes in regards to the lady…
– Acknowledge me (is what she’s thinking, don’t let her down)
– Make space when it’s busy. It’s not always about the kids.
– Watch out for “Roommate Mode”
– Study God’s grace. Figure out to forgive. Don’t sweat the small stuff.
– Encourage her interests
– Be friends. Figure out how to connect regularly.
– Learn to like the same stuff.
– Don’t get nice things (this was a joke)

Seriously it was an honor to lead this workout and I hope you all had fun. I needed it.

The Dirty Dozens

AO: shamrock
Q: slappy
PAX: Mermaid, Anchorman, Stitch, Squatter, Crawlspace, Honeydew, Waxjob, slappy
FNGs: None
– Seal Claps
– Moroccan Nightclubs
– Overhead Claps
– Reach-for-the-sky-cherry-pickers

First – we did a defensive basketball slide drill moving forward from side to side in a zig zag.
Second – We moved to the football field end zone.

Round 1
-12 burpees in the end zone to start
-alternate between 12 merkins and 12 big boys on every 5 yrd line across the field.
-12 burpees in the end zone to finish
-run back to start end zone via the bleacher steps
-hold plank till 6 is up

Round 2
-12 iron mikes in the end zone to start
alternate between 12 squats and 12 flutter kicks on every 5 yrd line across the field
-12 iron mikes in the end zone to finish
-run back to start end zone via the bleacher steps
-hold plank till 6 is up

– 12 monkey humpers
– 12 v ups
– 12 freddy mercs
– 12 pickle pointers

– HAW RIDGE IS 3/28. Sign up. Get a shirt.
– Lunch is gonna happen this week. Check with Eliza.
– Clinton is launching
– Hardship Hill

Hebrews – 3:7-8

Therefore, as the Holy Spirit says,
“Today, if you hear his voice,
do not harden your hearts…”

Guys, if you hear God speaking to you DO NOT harden your hearts. Pay attention. Listen. Obey. Hardening can be unbelief, laziness, or busyness. Don’t push God away if he’s knocking.

Hearts and Farts

AO: shamrock
Q: Stitch
PAX: Mermaid, slappy, Dumpster Dive (Brad Burnette), Crawlspace, Swimmies (Nathan Chesney), Squatter, Voodoo
FNGs: None
Grady Corns
Hairy Rockettes
Mountain Climbers
20 Merkins

Mosey to Coupon pile. Grab a CMU.

25 Curls
25 OHP
25 Dips
50 Bench press

Mosey to the football field.

25 Mountain Climbers
25 Shoulder Taps
25 2 Ct Freddy Mercury’s
50 LBCs

Last 15 mins – 50 yd line Ultimate LED Frisbee. Team 1 (Stitch, Slappy, Swimmies, Crawlspace) takes the victory 6-4.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: March 7th – New AO launch in Clinton.
March 28 – Escape from Haw Ridge

I recently discovered this devotional book called The New City Catechism which is introduced by Tim Keller. If you know me, you know that I have a thirst for truth and knowledge, especially when it comes to the things of God and reality. Also, you know that I’m 50 and in order to pay respect to this old brain of mine, I have to keep it in working condition. That brings me to…

Catechisms. What are they?

Catechisms are statements of faith written in the form of questions and answers. Derived from the greek word katechein which means ‘to teach orally or to instruct by word of mouth”.

This book has 52 questions and answers, for 52 weeks of the year. It’s based on and adapted from some old reformation-era catechisms, which used to be very common to practice for Christian growth and training. They are divided into 3 parts: 1) God, creation and fall, law, 2) Christ, redemption, grace and 3) Spirit, restoration, growing in grace.

For example:

Q: What is our only hope in life and death?
A: That we are not our own but belong, body and soul, both in life and death, to God and to our Savior Jesus Christ.

Q: How can we be saved?
A: Only by faith in Jesus Christ and in his substitutionary atoning death on the cross; so even though we are guilty of having disobeyed God and are still inclined to all evil, nevertheless, God, without any merit of our own but only by pure grace, imputes to us the perfect righteousness of Christ when we repent and believe in him.

So, if you are a believer why not memorize some truths and solidify the foundations of your beliefs today? Memorize the new catechisms!