Q: Smithers
PAX: Stripped, Cheney, Snowbird
FNGs: None
THE THANG: rocks
Fitness. Fellowship. Faith.
THE THANG: rocks
1 year and one day; 12 months and 1 day; 367 days (thanks to the leap year).
I just completed my first year of sobriety. October 1st, 2023 was a dark day for me. One year later, I am a very different man. Thank you for all of the support and love of the past year.
1 Burpee
2 HR Merkins
3 Box Cutters
4 Shoulder Taps
5 Incline Merkins
6 Step Ups
7 Star Jacks
8 LBCs
9 Mountain Climbers
10 Squats
Lap of the ladder. Go up, go down. 10 of each in a row once you’ve completed the ladder.
MARY: Fellowship Mosey to Flag, stretch
ANNOUNCEMENTS: F3 in the Nude next year, Brolympics was mentioned. Tentative convergence date 11/17
COT: Atomic Habits by James Clear
The 3rd Law – Make It Easy
“Get your reps in”
Study of London cab drivers knowing the roads showed that the hippocampus (spatial memory) decreased when retired. Like weight training
Repeated motions decrease difficulty and become action. Active practice vs. passive learning
Put in your reps is the most critical step. Show up! Make them mean something.
Follow the Q, switch exercises every few minutes and Lap after 2 exercises.
– Downward Dog Knee Tucks
– Downward Dog to Chaturanga to Upward Dog (or slow dive bombers if you want to get technical)
– Boat pose with CMU Twists
– Side plank with arm raise
– Squat with CMU Curl
– Lunge with CMU tricep extensions
– Bonus burpees to mourn a CMU
MARY: stretching
ANNOUNCEMENTS: F2 at Corner 16 today
“What is the key to living such a happy life? You don’t need to follow a blueprint, you just need to live and be happy.”
There is an ultimate plan for everyone out there, but not a single blueprint (or path) that must be followed. Your path is impacted by choices you make, choices others make and by things outside of anyone’s control. So the key to enjoying today is not to put yourself down about yesterday or tomorrow.
THE THANG: Tabata 20 sec work, 10 sec rest x8 rounds
two groups, 1 on cmus, the other body weight, switching after every cycle
Mosey after completing both exercises in set
CMU elevated eccentric merkins // hand stands
CMU bent over rows // jump squats
CMU light rails (curl into arm extension) // wall sits
MARY: no time!
“The LORD is compassionate and gracious, Slow to anger and abounding in lovingkindness. He will not always strive with us, Nor will He keep His anger forever. He has not dealt with us according to our sins, Nor rewarded us according to our iniquities. For as high as the heavens are above the earth, So great is His lovingkindness toward those who fear Him.” Ps 103:8-11