F3 Knoxville


AO: the-project
Q: slappy
PAX: Biohack, Borg, Boy George, Erector, KickFlip, OBrother, Ocho, Papa Lock, slappy, Tuba (Dylan Cox), Flying Dutchman, Tom-Tom
FNGs: None
-reach for the stars/hang low
-down/up dogs
-jumping spider
-iron mikes
-friendship merkins

-we separated into 4 teams.
1. Cobra Commanders
2. Chuck Norris’s
3. The Terminators
4. The A-Team

The parking lot was the game board. Each team was given 2 oversized dice. You roll, move that many spaces, and do the exercise (based on the roll). 10 points for every complete lap and 1 pt per stop.

-Flutter kicks
-leg lifts with slow hello dollys
-Freddy mercs

-the farm kick off
-Shamruck flag handoff to @Eliza
-1/20/24 big ball convergence

I listed out some of the top ten statements that I’ve said to myself while doing F3 over the past 4 years. (Don’t have the list with me right now. I’ll update this later)

The Ocho Ocho (88) Q

AO: the-project
Q: Ocho
PAX: Flying Dutchman, Biohack, Munge, Mathlete, slappy, Icey Hot, Tom Tom, Rocket
FNGs: None
Disclaimed the brethren.

10 x each:
SSH IC, TEMPO SQUATS IC, TEMPO MERKINS IC, Mountain Climbers IC, Willie Mays Hayes, Michael Phelps

Mosey to Bell
– watch your form, don’t blitz through it…aim for perfect form.
– everyone aim to hit 88 reps, break it up 4/22 or 8/11 or whatever.
– we’ll keep working until every man feels like he got the full benefit of that set.
– When you hit 88, start doing LBCs, big boys, box cutters, or flutter kicks (something core).

88 Dips/LBCs till 6 is done
Mosey to K25

88 Bobby Hurleys/LBCs till 6 is done
Mosey to Y12

88 Lunges up the hill/LBCs till 6 is done
Mosey back to Bell

88 Merkins/LBCs till 6 is done
Mosey to Sr Center

88 Curls w/ rocks/LBCs till 6 is done
Mosey to Flag

88 Monkey Humpers/LBCs till 6 is done

We call this the Gloom.
Psalm 88 may be the gloomiest of the Psalms. Most end on hope. Not this one. But it’s so good to know God knows that we have days that feel like this and doesn’t turn us away. He calls us to cry out to Him.

Read PS 88 (NLT).

So just like in our workout: when things are gloomy, watch, wait, and pray. Check your form. Slow down. Wait on another guy. Know that God hears you even in the gloom.

Before you know it the gloom will be over. At least till next time.

ROCO launch convergence. 12 Pains @ JUCO Wed.


Travel the four corners

AO: the-project
Q: Mathlete
PAX: skewer, Biohack, KickFlip, OBrother, Erector, Rocket, Tom Tom, Mathlete
FNGs: None
WARMUP: Projectivators, tempo squats, grady corn, cherry pickers
Four corner stations and a center pile. Do a center exercise, then go to a station. Try to complete the card.
Curls x15
Tri-Extensions x15
Thrusters x10
Blockees x5
Air x30
Heavy x20
Double Heavy x10
Hand Release x20
Derkin x20
Plyo x20
Kettlebell Swings
25 x12
35 x8
50 x6
Kettlebell Rows
25 x12
35 x8
50 x6
Sand Bag OHP
40 x12
60 x8
80 x6
Sand bag OH Throw
40 x12
60 x8
80 x6
Core Legs
Dolly Kicks x20
Box Cutters x20
Heavy Freddies x20
Big Boys
Basic x24
Heavy x16
MARY: No time
ANNOUNCEMENTS: GTE prep event, Christmas party, RoCo Launch
Phillipians 2:5-11
5 In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus:
6 Who, being in very nature[a] God,
did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage;
7 rather, he made himself nothing
by taking the very nature[b] of a servant,
being made in human likeness.
8 And being found in appearance as a man,
he humbled himself
by becoming obedient to death—
even death on a cross!
9 Therefore God exalted him to the highest place
and gave him the name that is above every name,
10 that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow,
in heaven and on earth and under the earth,
11 and every tongue acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord,
to the glory of God the Father.

Christmas is coming and as we enter the season of preparation I think it is good to bring to mind its deep significance.
Born – Died – Raised or incarnation – crucifixion – resurrection
Christmas remembers the first of these, the incarnation, and I think sometimes we don’t see its significance to salvation. God comes down to us. He made the move.
This is a deep thread, when the high comes down to the low. It resonates. When the officer eats last, when the general leads the charge. When a father breaks his back to provide or a mother starves to feed her children.
CS Lewis makes much of this in his writing. God’s descent into the human form forever transforms it.

F3 Quarter Murph Repeats

AO: the-project
Q: Munge
PAX: Erector, Papa Lock, Ocho, OBrother, Tom Tom, Mathlete, slappy, Rocket, Munge
FNGs: None

10 side straddle hops
10 lil baby arm circles, both directions
10 tempo merkins
5 cherry pickers
Execute the F3 Quarter Murph Repeats workout until recovery
Upcoming Christmas party @ Data’s place
Prepping for Haw Ridge event
Walking in the Spirit essential for any meaningful Christian life. The Spirit as embodiment of union between Jesus and His Father, also vital in our union with Christ. Identity of being “in Him” primary focus of the Christian walk.

East End Tour

AO: the-project
Q: Mathlete
PAX: Ocho, Icey Hot, Mathlete, OBrother, Comfort Zone, Erector, Papa Lock, TACMAN, Flying Dutchman
FNGs: None

WARMUP: Projectivators, overhead claps
Head to recruiting center with a couple sprints along the way.
Before we get blocks, 3 sets of 5: shoulder taps, pickle pounders, iron Mikes, pull-ups
grab blocks and go to bank hill.
15 Heavy LBCs, Freddie’s, and Dolly kicks plus 5 backworms. farmer carry to top and back, short 5 paces and repeat 3 times.
head up to theater steps, pyramid of 5, 10, 15, 20 curls, OHP, Tri Ext, Derkins, stairs between rounds.
then return the blocks and return to flag with a final sprint
MARY: no time
I gave some perspective on protein that I gleaned from an Art of Manliness podcast: podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9mZWVkcy5zaW1wbGVjYXN0LmNvbS9henkzM0c4Xw/episode/NWU2NmE3YTktNjAwZi00YWNiLTliMDEtZDlkNmUwMmUzNWRm?ep=14

Basics are you need 0.5 to 0.8 g of protein per pound of bodyweight. Protein synthesis gets kicked off by 3 g of the amino acid leucine, so eat a good protein meal twice a day. Almost impossible to get the 9 essential amino acids on a vegan diet without a dietician.