F3 Knoxville

Back To School

AO: the-project
Q: Biohack (Andrew Ditmer)
PAX: Ocho (Matt Hudson), skewer, Mathlete (Jacob Platfoot), Biohack (Andrew Ditmer), Munge (Nathaniel Bond), Rocket (dave weston), Comfort Zone (Colin Courtney), OBrother (Luke Platfoot), Tom Tom (Peter Thies), Fire inthe Hole (Dave Duhamel)
FNGs: None
1. Projectivator
2. Run a lap around the parking lot
a. Bernie
b. High knees
c. Butt kicks
3. Tempo squats
4. Run a lap
a. Tempo merkins
b. Seal squats
c. Cherry pickers


1. Mosey to the front doors of Oak Ridge High School.
2. Travel merkins up the steps. (hold Al Gore for the six).
3. Dora time! (1 pax doing reps; the other running the bus loop)
a. 100 merkins
b. 200 big boys
c. 300 squats
4. Tennis court abs
a. 25 box cutters
b. 25 flutter kicks
c. 25 heels to heaven
d. 25 Basilisks
e. 25 Freddy Mercuries
f. 50 LBCs
5. Relay race
a. 2 or 3 teams
b. Sprint across the parking lot
c. Do 1 burpee
d. Sprint back and tag your teammate


Metric 1 – July

AO: the-project
Q: KickFlip (David Greer)
PAX: Mathlete (Jacob Platfoot), Biohack (Andrew Ditmer), Rocket (dave weston), Ocho (Matt Hudson), skewer, slappy (Nathan Evers), Erector (Jason Champion), Borg (Mark McKeever), Munge (Nathaniel Bond), Tom Tom (Peter Thies), KickFlip (David Greer), Headshot
FNGs: None
• Tempo squats
• Rockettes
• OYO while I explain the workout

Metric Workout #1
30 minutes to get as many cumulative reps as you can. The following list of exercises are performed in sets of 25 reps. After completing each set of 25 reps, run 25 yards (6 parking spaces), do 2 burpees, and return for the next set. Here are the exercises:
• 150 curls
• 125 heavy squats
• 100 OHP
• 75 CMU swings
• 50 Thrusters
• 25 Blockees
When you finish the blockees, start over and push until the timer is up. Once through the circuit is 525 reps. How many cumulative reps?

Four Minutes of Funny. 4-minutes of plank. Each PAX tells a joke to keep us distracted.

F3 in the Nude. Shovelflag handoff. Ruck BFF. Dad’s Camp.

COT: Specific to relationships…Whatever it is that you feel inadequate in, be curious, be teachable, seek counsel and pro tips. Ask for guidance in the areas of your heart that you feel inadequate. You can learn pro tips to share emotions, deal with conflict in a healthy way, pray in a group – or whatever else you feel inadequate about doing when it comes to relationships.

Proverbs 14:15, “The simple believe anything, but the prudent give thought to their steps”.

Proverbs 12:15, The way of a fool is right in his own eyes,
But a wise man is he who listens to counsel”

Proverbs 19:20, “Listen to counsel and accept discipline,
That you may be wise the rest of your days.”

James 1:5, “If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him.”

The blackness of discipline

AO: the-project
Q: Mathlete (Jacob Platfoot)
PAX: Biohack (Andrew Ditmer), Papa Lock (Chris McCarthy), Ocho (Matt Hudson), Fire inthe Hole (Dave Duhamel), Munge (Nathaniel Bond), Comfort Zone (Colin Courtney), Rocket (dave weston), Mathlete (Jacob Platfoot)
FNGs: None

hairy Rockettes, windmills, cherry pickers, LBACs, Grady corn, projectivators
Mosey to each spot and do 3 sets
Fountain – 20 derkins, 20 split squats
Playground – 7 pull ups, 10 Bobby Hurleys
Pool wall – 5 wall ups, 15 gas pumpers
Parallel bars – 15 BBS, 15 Inv Rows
Bell – 10 drydocks, 20 step ups
Corners – 3 8-ct body builders and sprint
K-5 hill – 7s of squats and merkins
no time
Biohack will be taking the flag on August 3rd, be there.
Why does F3 love the color Black? because black is the color of discipline. Why? Because discipline takes place primarily in secret, invisible to all others. For example, the discipline to post is founded on a thousand small decisions made during the hours leading up to it, from your dinner, to your drinking, to your sleep, to your alarm clock. By the time you make it to the parking lot, 80% of the work is already done.


THE SCENE: Humid and gloomy. Storms threatened, but were ultimately scared of us.

  • Side straddle hops
  • Run around the parking lot
    • High knees
    • Bernie
    • Butt kicks
  • Tempo merkins
  • Tempo squats
  • Cherry pickers



  • M – Relationship with your wife – your center
    • 100 merkins
    • Hold Al Gore for the 6
  • Shorties – Relationship with your kids – your legacy
    • 50 LBCs
    • 50 flutter kicks
    • 50 Freddy Mercuries
    • Hold plank for the 6
  • Shieldlock – Your team for mutual defense
    • 100 step ups
    • Dips for the 6
  • Whetstone – Mentor/mentee
    • 20 burpees – it’s hard, but it makes you better
    • Hold Al Gore for the 6
  • Mammon – Your work, love it or hate it
    • Run 2 laps
    • Wagon wheel for the 6

Pappa Lock destroyed our arms, then Snaggletooth our abs, and Oh Brother led some Basilisks


  • How do you measure success in your life? Money? Things? Friends? Church attendance? Fitness?
  • Wrong scoreboards!
  • The Concentrica should be our scoreboard as seen from a Biblical worldview.
  • We should measure our success by the quality of the relationships we have on the Concentrica.
  • Which of these 5 rings are you missing in your life?
  • Which of them do you need to invest more in?

Family workout on Saturday.  Next weekend is F3 in the Nude. GTE Baseline ruck is August 5. F3 Dad camp is August 11-13.

Quality Time With Sandy – Forg3 Tour

The Scene 

  • The Project
  • 5:30am – 6:15am
  • Weather, etc

F3 Welcome + Disclaimer

  • Welcome to F3: Fitness – Fellowship – Faith 
  • My name is Steam and I’ll be your Q this morning 
  • A few things before we begin: 
    • I’m not a professional 
    • You’re here on your own volition
    • You know your injuries if you have any so if you need to modify anything we do today feel free to do so, but push yourselves and the men around you. They deserve it and so do you. 
  • FNGs? – 0


  • SSH: 10×4
  • Squat: 10×4
  • Merkin: 10×4
  • Cherry Pickers: 10×4
  • Chattanooga Cherry Pickers: 51×4
  • Cherry Pickers: 2×4
  • 5 burpees

The Thang 

Heavy Day @ The Project

(1) Intro to Sandy Warm Up

  • Battle buddy up
  • Sandy – 1 120lb, 2 40lb
  • 1 BB stays here and executes the following: 
    • 5 deadlifts 
    • 5 rows 
    • 5 one-hand on merkins 
    • 5 Chest presses 
  • BB2 takes a lap around the parking lot 
  • Rinse and repeat for a total of 2x – each BB does this twice 

(Take sandbags on the move to the bench and B post to the right)

(2) Sandy Strength 

  • 3 points of contact 
    • Bench 
    • Light 1 on the left 
    • Light 2 on the left
  • Get with your BB again 
  • Do this as a team 
    • Here:
      • 5 Sandy squats 
      • 5 merkins (Sandy or not)
      • 5 presses (back or standing up depending on your weight)
      • 5 Sandy drop offs (deadlift – drop – use your core) 
    • Figure out a way to take your weight to Light 1
    • Light 1
      • 10 of each X
    • Figure out a way to take your weight to light 2
      • 15 of each X
  • When you finish at light 3 — flutter kicks until the 6 is up 

(3) Around Town With Sandy

  • You and your BB are going to carry your weight around the loop back to the AO
    • Stopping at each light:
      • 10 merkins (no Sandy)
      • 10 squats (no Sandy)
      • Switch weights at every light
  • Last light is the one straight across from the 🇺🇸

(4) American Indian Run with The Twins

  • American Indian run around the AO parking lot
  • 1 man executes 5 sandbag suitcase pickups and then yells “Done” – alerting the man in front to circle back to the sandbags and execute 5 sandbag suitcase pickups
  • Rise and repeat until every man has complete the sandbag X
  • BTTW to the flag on the last lap




COT (Circle of Trust)

Count Off

  • 10

Name o Rama

  • Papa Lock, Mathlete, Snaggletooth, Biohack, Borg, Skewer, Kick-Flip, Ocho, Slappy, Comfort Zone, Steam

Word — Forg3 2023


We are rolling out our first F3 Knoxville men’s retreat this fall – Forg3! Forg3 was created with F3 men in mind – to strengthen the bonds we have with each other and our Creator, over the course of a weekend retreat.

Forge (v.) – to shape and mold into a new condition, by heating in a fire / to move forward gradually and steadily.

Forg3 (n.) – an invigorating 40-hour weekend retreat to challenge and encourage F3 men in their pursuit of high impact manhood. You can expect to engage with other men in 1st, 2nd, and 3rd F sessions, to better understand who you are, whose you are, and the High Impact Man God has called you to be. You’ll have opportunities throughout the weekend to seek adventure, to rest, and to sharpen iron with other F3 men physically, mentally, emotionally, relationally, and spiritually.

If you love adventure of the heart, mind, body, and soul – Forg3 is for you. Forg3 was created for F3 men, by F3 men, as a way to engage together for a purposeful and relationally-driven weekend to step further into the men God has called us to be.

Here are the fast facts about Forg3 2023:

  • Dates: Friday, September 22nd (7pm) – Sunday, September 24th (11am)
  • Location: Doe River Gorge (Hampton, TN)
    • Situated in the F3 Northeast TN region up near Johnson City and Elizabethton, Doe River Gorge’s campus is tucked into the side of a mountain and offers incredible beauty, very clean and comfortable cabins by the river, and miles and miles of adventures to be had.
    • From Knoxville: only around 1.5 – 2 hour drive
  • Cost: $110 (Covers all of your lodging, meals, and retreat materials for the weekend)
    • Via Venmo or cash to Waxjob