F3 Knoxville

12 Rainy Pains of Christmas

AO: the-project
Q: Biohack
PAX: Biohack, Mathlete, Ocho, LeatherSquid, Icey Hot, OBrother, Flying Dutchman
FNGs: None
-Cherry Pickers
-Tempo merkins
-Imperial Squalkers
-Prone rows

On the back porch of the Senior Center (due to rain). Perform #1, run to the pool wall, do 5 wall ups, run back. Perform #2 + #1, run & wall up, etc

1. Burpee
2. Imperial Squalkers
3. Basilisks
4. Merkins
5. Big Boys
6. Lunges
7. Side straddle hops
8. Prone rows
9. Diamond merkins
10. Heels to heaven
11. Squats
12. Burpees

Elijah comes out of nowhere in 1 Kings. He challenges and beats the prophets of Baal on Mt. Carmel, but then flees and goes into hiding immediately after in 1 Kings 19.

The Lord brings him to a mountain and “passes by.” There is a windstorm, an earthquake, and a fire, but the Lord was not in those. He was in the gentle whisper after the storms. In this quiet moment, the Lord spoke to Elijah and solved his problems. He told him to anoint new kings and a new prophet to assist him.

The Lord often speaks to us in the quiet moments. How can we still our minds and our lives so we can listen?

December metric

AO: the-project
Q: Mathlete
PAX: Biohack, Ocho, OBrother, Icey Hot, Erector, Munge, Flying Dutchman, Mathlete, Haggis
FNGs: None

Windmills, cherry pickers, tempo merkins, mountain climbers
1: Burpees x 5
2: 1 + Squat Thrusters with CMU x 10
3: 1-2 + CMU Bicep Curls x 15
4: 1-3 + Merkins x 20
5: 1-4 + Little Baby Crunches (LBCs) x 25
6: 1-5 + Lunges x 30 (15 each leg)
7: 1-6 + Carolina Dry Docks x 35
8: 1-7 + Mountain Climbers x 40 (two-count)
9: 1-8 + Goblet Squats with CMU x 45
10: 1-9 + American Hammer with CMU x 50 (single-count)
no time
convergences Jan 6 Arsenal, Jan 20 big ball
We live in a culture that tends to value masculine virtues like strength and courage, but feminine virtues are just as important. One of these is vulnerability. Vulnerability is showcased especially during Christmas, when God, who is most powerful, chooses to lower himself to the place of the most vulnerable, a baby human, living in a country oppressed by a conquering nation, to poor parents. Jesus demonstrates this virtue throughout his ministry with the climax at Calvary, when he gives himself up to his enemies, though he had legions of angels at his call. He preferred His own suffering and death at their hands over the destruction of His enemies. Vulnerability is necessary for any relationship. Ocho gave us a great quote from CS Lewis’s Four Loves about how vulnerability is a non-negotiable part of love. With those stakes, we better learn to be vulnerable.

Super Tuesday

AO: the-project
Q: Unibráu (Nick Robinson)
PAX: slappy, Erector, Tom Tom, Snaggletooth (Elijah Tafao), Rocket, 3-Peat (Carlos Rodriguez), Mathlete, Icey Hot, OBrother, Biohack, Borg, Flying Dutchman
FNGs: None

Preparation Drills
Conditioning Drill 1 and 2, followed by super 21s
Flutter kicks, scissor kicks and side crunches.
COT: Stay consistent and keep progressing.

12 Heavy Pains of Christmas

AO: the-project
Q: Biohack
PAX: Erector, Flying Dutchman, Biohack, OBrother, slappy, Papa Lock, Tom Tom, Feeny, Munge
FNGs: None
-Cherry Pickers
-Tempo Merkins

Death march to hill on ORAU campus parking lot. Then do the first exercise, run up and down the hill, do 2 + 1, run, do 3 +2 + 1, run, etc. Just like the song.

1. Blockee
2. Elves on the shelf
3. Thrusters
4. Derkins
5. Big Boys
6. Lunges
7. Curls
8. Rows
9. Diamond derkins
10. Tricep extensions
11. Squats
12. Blockees

This month, billions of people around the world will celebrate the birth of a Jewish baby in a town in a land that they don’t think Jews lived in before 1948.

The current conflict (and past and future ones) were foretold in Genesis to Abraham by God. He promised that the decedents of his 2 sons would fight until the end times.


AO: the-project
Q: slappy
PAX: Biohack, Borg, Boy George, Erector, KickFlip, OBrother, Ocho, Papa Lock, slappy, Tuba (Dylan Cox), Flying Dutchman, Tom-Tom
FNGs: None
-reach for the stars/hang low
-down/up dogs
-jumping spider
-iron mikes
-friendship merkins

-we separated into 4 teams.
1. Cobra Commanders
2. Chuck Norris’s
3. The Terminators
4. The A-Team

The parking lot was the game board. Each team was given 2 oversized dice. You roll, move that many spaces, and do the exercise (based on the roll). 10 points for every complete lap and 1 pt per stop.

-Flutter kicks
-leg lifts with slow hello dollys
-Freddy mercs

-the farm kick off
-Shamruck flag handoff to @Eliza
-1/20/24 big ball convergence

I listed out some of the top ten statements that I’ve said to myself while doing F3 over the past 4 years. (Don’t have the list with me right now. I’ll update this later)