F3 Knoxville

Columbian Necktie Returns…Again…

Bomb Shelter

THE SCENE: It was a beautiful morning. Mid 60s I think.

30 SSH, Plank, 10 Dancing Bears, Pistol Squats 10 each leg, 8 Cherry Pickers, Follow the Drifter warmup run to the kiddy slope(buttkicks, highknees, etc.)

Columbian Necktie. Basically a burpee but with an Absoultion (Catalina Wine Mixer) at the bottom in stead of a merkin. 20 cones. Run to the first cone and back and do 1 CNT, then the second and do 2. etc. etc. all the way to 20 (farthest made it to 16 today).
Did some Flutter Kicks and Heals to Heaven to “Thunder” by Imagine Dragons. Basically anytime the chorus started, you’d switch from flutter kicks to pulsing Heals to heaven. 10 Hello Dollies, then LBCs for time.

I played that song from Fiddler on the Roof that has the chorus “TRADITION!!!” at the beginning of the beatdown. Columbian Necktie is a bit of a tradition at the bombshelter, but it’s not the most important thing. It reminds me of Matthew 15:1-9 where Jesus calls out some of the super righteous people for upholding a tradition rather than a command of God. There’s a book by Francis Chan called “Letters to the Church” where he makes the point that the Church has started to do the same thing. We are clearly commanded in scripture to love one another and be united. Yet, how many churches split and denominations are created over pieces of theology or traditions that have no clear root in the teachings of Jesus or scripture? Why are we making these traditions so dang important that we miss the commands of Jesus? Let’s take a look at our own lives where we’ve upheld some random thing as the most important, when it isn’t. Can we let go of that stuff for the sake of unity and brotherly love?

Letters to the Church: https://www.amazon.com/Letters-Church-Francis-Chan/dp/0830776583

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