F3 Knoxville

Crazy 8s

AO: rampart
Q: Outnumbered (Daniel Hildebrandt)
PAX: Skeletor (Tyson Canup), Wingman (Maverick Gregory), Feeny (Josh Banken), Shakira (Jonathan Barker)
FNGs: None

SSH, Knoxville Cherry Pickers, Willie Mays Hays, Squats, misc shoulders

Crazy 8s – alternate Bernie / Mosey from station to station. When you’re done with an exercise, hold something (high/low plank, Al Gore, leg raise, etc) until 6 is in
08 – Burpees – by the flag
16 – Merkins – next light pole
32 – Big Boys – 18ish parking spots further
64 – Monkey Humpers (single count) – by the sign
32 – Air press w/ Toe Merkins
16 – Undertakers
08 – Burpees – by the flag
16 – Box Cutters
32 – Squats
64 – Pickle pointers – by the sign
32 – SSH (single count)
16 – Freddie Mercurys
08 – Burpees – by the flag

Dodgeball on the soccer field. Melee, no concept of “you’re out”. A hit to the head is 5 burpees, torso/arms is 5 merkins, legs is 5 big boys (and no, you can’t be “hit” while your exercising). For a catch, the catcher gets to pick what the thrower does.

I don’t recall where I saw it this week, but in his first letter to Timothy, Paul says to him… “You know, physical exercise is all right, but it’s spiritual exercise that’s really important, because godliness is of value in both this life and the next.”

That’s certainly not area I excel at exercising in… I’ve been working out with you guys for five months now, and this is my fifth beatdown in the past week. That’s about four hours of hard-core exercise, maybe another three of driving, a couple hours of mumblechatter and coffeteria… so maybe ten hours total.

Have I spent that much time in the past week on spiritual exercise? Nope. In some ways, it’s easier to neglect, because it doesn’t have the obvious immediate impact, but Paul’s right that it is more important in the long run.

I know there’s no switch I can flip to suddenly get better at that, but I do think that F3 can be a part of being better and more deliberate about exercising our 3rd-F; by ourselves, with our families, and together. If you’ve got any practical advice, please share it here or in slack, and please encourage me and each other in pursuit of spiritual exercise.