F3 Knoxville

Double Quarter Pounder with Bacon Please!


THE SCENE: 72 degrees with 940% Humidity. Porta-potties onsite just incase we have any more “Bobby Hurleys”
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER:Checkity, check check

15 SSH

10 Tempo Merkins

10 Tempo Squats

10 LBAC (Forward and Backward)

10 Moroccan Night Clubs

10 Chattanooga Cherry Pickers

5 Knoxville Cherry Pickers

Stretch-’em if ya got ’em.

Everyone looked hungry this morning luckily brought some Quarter Pounders with me this morning. Markers set up at 25, 50, 75, and 100 Yards. Sprint to marker and do certain exercise, then Bernie back.

  • 25-Merkins at the 25
  • 50 Big Boys at the 50
  • 75 Squats at the 75
  • 100 SSH at the 100

Quick 10 count, but boys still look a little hungry so we decided to supersize and turn our Quarter Pounder into a Double with Bacon.

  • 25 Baby Burpees at the 25
  • 50 2 Count American Hammers at the 50
  • 75 Jump Squats at the 75
  • 100 SSH at the 100

Everyone looked pretty full so we circled up for a game of Rochamburpee. Wingman/Swapmeet tied with Bobbit/Foghorn Leghorn for the Win.

Mary go round of Dealers Choice

10 Awesome Men (2 FNG’s Feeny & Fertilizer!!)
Little devotional about praying I’ve jumped back into because I have definitely been lacking or missing something from it. 2 Timothy 1:7 tells us The spirit God gives us does not make us timid but gives us power, love and self-discipline. I know I tend to keep my prayer request “safe” or easy in a sense. I don’t really ask God to do “Godly” things cause I’m afraid to ask to much or seem needy. But the pastor that introduced this devotional put it this way. If you had kids and they came up to you in absolute fear and timidness just to ask you something, it would break your heart how scared they are of you or how lacking of self respect they have to ask that way. Hebrews 4:16 says Let us come boldly to the throne of our gracious God. There we will receive his mercy, and we will find grace to help us when we need it most. So keep that in mind when you talk to god, that you are to come to him in confidence, in self-discipline and with power, love and respect.
Prayers for all the kids starting school; all our HIMs out with injuries or traveling, or just fartsacking.
Hardship Hill is creeping up on us. They’re looking for help with sponsorship and other things. If you’d like to Volunteer or help out hit Bobbitt up he’ll get you connected.

2nd F gathering coming up this month sometime details coming soon from Mr. Airborne.