F3 Knoxville

Gameday Games

Asylum Daybreak
AO: asylum-daybreak
Q: Steam
PAX: Pele (Jon Lindberg), Pusher, Crawdad (Robbi Dickens), Dain Bramage (Will Olson), Choir Boy, Farley, Lilydipper, Crash Dummy, Doubtfire (Nick Bond), High Heels
FNGs: None
– SSH: 50×4
– Willie Mays Hayes: 6×4
– Baby Arm Circle F: 10×4
– Baby Arm Circle B: 10×4
– Hillbilly: 10×4

Mosey to El Dorado (The Lost City)

(1) Mini-OCR
– Divide into 2 teams
– The Route (POCs)
– Start/End: Picnic Table
– Run across the log bridge
– 10 merkins
– Run to Stonehenge
– 10 merkins
– Run to the big log + crawl through
– Run across the bridge
– 10 merkins
– Run around the Lincoln log village and run across the stumps
– Just do this once
– If you’re not running – continually rotate through these 4 Xs:
– 15 LBCs
– 15 Dips
– 15 Toe Touches
– 15 CDDs

10 count or so
Mosey to the middle of the Coliseum Overlook
– Stop Signs = 10 squats

(2) BB Ladder
– Get a BB
– Rock Pile: 15 curls
– Stairs: Rocky Balboas
– Top of Coliseum: Chest Presses
– Admin Doors: 15 Monkey Humpers
– Movement
– Think of it as a chain reaction ladder
– 1st BB goes down to grab a rock and knock out 15 curls / 2nd BB stays at the stairs and knocks out continuous rocky balboas
– Carries rock to the other BB
– Switch rock possession
– 1st BB stays at the stairs and knocks out continuous Rocky balboas / 2nd battle buddy rifle carries the rock to the top of the coliseum
– When he gets to the top, that’s the signal to converge on his location
– Switch rock possession
– 1st BB knocks out continuous chest presses / 2nd BB runs to the admin doors and knocks out 15 monkey humpers
– Comes back down and takes the rock back down to the rock pile / other BB stays at the stairs
– The BB start points are now switched
– Each person gets to hit each station / movement

Put rocks back
Mosey to the Bros Bowl
Every football pass dropped = 5 merkins

(3) Bros Bowl Nickel, Dime, Quarter
– 5 man-makers here at 6
– Run up to the top (12)
– 5 incline merkins
– 10 Incline Plank Jacks
– 25 Imperial Walkers

Mosey to the NP (New Pav)

(4) The Pavilion 200
– 100 table pull-ups at the NP
– 100 incline merkins at the BP (Big Pav)
– Organize them however you’d like (100:100, 4 rounds of 50 each, etc.)

Mosey back to the AO parking lot

30×4 SSH


There’s a lot of buzz about this game tonight, when Tennessee takes on Oklahoma. As I was looking up some of the stories and quotes and info around tonight, there are a couple that really popped out at me.

Josh Huepel’s return to Oklahoma
– He won a national championship as a Heisman Trophy runner up QB for Oklahoma
– Later coached there as the OC and was then fired
– This reminds me of another story where someone was fired, but it had a different ending as well
– In Genesis 37 we see a gifted young man get fired — from his own family.
– Joseph’s brothers essentially fired him, throwing him into a pit and then eventually selling him.
– But then — how does the story come back around?
– “As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good, to bring it about that many people should be kept alive, as they are today.”
– ‭‭Genesis‬ ‭50‬:‭20‬ ‭ESV‬‬

Even though you may go through experiences of “being fired” or “cancelled” as the current language would say, it’s not the end of the story.

Eric Cain (covers the Vols for volsquest)
– You can only play the team in front of you.
– Referring to TN destroying Kent State but the fact that it was Kent State

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