F3 Knoxville


AO: rampart
Q: Wingman (Maverick Gregory)
PAX: Outnumbered (Daniel Hildebrandt), (Binks) Caleb McDaniel, Wingman (Maverick Gregory), Gloria
FNGs: None
10 SSH
10 Tempo Squats
10 Willie Mays Hayes
6 Cherry Pickers
100 blades + Samson
10 LBAC (Foreward+Backward)

Gross 12 Excercises 12 Reps PAX choose

Burpees, Diamond Merkins, TN rocking Chairs, Lay down Pull-Ups, One arm rows, dips, step ups, mosey, monkey humpers, lunges, big boys, burpees

Love is patient and kind; lately I’ve been struggling with finding patience for my children. But if we look back at Jesus, his first reaction was always love. No matter what he may have been going through he was always patient and showed love before anything.