F3 Knoxville

Help From My Friends

The Project
AO: the-project
Q: Biohack
PAX: Borg, OBrother, Mathlete, Flying Dutchman, Munge, Biohack, Tuba (Dylan Cox), Tom Tom, Icey Hot
FNGs: None
– Projectivator
– Tempo squat
– Arm circles
– Cherry Pickers

1. Mosey to the recruiting center
2. Grab a block and carry to the movie theater stairs
3. Deck of cards
1. Take turns flipping a card
2. Do reps per number on card
3. PAX assigned suits exercises
1. After each PAX had a turn flipping a card, run up and down the stairs
2. Pick new exercises for the suits

Burpees on the way back to the shovel flag

– Family workout on May 25
– Hardship Hill on May 27

The past 10 months have been very stressful and busy at work, but I’ve been able to rely on my brothers at F3. They’ve been dependable, encouraging, and at Shield Lock they’ve helped me through tough times.

This workout also illustrated their help as together we led the workout. Each PAX helped by picking exercises for the suits on their turn. I am honored and grateful to be a part of F3 at The Project.