F3 Knoxville

Lieutenant Dan!

AO: rampart
Q: Lucille (Austin Williams)
PAX: Stetson (Cayden Emory), Airborne (Chase Perkins), Candy Crush (Reese Banken), Eric Cruz (Spielberg), Feeny (Josh Banken), GoDaddy (Zack Williamson), Lucille (Austin Williams), Piston (Ralton Emory), Runaway Bride (Seth Strahan), Skeletor (Tyson Canup), Wingman (Maverick Gregory), Porthole
FNGs: None
WARMUP: 10 CMU swings, 10 Shoulder to shoulder, 5hand release merkins, 10 wide Squats, 4 Knoxville Cherry pickers, shoulder blast
THE THANG: 5 rounds of forward raises followed by over head presses, isolated curls, extensions, flat bench. All seated. Alternating 10,15,20,25 rep count rotating each round. Final round everything 30 reps to equal 100 of each. Then bent over rows/ Big Boy 11’s starting at the 5/6 halfway point.
MARY: CMU V sit hot potato
COT: A Little Fellow Follows Me.