F3 Knoxville

May Metric 5K

The Project
AO: the-project
Q: Munge
PAX: Mathlete, Munge, Ocho, OBrother, Tuba (Dylan Cox), Moonlighter, Flying Dutchman, Old Bay, Traxis
FNGs: None
– Side Straddle Hops
– Lunges
– Tempo Squats
– Cherry Pickers
Made up the May metric by doing 12 laps around the Friendship Bell track; extra .1 mile made up moseying to the bell
No time for Mary
Dragon Boat tonight
“Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth” (Col. 3:2 ESV).

Sometimes referred to as seeing things from the divine perspective
Good thing we often fail to do merely out of default
Dilemma: difficult to actively pursue this mindset and be about other things
Need to make it a discipline, automatic
Danger: easy to make God whatever we want him to be, idolatry
Need to abide in the word to have an accurate understanding of who God is
Examples of thinking, feeling, doing with the divine perspective; exercise, work, identity, compassion