F3 Knoxville

Moving day (Extra Heavy)

AO: rampart
Q: Skeletor (Tyson Canup)
PAX: No Treble (Drake Vilendrer), Lucille (Austin Williams), Wingman (Maverick Gregory), Airborne (Chase Perkins), Super Soaker, Mo’Raka
FNGs: 1 Mo’Raka
WARMUP: SSH, Tempo Merkin, Tempo Squat, LBC’s. KCP’s, LBAC-f, LBAC-b, more shoulder, Windmills, High Knees
THE THANG: Strap on your ruck and grab a CMU and Mosey to the slide where the 80lb body bag awaits, circle up. One PAX climbs the slide with the bag, slides the bag down first, then slides down himself, carries the bag to the next man, Rinse & Repeat, the PAX not on the slide are curling CMU’s. Repeat for three rounds.
Mosey to the waters edge where the 100lb sand medicine ball awaits. Same cycle, only one PAX pushes the med ball up the ramp and back down while the rest of the PAX are performing bent over rows. Everyone pushes, then we move.
Mosey to the playground where we ditch the rucks and CMU’s. Every PAX completes 20 squats with the 80lb bag on back rack. The other PAX are holding Al Gore and cheering on the man holding the bag.
MARY: Mosey to the flag
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Airborne on Q at rampart tomorrow, 6pm OTB at Birdhouse on Thursday, Biohack brings ultimate frisbee on Saturday.