F3 Knoxville

Return of Bubba and the Scooter Q

Big Ball
AO: bigball
Q: FixerUpper , Magic Mic (Jarrett Woodall), Wedding Singer
PAX: Soot, John Deere, Cecil the Scooter
FNGs: 1 Cecil the Scooter
WARMUP: SSH, tempo merkins, tempo squats, hamstring stretch, Michael Phelps

THE THANG: mosey to parking lot on Cumberland Ave near 11th St. where wedding singer, bubba, and Cecil are waiting.

Wedding Singer leads from his scooter
Tabata timer 42 seconds of exercise 8 seconds rest
1 leg merkins
Big boi sit-ups with CMU
Heels to heaven
Leg raises
CMU Overhead press
CMU curls
CMU tricep extension

Progression exercises
One round with CMU
One round with medicine ball
10 blockees
20 thrusters
30 squirrels

Magic Mic leads
11s merkins and big boi sit-ups

FixerUpper leads
Medicine ball bocce
2 teams, do a burpee and toss medicine ball. Closest toss to the cone wins
Losing team has to do an exercise of the winner’s choice

MARY: no
ANNOUNCEMENTS: GTE training 12/2 at asylum
COT: good to see wedding singer (and Bubba) back at F3 post foot surgery.
Word posted in channel already.