F3 Knoxville

Seeing the Good in Others

AO: asylum-pm
Q: Lilydipper
PAX: Pusher, Lizzy, Pele (Jon Lindberg), Crash Dummy, High Heels (Henry Ritchie), Abacus, CRISPR, Brick, Doubtfire (Nick Bond), Curveball
FNGs: None
WARMUP: 20 Side Straddle Hops, 10 Mountain Climbers, 10 Backwards Lunges, 7 Twistees, 7 Pterodactyls forward and 7 backward.

THE THANG: Mosey to the parking lot with the nice restrooms. We will bear crawl 10 paces, then lunge 10 paces and repeat that pattern until we are 2/3 of the way across the parking lot. Then sprint to the curb.
Mosey to the Caribbean Parking Lot. We will sprint to one island, and Bernie to next, repeating the pattern until we reach the end of the parking lot.
Sprint to sidewalk that leads to Bros Bowl.
Mosey to the Bros Bowl. We will run counterclockwise up the inside sidewalk to the benches. Those arriving to the benches first do bench dips until the six arrives. Then, we all will do 20 Incline Merkins in cadence. Then mosey back down the Bros Bowl. Those reaching the bottom first do Calf Raises until the six arrives.
Mosey to the soccer field parking lot. We will be going clockwise around the parking lot, stopping at every crosswalk to do one of the listed exercises. Those reaching the second crosswalk on the other side first sweep everyone back to the starting point.
Here are the exercises:
Round 1: Sprint to each crosswalk and do 20 Merkins at each

Round 2: Bernie to each crosswalk and do 20 Baby Crunches

Mosey to the small courtyard area. We will do 10 step ups at each step to the top
Mosey to the entry of parking lot that goes past the Outdoor Chapel. We will do 20 Rocky Balboas on curb.
Mosey to parking lot with Nice Restroom. We will first do 10 Imperial Walkers. Next, we will Bernie half way across and sprint the rest of the way.
Mosey to AO parking lot.
Starting at the parking lot spaces on the West Side of the parking lot we will Bear Crawl six parking spaces, the spring to East Curb and back to West Curb. We will then repeat the pattern but go down to 5 parking spaces, then 4, etc, until we repeat the pattern bear crawling only 1 space.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: We appreciate those who stepped up to help Back Flow and his family after the new birth in the family.


Prayers for Back Flow and his family after the birth of new baby. Prayers for Jenner and praise for his recovery. Prayers for Sparkler as he faces surgery in April for his prostate cancer. Prayers for Lizzy’s father-in-law, Ralph, as his cancer is worse and he will go off treatment. Prayers for Lizzy’s mother and for Lizzy. Prayers for Dray, friend of Crash Dummy, who has injury to muscle in his leg. Prayers for all F3 brothers facing hardships at this time.

My mother-in-law, who I called Saint Ruby, passed away in early January. She has a very positive impact on the life of many people. During the visitation before her funeral it was wonderful for me to hear stories from so many people about how Ruby had impacted their lives.
My wife, Jan, was brave enough to speak at Ruby’s funeral. In her message, she talked about some important lessons learned from Ruby:
1. Start each day with Jesus and stay with Jesus each day
2. Lose the you and focus on God and others.
3. See the good in others.
I have spoken before about point #2 and want to talk about point #3 today.
Ruby thought most folks were doing their best most of the time. She truly saw the good in others. As an avid Kentucky Wildcats basketball fan, the only possible exceptions to this seeing good in others were Christian Laetner, Billy Packer, and assorted basketball referees).
She loved the song, “He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands” and she would keep the faith that God had you in His Hands, even when you couldn’t manage that kind of faith” I often asked Ruby to pray for me. It was as if she had some kind of connection to God that helped me to know that things were going to turn out ok.
If Ruby was in your orbit, she had confidence in you and was your cheerleader. If someone didn’t choose you . . . well, it was their loss, poor soul. If you were struggling she trusted that you, with God’s help, would do whatever hard thing you had to do.
Ruby also saw people as they “could be.” If you screwed up, well, that indeed was a problem . . . but she saw your potential. “Hey, you’re gonna get it right, I believe in you and so does our God. He will mold you. ” And Ruby molded you too, with her love, with her attention to you, with her belief in you. Just being around Ruby made you want to be better as well as believe that you could be better.
So, the message from my mother-in-law, Saint Ruby, to you is: you are fine as you are, you are special and you are loved. And, since you are loved and are special, why not see the good in others? Forgive them their sins. See their potential, not their failings. And remember, God has you and them in His hands.

Aluminum PAX

AO: asylum-pm
Q: Drum Major
PAX: Lizzy, Pele (Jon Lindberg), Lilydipper, Switchhitter (Tony), Brick, Steam, Rooney (Carl Whipple), Welch’s, Pusher, MD Hammer, Dain Bramage (Will Olson), Curveball, Abacus
FNGs: None

10 Side Straddle Hops

10 rockettes

10 baby arm circles each way + overhead claps

10 cherry pickers


Mosey to traffic circle – 20 flutter kicks together

Mosey to new parking lot by new baseball fields

Aluminum PAX modified workout

Set Tabata timer for 1 minute, rotating

When 1 minute timer sounds every time do 5 burpees. Then start in on the rotation of exercises.

100 squats

100 LBCs

100 SSHs

When you complete 100 of your exercise run loop mapped out around full outside of parking lot.

If you get through all 3, rinse and repeat.


Mosey to small turf baseball field and lineup up at home plate.

“Diamond of Fire”

1 man goes around bases forward. When he hits 1st base the next man goes. Everyone else does merkins until their turn comes.

After home lineup on other side as you come in and start doing box cutters until last man comes in then do the same thing going backwards (3rd, 2nd 1st, home).


Mosey back to flag, via Pickett’s Charge


Ended with some stretching at the flag



Loneliness Epidemic article

Between 1990 and 2024, the percentage of college graduates who reported having zero close friends rose to 10 percent from 2 percent, which is upsetting enough. Among high school graduates, the percentage rose to a heartbreaking 24 percent from 3 percent.

For context about 55% in America are college graduates, so that leaves 45% who have a high school diploma or less.

In 1990, an impressive 49 percent of high school graduates reported having at least six close friends. By 2024, that percentage had been cut by more than half — to 17 percent. The percentage of college graduates with that many friends declined also, but only to 33 percent from 45 percent.

Causes? You may think politics, but I would say that may be more a symptom than a cause. Surely COVID and everything being online and the ease it is to isolate yourself, surely cannot help. We as a collective group need to worry less about the cause…


Article in NYT is quoted:


What is the most important single thing that you can do to heal our national divides and to improve the social and economic mobility of your struggling neighbors?

I’d submit that it’s not voting for the right candidate (though you should certainly do that), nor is it engaging in activism to raise visibility for a worthy cause (though I endorse that as well). Instead, it’s something that is at once much simpler but also much more difficult.

Make a new friend.


Maybe you could even make a new friend outdoors, away from your phone, spending zero dollars, while getting some exercise and hanging out with other guys where politics, education and economic levels are not a factor? If only such a thing existed, wow what a cool thing that could be. I reiterate Crash Dummies challenge from Tuesday. In the next month try and convince a FNG to come out, you may be helping them more than you realize.

[bluegrass-pm-otb] Keep it simple

AO: bluegrass-pm-otb
Q: Tenderfoot
PAX: Pele (Jon Lindberg), Brick, Abacus, Welches (Leland Murphy), Doubtfire (Nick Bond), The Situation, Dain Bramage (Will Olson), Drum Major, Pusher, Finger Lickin’, Gridiron
FNGs: None
Tempo Squats
Tempo Merkins
High Knee mosey
Lunges downhill
Bernies uphill
BAC (F & R)

Tree Biscuit until 6:25/6:30
Remainder of time: battle buddy – 5 stations/exercises:
– Decline Merkins
– Squats
– Knees on swing, bring knees to chest
– Dips
– Calf raises
1 Station =
Battle buddy #1: AMRAP one exercise from above
Battle buddy #2: runs down to park exit, then Bernies back uphill
Battle buddy #2: AMRAP one exercise from above
Battle buddy #1: runs down to park exit, then Bernies back uphill
Rotate to next station, try finish all 5 exercises

American Hammers

– Summer Convergence: UnCOVEred on 7/13
– uncovered-summer-convergence
– westhills-ruck-otb

COT: “Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.” -Emerson
Keep it simple. Do what works. Don’t overcomplicate. Focus on fundamentals, discipline, and routine. Too many intricacies in a plan/mission can result in confusion, inaction and excuses/justifications.
“”The ability to simplify means to eliminate the unnecessary so the necessary may speak.” -Hans Hoffman”Assess your commitments and schedule, set boundaries, prioritize what’s critical, minimize the distractions/non-essentials. Know your limits. Know your flaws/negative tendencies. Be honest with yourself. Take accountability when your plan isn’t working – and adjust accordingly.
“”See it big, and keep it simple.” -Wilferd Peterson”An ambitious vision is a powerful thing, but keep your goals grounded and your tactics tight.
Lastly, forgot to say this, but…Avoid the temptation of shortcuts, shiny trends and silver bullets.

Cheerful Hearts

AO: asylum-pm
Q: Tenderfoot
PAX: Abacus, Lilydipper, Pele (Jon Lindberg), Colonel (Alex Wallace), Crash Dummy, Glamper, Pusher, Steam, Brick, Shogun, Catnip, Billy Jean
FNGs: 2 Catnip, Billy Jean
– SSH: 25
– BAC (F): 10
– BAC (R): 10
– *Speed Skaters: 15
– Groin stretch OYO: 30 seconds
– Wedding Singer’s hamstring stretch

(1) Active “Warmup”
– Ballerinas/Toe Squats: 10
– Mosey to base of Everest
– Bernies halfway up Everest (to base of peak)
– Mosey
– *Apple Pickers
– Mosey toward shady grove at NE corner of park
– Butt kicks
– SSH: 50

(2) Set #1
– *Mountain Merkins: 5/10?
– Hillbilly Squats: 15
Dad Joke: How does Moses make his coffee?
– BBS: 15
– Mosey
Dad Joke: After an unsuccessful harvest, why did the farmer decide to try a career in music?

(3) Set #2
– Air Squats: 20
– Dive-bombers: 5
– *Muay-Thai Lunges (right leg): 10
– BBS: 15
– *Muay-Thai Lunges (left leg): 10
Dad Joke: Did Eve have a date with Adam?
Dad Joke: I went running with my Bible…
– Mosey up toward Asylum building
Dad Joke: I seem to get sick on weekdays…

(4) Set #3
– *Indian Bear Crawl
– Split into 2 single-file lines
– Loser does 10 burpees
– Winner does 5 burpees
– Walking Lunges
– Bernies
– Sprint to the flag

Apologies if I’ve forgotten any add-on exercises or gotten anything out of order.

– Summer Convergence: UnCOVEred on 7/13
– uncovered-summer-convergence
– Asylum PM Camping Trip
– bluegrass-pm-otb
– westhills-ruck-otb

COT: F3 (and our community of brothers) challenges us to do hard things – physically, mentally, etc. – but one of the hardest things in life, especially as a man, is reclaiming the cheerful heart and jovial innocence that we were born with but have lost along the way. F3 provides the opportunity to experience a safe space amongst brothers where we can let down our guard, be lighthearted, and have fun. It’s okay to be silly, goofy, and playful here because we know that we won’t be judged. We’re surrounded by men who love and trust one another. I believe that we should embrace this opportunity and challenge ourselves and each other to open up, to laugh, and to reclaim the cheerful heart that God has gifted us.

New Exercises Descriptions
*Speed Skater (from half-squat starting position): 1 rep = (push off with left leg into a long right-hop, landing on right foot in single-leg half-lunge; left foot swings behind, remaining raised; from this position, repeat same movement over to left foot in one fluid motion)
*Apple Pickers (skipping-like forward motion): single-leg jump, opposite leg high-knee; arm opposite of high-knee reaches for the apple; repeat w/ opposite leg/arm
*Mountain Merkins: 1 rep = (plank, right knee to right chest, left knee to left chest, right knee to outside right elbow, left knee to outside left elbow, right knee across to left chest, left knee across to right chest, Merkin)
*Muay-Thai Lunge: reverse lunge, same knee then proceeds to high knee (in one fluid motion); repeat w/ opposite leg
*Indian Bear Crawl: same as Indian Run, but Bear Crawl instead of a Mosey

NOT a Murph

AO: asylum-pm
Q: Steam
PAX: Abacus, Lizzy, Tenderfoot, Glamper, Lilydipper, Crash Dummy, Drum Major, Pele (Jon Lindberg), Chad Harvey(Pink Panther), Brick, Showgun, Dr. Phil, 0
FNGs: 1 0
1. Baby Arm Circle (F) – 10×4
2. Baby Arm Circle (B) – 10×4
3. Rockette: 10×4
4. Grady Corn: 30×4
5. Hillbilly: 10×4

[ Cash In ]
1. 100 SSH (1-count)
2. 75 LBCs (1-count)
3. 50 Mountain Climbers (2-count)
4. 25 Frog Jumps

(Mosey down around to the right to the rock pile below the BSIA Overlook)

– 200 merkins
– 200 squats
– 200 bent over rows
– = simulating the 600 total reps in a real Murph
– Form is crucial – crucial
– Instead of running 1 mile on the front and back end of the reps, we’ll run a specific route after each round of reps
– Run an L route around the Pickett’s Charge field
– Rounds of reps
– All 3 Xs
– 25 reps each
– Total of 8 rounds = 600 reps
– Put rocks back
– 25 chest presses + 25 curls
– Mosey back to the flag for Mary

[ Cash Out ]
1. 100 SSH (1-count)
2. 75 LBCs (1-count)
3. 50 Mountain Climbers (2-count)
4. 25 Frog Jumps

– Join Lilydipper’s team of champions for Hardship Hill on Monday!
– Drum Major has put together a killer 2nd F event for us this Friday — check out his Slack post above.
– I will be Q’ing a Memorial Weekend Murph at asylum-daybreak on Saturday — join us!
– F3 in the Nude — Swimmies (Nathan Chesney)

I sat there and felt sorry for myself for one minute, then I had to keep going.
-Marcus Luttrell
– I find myself in this position more times than I’d like to admit – feeling sorry for yourself

Events from Operation Red Wing, June 28, 2005
Read the highlighted sections on pages 266-267 in Lone Survivor by Marcus Luttrell

Draw A Line In The Sand
“I rolled over, and I was paralyzed from the waist down. I started crawling, pulling, using my elbow to start pulling myself through the dirt and out of this ravine. Well I got up and the sun was going down, and I started to crawl. I was in bad shape. I didn’t know what to do. And I was laying in this tree, looking at the moon, and I was feeling sorry for myself. And I must have laid there….my brother was a Navy SEAL too, I got a twin brother, he’s a Navy SEAL. And I was thinking about him a lot and my teammates, and all the training I had been through. I laid there and I was like, c’mon, get up. Let’s go. That’s exactly what I said. What was I gonna do, lay down there and die? I wasn’t gonna do that, I definitely wasn’t gonna feel sorry for myself. And I kept thinking like, I’m still alive man, I mean, I’m alive. They fought and died by I’m still alive. The mission’s still on, let’s go. So, I reached out and I grabbed a rock and I reached out as far as I could and drew a line in the dirt in front of me. I’m gonna crawl to that until my feet hit it and if I’m still alive I’m gonna do it again. That’s what I did. I’d draw a line, until my feet hit it, I’d fall down a hill and draw another line. And I did that for 7 miles.”
– https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qGxOYWRAjXQ

– This is a great practice to adopt and utilize in life – drawing a line in front of you and working your way past it
– “The lines” we draw through life are sometimes physical, but far more often are they mental, emotional, relational, and spiritual.
– KMF = Keep Moving Forward