F3 Knoxville

Planksgiving Feast

THE SCENE: 32 degrees with starry skies

Little Bit o’ This

Little Bit o’ That

Michael Phelps

5 burpees OYO

Smurf Jacks x 10 IC

Smurf Jacks at rapid cadence x 10 IC

Smurf Jacks at rapid cadence x 10 IC (again)
Mosey to the tennis courts to visit Crazy Aunt Sandy who likes to discuss politics at Thanksgiving lunch

Hold Al Gore for 10 ct. along base line, Bernie Sanders to opposite base line.

2 diamond merkins, Bernie Sanders back to original base line.

Rinse and repeat with 10, 20, 40, & 60 ct. Al Gore. Add 2 diamond merkins each time.

Break the PAX into three groups and head to the main course for Elevens at each of the following stations:


4ct LBCs at the bottom, single count Oblique Merkins at the top.


Round the Clock Merkins (12,3,6, &9 only) at the bottom, Carolina Dry Docks at the top


Narrow squats at the bottom, goblet squats w/ CMU at the top

If you finish early, get a second helping of your favorite portion!

Lean back in your recliner for 30 seconds. Change channels with right hand and then left hand.

Pickle Pounders x 15 IC


The following was paraphrased from this article:


Unlike most national holidays, Thanksgiving must be proclaimed each year by the President. George Washington made the first proclamation in 1789. He asked that Americans unite in thanks for “the peaceful and rational manner in which we have been enabled to establish constitutions of government”.  Lincoln revived the tradition during the civil war when he asked Americans to give thanks “with one heart and one voice”.

President JFK wrote Proclamation 3560 which begins “Over three centuries ago, our forefathers in Virginia and Massachusetts, far from home in a lonely wilderness, set aside a time of thanksgiving”. He continues to indicate that they gave thanks for their safety, their fields, their children and “the love which bound them together”.

It is important to note that JFK wrote this to a divided nation. This was after the Bay of Pigs invasion, the first “military advisers” arriving in Vietnam, and only two months after the 16th Street Baptist Church bombing in Birmingham, AL where the KKK murdered several African-American girls.

These transgressions largely parallel the atrocities that we see in the news today. Let’s try our best to step back from the trees and take a look around the forest. We have a democratic government that, despite its faults, ensures us incredible freedoms. We have running, potable water. A reliable power grid. Food to eat. A place to lay our head at nights that is warm and dry. There’s a lot to be thankful for, and we tend to overlook the most important ones.

It also worth nothing that Proclamation 3561 was written 19 days after JFK’s Thanksgiving proclamation. It was written by LBJ, denoting a day of mourning for JFK’s assassination. Take a break from your divisions today and be a strong leader, a good friend, and a warm light in a world that can often be dark and cold.

Sunrise Sampler

THE SCENE: Cool and 50 degrees

Side Stradle Bees X10

1 Burbee

3 rounds


  • Stop 1: Top of hill
    • Merkins x10
  • Stop 2: Short hill
    • Merkins x10 Big Boys x10
    • 3 Hill charges
  • Stop 3: Everest
    • Merkins x10 Big Boys x10 Squats x10
    • Run up Everest
  • Stop 4: Rock Pile
    • Merkins x10 Big Boys x10 Squats x10
    • Over head rock lifts x10
    • Stop 5: Asylum Steps
  • Stop 5: Asylum Steps
    • Merkins x10 Big Boys x10 Squats x10 Mountain Climbers x10
    • Stair jumps to the Asylum
  • Stop 5: Telephone Pole
    • Merkins x10 Big Boys x10 Squats x10 Mountain Climbers x10
    • Telephone pole lifts x10
  • Stop 6: Big Hill
    • Merkins x10 Big Boys x10 Squats x10 Mountain Climbers x10
    • 5 hill charges with Burbees at the top
  • Stop 7: Soccer Field
    • Merkins x10 Big Boys x10 Squats x10 Mountain Climbers x10
    • Lunges, high knees, ankle to butt, sprint x4
  • Stop 8: Playground
    • Merkins x10 Big Boys x10 Squats x10 Mountain Climbers x10
    • Box jumps x10
    • American Hammers x10
    • 2 full rounds
  • Stop 9: Parking lot
    • Merkins x10 Big Boys x10 Squats x10 Mountain Climbers x10
    • American Hammers x20

17 Guys.
Working to communicate Thankfulness and Gratitude to those around us.  Colossians 3:17.  And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.\


Coffee at Panera


THE SCENE: 35 and damp

Cherry Pickers 15x
Burpees 10x
Ice Skaters 20x
Hand Release Merkins 20x
ISO Squats 20x
Burpees 10x
Ice Skaters 20x
Hand Release Merkins 20x
Mosey to the track…

Buddy up and do laps around the track…stopping at 6 stations for some good livin’

50x Carolina Dry Docks
100x Big Boy Situps
60x ‘Merkins
50x Toilet Seats
50x Plank Jacks
50x Burpees

Flutter Kicks 27x

Hello Dolly! 15x

Little Baby Crunches 20x

16 PAX (and NO FNGs)
Manage Up and Manage Down.

Good leaders manage up the chain of command. They understand the perspective of their commanders. They ask questions. They provide information and build confidence. Engage with your higher-ups; keep them in the loop–especially when they frustrate you. Leading down the chain of command means being able to convey the overall strategic mission to everyone downstream, while also giving people ownership of certain decisions, which leads to higher buy-in.
“If your boss isn’t making a decision in a timely manner or providing necessary support for you and your team, don’t blame the boss. First, blame yourself. Examine what you can do to better convey the critical information for decision to be made and support allocated.

Barkley Returns!

THE SCENE: 48 Degrees with a slight breeze. Very Nice!

1. Cherry Pickers IC x 10

2. Baby Arm Circles IC 10 front and 10 back

3. SSH (aka Jumping Jacks LOL) IC x 10

4 Imperial Squat Walkers IC x 10

5. Lap around the AO x 1
Mosey towards gate to start Barkley.

Stopped half way to start of Barkley and did 10 burpees OYO

We did three loops of the Barkley. Each lap had 4 stations.

Round 1: Station 1 – 20 merkins, Station 2 – 20 curls with rock and 20 rows with rock, Station 3 – 20 Carolina Dry Docks, Station 4 – 20 Dips

Round 2: Station 1 – 30 Starjacks, Station 2 – 30 rock squats, Station 3 – Reverse lunges x 15 each leg, Station 4 – 30 Monkey Humpers

Round 3: Station 1 – 40 LBCs, Station 2 – 40 Hello Dolly’s, Station 3 – 40 American Hammers SC, Station 4 – 40 Flutter Kicks 4 count

Finishers rotated through 15 shoulder taps, 15 squats and 15 big boys until pax finished.

Mosey back to AO.

Coolio led the group in American Hammers to finish out the workout.
34 PAX today including 2 FNGs. Nicholas Generaux (Ponder) and Anderson Olds (Tinder)
Share today about working in faith. It is easy to think about achieving in terms of oneself. I did this or I did that and this happened or that will happen. But just like the farmer who plants we cannot control the out come…only God can. We must work in faith for God!
None today
Tank and Tinder shared about an F2 event for inner city kids on December 3rd. Tank has details.

Lighting the Fire

THE SCENE: Cold but beautiful Autumn morning.

20 Side Straddle Hops, 10 Windmills, 10 Cherry Pickers, 10 Little Baby Arm Circles Forward and Ten Backward

In Base Camp Parking Lot, each man will find a partner.  All men go to one end of parking lot.  There will be a set of bricks for each team on that side of the parking lot.  While one partner sprints to other side of parking lot (to do one of four listed exercises) the other partner will do one of four exercises with the bricks.  He does the first exercise while his partner sprints, does his first listed exercise, and sprints back.  Then the partner who sprinted takes the bricks from his partner and that partner will sprint.

The four exercises with the bricks are:

  1. Curls, right hand then left, repeating until the partner returns
  2. Overhead presses, right then left, repeating until partner returns
  3. Lifts from side, right then left, repeating until partner returns
  4. Punches from chest, right then left, repeating until partner returns

The four exercises on other side of parking lot (where partner sprints to) are:

  1. 10 Burpees
  2. 10 Mountain Climbers (4 count)
  3. 20 Star Jumps
  4. 20 Squat Jumps

Mosey to Roadway below Administration Bldg.

Each man, at own pace, will run counterclockwise on roadway that circles the Admin Bldg.  Cones designate stations along the way.  There are eight stations:

  1. Located at first set of stairs to left of road.  Go down and up stairs three times.
  2. Located at second set of stairs to left of road.  Go down and up stairs three times.
  3. Located shortly after stop sign on southeastern corner of roadway circle.  Do 15 Hello Dollies, 4 count.
  4. Located at Boulder Pile by Admin Bldg parking lot.  With Cinder Block Weight Boulder do:  15 Overhead Presses, 15 Curls, 15 Squats, 15 Bench Presses
  5. Located by cone just past admin parking lot on west side of Admin Bldg.  Do Bear Crawl to next cone.
  6. Located about 25 yards from Cone 5.  Do Hop to next Cone
  7. Located about 25 yards from Cone 6.  Do 15 Box Cutters, 4 count
  8. Located at stop sign on northeast corner of roadway circle.  Do 15 American Hammers, 4 count

Repeat above

Mosey to Playground for “All My Benchs.” 

At benches each man will do 25’s with a combination of bench jumps and decline merkens.  We will start with 20 bench jumps and 5 decline merkens, then go to 15 bench jumps and 10 merkens, etc. until we end with 5 bench jumps and 20 decline merkens.

Mosey to Pavilion.

Each man goes to end of picnic table.  20 Picnic Table Pull-ups.

Mosey Back to Base Camp

Slow Stretching

12 Attended.  Two FNG’s:  Mario Azevedo (Counselor) and Michael Underwood (Jarvis)
God created men to enjoy adventure and battle.  We like to push ourselves in F3 as we are battling fatigue and pain in an effort to win against ourselves.  Men need that challenge.  You see it in little boys.  My own son’s favorite Bible story was that of David and Goliath.  We would live that out in make believe a million times, with he (David) battling me (Goliath).

While men need battle and adventure with other men, they also need comfort, assurance and love.  We may get that from women such as our wives or girlfriends but we also need it from men.  We as F3 brothers can give that to others in need and when we are in need, we can seek it from our brothers.  We also need that loving comfort from God.  The best Hebrew translation of Abba, which is often a term used for God in the Bible, is “Daddy”.  God is our Father but he is also our Daddy.  We can go to him when we are wounded and weak.  He can lovingly and even gently comfort us.

Coffeeteria at Panera!