F3 Knoxville

Happy 11s Day

[ Welcome/Intro/Safety-Brief ]

  • Welcome to F3: Fitness/Fellowship/Faith
  • Name is Steam and I’m honored to be your Q this morning
  • FNGs?
  • Couple of things before we begin:
    • Not a professional
    • You’re here on your own volition – meaning that you made a conscious choice to be here – you’re here on purpose
    • I don’t know any injuries you may or may not have – you do. If there’s anything you need to modify this morning feel free to do it. We start and end with the same number. Push yourselves and the men around you.
  • Do something a little different today:
    • Posted in Johnson City a few weeks ago and they did this at the beginning and I thought it was really cool.
    • (1) Pray over the men and our time

[ Warm-Up Xs ]

  • SSH: 11 x 4 IC
  • Rockette: 11 x 4 IC
  • Cherry Picker: 11 x 4 IC
  • Imperial Walker: 11 x 4 IC
  • Little bit of this (arms/back stretch)
  • Little bit of that (arms/back stretch)
  • 5 burpees

Pre-step off: Ruck has med gear, water – feel free to throw anything in. I’ll have my phone throughout as well

[ PT ]

(Mosey to Big Ball stairs)

1 – 11s

(Split up the group in 2 if need be for #s)

  • At the base: 1 Squat
  • 1st plateau: 10 man-makers
  • R & R (9/2, 8/3, etc)
  • Group 1: go counter clockwise
  • Group 2: go clockwise

(11 SSHs)

(11 count)

(Mosey to bridge across water to Amp)

  • across the bridge: walking rockette = walkette
    • Kick leg up and touch with opposite hand

(Mosey to amphitheater)

2 – 11s (Ping Pong – Down)

  • Stage: Box jumps (or step-ups) – make sure to stand up it you can (good form)
  • Top: pull-up/chin-up
  • After you complete whatever # of pull-ups /chin-ups you’re on each time — run around your respective side back to the stage
  • start with 11 box jumps — 11 pull-ups/chin-ups
  • 10:10
  • 9:9
  • So on and so forth
  • PAX finished with 11 up/down incline merkins on the stage + running up to the top of the amp and knocking out 11 pull/chin ups

(11 SSHs)

(11 count)

(American Indian run back to AO)

[ COT ]

  • # off – 11
  • Name o Rama
    • Postman, PDA, Jenner, Clark, Bilko, Swanson, Walrus, Magic Mic, Half Calf, Abort, Steam
  • FNGs – none
  • BOM
  • Has 2020 been hard? Have you ever found it hard to lead in your marriage or relationship or job?
  • Quote from a young man who just graduated that G-6 and I both know that’s now serving dutifully in the Army full-time and he dropped this knowledge on us sometime last year and I’ve always kept it close because it’s relevant and makes sense:

“Leadership should be a burden, if should be hard.”

            – Tanner Swanner

  • Leadership is not always easy, it’s just not. But do you have enough in the tank and enough grit to lead yourself so that you can lead others?
  • Spoiler alert: you do.

This verse ties in well along this topic, and the 4 different versions below say it a little differently but there are a few words I want to draw out/point out:

    • “strength of soul”
    • “greatly emboldened me”
    • “encourage me by giving me strength”
    • “made me bold with strength in my soul”
  • Psalm 138:3 (ESV): “On the day I called, you answered me; my strength of soul you increased”
  • (NIV): “When I called, you answered me; you greatly emboldened me.”
  • (NLT): “As soon as I pray, you answer me; you encourage me by giving my strength.”
  • (NKJV): “In the day when I cried out, you answered me; and made me bold with strength in my soul.”

Practice Makes Permanent: Big Ball Edition

THE SCENE: Sunny, clear, mid 70’s

SSH, Arm Circles, Michael Phelps, This and That, Tempo Squats, Cherry Pickers
For the workout we did one minute of each of the following exercises, with a short break after each exercise. I encouraged all of us to spend that minute focused on performing each exercise with as close to perfect form as possible, not worrying about how many reps we got done. Better to do 10 perfect push ups than 20 half hearted ones here.

  • Amphitheater: 1 minute of: Burpees, Incline Merkins, Decline Merkins, Inverted Rows
  • Bridge: 1 minute of: Bear Crawl Toe Taps across the bridge
  • Parking Lot Rock Pile: 1 minute of: Curls, Shoulder Press, Tricep Extensions, then all three combined. Then after a short break, 1 minute of: Curls, Shoulder Press, Tricep Extensions
  • Ramp Up to Park: Everyone grabbed a partner that would push them, someone about the same speed as them. Then in pairs we did 10 merkins, 10 big boys, followed by a near-sprint run up the ramp
  • Parking Lot Near Church: 1 minute of: Squats, American Hammers, Lunges, LBCs
  • Bridge1 minute of: Bear Crawl Toe Taps and Big Boys
  • Amphitheater: 1 minute of : inverted rows, Decline Merkins, and Incline Merkins
  • Road Next To Event Lawn: Got back with our partners for 10 merkins, 10 big boys and a near-sprint run back to the AO

Recycled my word from a workout at the Quacken

I was reminded not too long ago of a coach I had in high school who would always say to us “Practice doesn’t make perfect, practice makes permanent. Only perfect practice makes perfect.” If we spend every workout doing rushed, poor-formed exercises then we’re only training ourselves to continue to do rushed, poor-formed exercises. That mentality applies to the rest of our lives as well. If we approach our families, marriages, churches, jobs, etc. with rushed, poor-formed actions we’re only cultivating flawed families, marriages, churches, jobs, etc. So not only in our workouts, but also in our lives as well, lets all focus on going through the entire motion, digging deep, taking the time to do things right, and training ourselves to do the right thing, since we know that practice makes permanent, not perfect.
Workday next Saturday, Swanson’s got the details. Welcome to Boss Hog.


72 and Breezy

Warm up Ruck:
– 2 mile shuffle with 20 Ruck Merkins and 20 Ruck Squats at each mile
– .25 mile fast shuffle with 4 stops for 20 Ruck Curls and 20 Overhead Presses
– .25 mile shuffle back to SP

Grab sandbags and head to tennis courts.

At the tennis courts, do the following progression twice:
– x5 Sandbag Getups (each side)
– x10 Alternating Sandbag Shoulder Presses
– x15 Sandbag High Pulls
– x20 Sandbag Front-loaded Squats

Ruck with sandbag to far pavilion.

At the pavilion (with picnic tables), do the following progression twice:
– x5 Sandbag Step-ups (each side)
– x10 Sandbag Thrusters
– x15 Sandbag Sit-ups
– x20 Sandbag Chest Presses

Ruck to SP

At SP do one round of the following:
– x5 Sandbag Getups (each side)
– x10 Alternating Sandbag Shoulder Presses
– x15 Sandbag High Pulls
– x20 Sandbag Front-loaded Squats
– x5 Sandbag Step-ups (each side)
– x10 Sandbag Thrusters
– x15 Sandbag Sit-ups
– x20 Sandbag Chest Presses

Total mileage: 2.5 miles with Ruck; 1.5 with Ruck + Sandbag


‘Ballin on #2ForTuesday

THE SCENE: THICK air. Like real thick.


  • Welcome to F3: Fitness – Fellowship – Faith
  • My name is Steam and I am stoked to be your Q this morning
  • Couple things before we begin:
    • FNGs?
    • Not a professional
    • You’re here on your own volition = you’re here on purpose
    • I don’t know any injuries you may or may not have – so if you need to modify any of the exercises we do this morning feel free to do so but push yourself and the men around you
    • $free.99


  • SSH: 21 x 4 IC
  • Windmill: 10 x 4 IC
  • Squat: 10 x 4 IC
  • 4 count Merkin: 10 x 4 IC

(2 For Tuesday – Rinse & Repeat Warm-Up Xs)

  • Announce ruck with med gear and phone and water


(Mosey to Amphitheater)

  1. #2ForTuesday Numero Uno
  • 11 incline merkins on the stage
    • jump up and sprint across the stage
  • 11 decline merkins

(#2ForTuesday — rinse & repeat)

—10 count—

(#2ForTuesday — 2nd 10 count)

  • 9 dips on the stage
    • sprint up to the top of amphitheater and execute 1 pull-up

(#2ForTuesday — Rinse & Repeat)

—10 count—

(#2ForTuesday — 2nd 10 count)

(American Indian run mosey to Big Ball AO track)

2. #2ForTuesday Numero Dos

  • 10 4-count Merkins in cadence
  • take a lap
    • Halfway around: 10 squats (1-count)
  • R & R – #2FT
  • Recover here in a forearm plank

(10 count)

(#2FT – 2nd 10 count)

(Mosey to bridge overlooking Cumberland Avenue)

2. 2FT Special Numero Dos

  • 15 1-count big boy sit-ups on the rail
    • Mosey to parking lot to the left
  • 15 lunges across a parking space line
  • R & R – #2FT
  • Recover here in a forearm plank

(10 count)

(#2FT – 2nd 10 count)

(Mosey to Big Ball stairs)

  1. 2FT Special Numero Tres
  • 5 burpees
    • sprint up the stairs to the top
  • 5 SSHs
  • R & R – #2FT

(Mosey back to AO)



Pick a bench, any bench

  • 10 LBCs (1 count)
  • 10 box jumps
    • run to the bench to your right — execute the same 2 exercises

#2ForTuesday — R & R

Go out the same way we came in —- SSH: 10 x 4 IC

( Dynamic Stretching led by Steam )


13 PAX including Hightower (Capitol F3 in D.C.)


Shoutout to a HIM doing HIM stuff — Swanson.

It can be easy to get lost in all that’s going on in the world and get caught up, frustrated, upset, agitated, etc etc. It happens to me wayyyyy more than I’d like to admit. When I do get lost in all that, it can prevent me from using correct discipline, judgement, and discernment about what I say and do, and especially what I post for people to see. Like Hebrews 12:1 says below – we’re surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses.

So last week I re-posted something on my social media (Facebook/Instagram) from an account I follow that was satirical and meant to be a funny yet sad reality check of what’s really going on in the country at the hands of certain government officials. While it was a view point of truth, my re-posting of it lacked a few things:

    • Discernment
    • Judgement
    • Wisdom
    • Responsibility

And so as High Impact Men are expected to do – I was called out and called higher by Swanson. I would expect nothing less from a true HIM. And it wasn’t shaming or negative – it was verbatim “You’re better than this.”


A fellow HIM knows I’m better than this reaffirmed that. Swanson stepped up into his rightful position of leadership as a high impact man and held me accountable and called me higher. That’s HIM stuff. And I had to check my own pride and ego at the door (not always easy).

I knew Swanson was right. Why? Because time and time again he’s proven to be a trustworthy HIM of wisdom. While that may have been a little tough for me to hear and recognize, I knew that he was right and that he was calling me higher. I trust Swanson. He was helping remind me of who I truly was – why? Because High Impact Men hold High Impact Men accountable. I needed to hear that.

We all need a Swanson in our lives – someone who’s going to keep us accountable, call us higher, and remind us of who we are.



  • “Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us,”
    • ‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭12:1‬ ‭ESV‬‬
  • “Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth.”
    • Colossians‬ ‭3:2‬ ‭ESV‬‬


My Biceps Are Screaming

THE SCENE: Perfect morning. Low 80’s, low humidity. Stayed in the shade

1. Shoulder circuit (no rest):
– 15 manly arm rotations forward + backward
– 15 Moroccan night clubs
– 15 shoulder taps
– 15 OH claps
– 15 shoulder taps
– 15 Moroccan’s
– 15 manly arm rotations backward + forward
2. Cobra merkins
3. Little bit of…
4. Tempo Squats
5. Rockettes

Mosey past amphitheater and stop on pedestrian bridge over Cumberland

17 burpees, 13 3-pt situps
Crawl bear bridge
17 burpees, 13 3-pt situps
Bear crawl bridge
Calf raises (3 ways) 7-7-7

Mosey to rock pile parking lot beside river & grab large coupon

Biceps (3 ways) – 7-7-7 …. 3 sets
Shoulders (3 ways) – 7-7-7 …. 3 sets
Back (3 ways) – 7-7-7 … 3 sets
Combine all of it for 1 set of 7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7

Take coupon to 1 end of parking lot by river:

25 curls, sprint to other end 5 burpees, recovery jog back
20 curls, sprint, 4 burpees, recovery jog
5 curls, sprint, 1 burpee, recovery jog

Grab coupon again

13 thrusters (2 sets)
13 good mornings with rock finishing overhead

Return coupon. Mosey back to AO

No time….people were dying

Be kind. Don’t be a d-bag. Cut out the BS in your life.
Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.