F3 Knoxville

Ducks Don’t Run

THE SCENE: Clear, humid, warm, lower to mid 70’s

SSH, Arm Circles, Tempo Merkins, Tempo Squats, Cherry Pickers, walked over to the parking lot
We did 5 rounds of crossing the parking lot, from the first stripey thing (which we decided is in fact the technical term for it) to the second at the other end. There were 4 cones along the way, each of which would mark a break for a different exercise each round. Also, each round we had to travel using a different form of exercise (bear crawl, broad jumps, etc.)

  • Round 1: Bear Crawls – Cone 1: 10 x Burpees, Cone 2: 15 x Hand Release Merkins, Cone 3: 20 x Plank Rotations, Cone 4: 25 x Merkins
  • Round 2: Broad Jumps – Cone 1: 10 x Lunges (each leg, 20 total), Cone 2: 15 x Flutterkicks (4ct.), Cone 3: 20 x Box Cutters, Cone 4: 25 x Smurf Jacks
  • Round 3: Crawl Bears – Cone 1: 10 x Inch Worm Merkins, Cone 2: 15 x Shoulder Taps (4ct.), Cone 3: 20 x Overhead Claps (4ct.), Cone 4: 25 x Cobra Merkins
  • Round 4: Anything other than running or walking (choice of bear crawls, jumps, lunges, etc.) – Cone 1: 10 x Get Ups, Cone 2: 15 x Side Lunges (each side, 30 total), Cone 3: 20 x American Hammers (4ct.), Cone 4: 25 x Big Boy Sit Ups
  • Round 5: Anything other than running or walking (choice of bear crawls, jumps, lunges, etc.) – Cone 1: 10 x Man Makers, Cone 2: 10 x Hand Release Merkins, Cone 3: 10 x Burpees, Cone 4: 20 x LBCs.

Ring of Fire with Merkins and Flutterkicks to kill the last 5 or so minutes

At church Sunday the guy preaching quoted Ray Ortlund saying “You can either be impressive, or you can be known. But you cannot be both.” I’ve been thinking about that a bit recently. I think we’d all, at least to some degree, say we’d prefer to be impressive rather than known, but I also think we all realize that being known is much more important and beneficial to ourselves and others than being impressive. This also reminded me of 2 Corinthians 12:9 where Paul says that God’s power is made perfect in his own weakness, and therefore we would gladly boast about his weaknesses. In order for us to grow, improve, and positively affect the world around us we must first be honest and vulnerable with each other and especially with ourselves, identifying our weaknesses and shortcomings so that we can continue to work on them rather than hide them in order to appear more impressive than we really are.

Bears and Bricks

THE SCENE: 72* and humid, basically no wind

Imperial walkers x10
Monkey humpers x10
Calf raises x10
Shoulder taps in plank x10
Four count merkins (hand release) x10
Mosey short half lap around the World’s Fair lawn and back to the sidewalk adjacent to the convention center.  Five cones set up in a line, spaced 12-15 yards apart for Bear With Me.  Bear crawl between cones, knock out exercises at each cone.  Recover mosey back to start and plank waiting on the six.

  • 20 pickle pounders
  • 20 merkins
  • 20 squats
  • 20 Carolina dry docks
  • 20 flutter kicks

Rinse and repeat for two rounds.  On the third round, Q called an audible: lunge walk between cones and cut reps in half.

Quick 10 count and mosey towards L&N.  Everyone grab a nice brick (really big stone paver) from L&N and jog it over to the war memorial.  Routine was supposed to be descending ladder, running through entire list of exercises, then repeating taking off the bottom exercise.  We only got through two rounds, but they sucked enough.  After each round, we ran the parking lot, up the stairs and back. Exercises as follows (sit ups and merkins without stones):

  • 40 curls
  • 35 sit ups
  • 30 merkins
  • 25 goblet squats
  • 20 front raises
  • 15 Lion kings
  • 10 Mr. Spectacular

Again, got through two rounds.  Which was painful enough after Amazon’s Saturday boulder beatdown.  I’ll definitely come back to this stone workout and run it from the beginning.

We did two rounds of 10 curls and 10 overhead tricep extensions, dropped our pavers off where we got them, and moseyed back to the SP for Mary.
Sit ups x15
Flutters x10
6 strong: Bilko, Slim Shady, Drive Thru, Postman, Passport, Abort
We always have discussions about being High Impact Men in F3.  At times, I’ve struggled with what that looks like for me and how I can have any impact, let alone high impact.  I came across a quote that made me think about the impact my F3 brothers have had on me, most of which were probably unaware because they were simply being themselves. Quote reads: “The awakened man has stepped away from living a life ruled by his mind and ego-self and is consciously connected to his heart.  He is not embarrassed to reveal his true colors.  He is redefining age-old beliefs of what a real man is, and by his example, calling other men to wipe the sleep from their eyes.”

These men that I am fortunate enough to be surrounded by in the gloom have unknowingly caused me to wipe the sleep from my eyes.  They have shown me small things and large which I have picked up, either consciously or not, which have improved my life and my relationships with people in my life.  My hope, and my way of having high impact, is to take the things they have shown me and pass them along to others. Aye!

Learning From Others

THE SCENE: Perfect: lower 60’s, started off a bit foggy then ended up clear and sunny

SSH x 20, Arm Circles x 15 forwards and backwards, Tempo Squats x 5 slowly, Tempo Merkins x 5 slowly
Numbered off into two teams, each of the following exercises was treated as a team competition

  • Round 1: Each team raced across the event lawn, but our mode of transportation was Monkey Jumpers (3 Monkey Humpers followed by a Broad Jump). First team fully across would have won, but we got kicked off the grass so we called it a tie.
  • Round 2: moseyed over to the other event lawn with the new patio. This time we did 11’s as teams, but with a few twists. Between each exercise was 11 steps of Bear Crawl Toe Taps going forward or Crawl Bear Toe Taps going backward. The exercises were Burpees and Single Leg Merkins. So the first set was 1 Burpee, 11 steps of Bear Crawls with toe taps each step, 10 Single Leg Merkins, then 11 steps of Crawl Bears with toe taps each step. Team One won this one.
  • Round 3: Still at the other event field, we paired off within our teams for Doras, first team for all pairs to finish wins. Exercises were 100 x Single Leg Burpees, 200 x Star Jumps, and 300 x Big Boy Sit Ups while one partner runs up the pathway and touches the far light post and runs back. We had to call it for time, but Team One was the closest to finishing and won on a technicality.


I mentioned at the start of the workout that I didn’t come up with this, and that it was actually a workout I hopped in on with one of the AO’s in Nashville a few weeks ago while visiting family. Building off of Swanson’s encouragement to seek out and be willing to receive accountability, I encouraged us to couple that with seeking to also learn from others, both here and from outside sources or people outside of our normal circles. Like I had mentioned, I learned this workout from another AO and would never have thought of it on my own, and I tend to pay attention to others’ Q’s and take note of what I like and incorporate them into my own workouts. Supposedly Einstein is quoted saying that when we stop learning is when we start dying, so let’s go out of our way to learn from one another and not become complacent with what we know

tightrope walking

THE SCENE: 66* and a little muggy, perfect sweat angel weather
Shoulder taps x15
OH Claps x15
Merkins x10
Hillbilly’s x12
Tempo squats x12
SSH x15
Mosey out of the start point towards parking lot, make a left and head towards Broadway.  Didn’t have to wait long at the light, crossed over Broadway and through the Commercial Bank parking lot over to the back parking lot of Regions Bank.

Four cones spaced out in the parking lot, paying homage to Magic Mic’s beatdown at BB from last week.

Round 1: Lunge walk between cones, perform jump squats at cones increasing reps 4, 6, 8, 10.  Mosey back
Round 2: Crawl bear between cones, perform merkins at cones increasing reps 5, 10, 15, 20. Mosey back
Round 3: Frog jump (hands must touch ground) between cones, perform (someone said you like) burpees at cones increasing reps 2, 4, 6, 8.  Mosey back.

10 count breath snagger and then mosey up Lynnwood Drive a few buildings until we reach the parking lot with the coupons.  Everyone grab a rock, start the music up and run through as many rounds as you can in 10 minutes.

  • Boulder squats x15
  • Curls x20
  • OH Press x20
  • Rock swap merkins x10
  • Run at 80% pace to the brick wall and return.  Lather rinse repeat until timer goes off.

Quick mosey back down Lynnwood to the Regions parking lot again and circle up.  Amazon style swapper, two exercises back and forth with no rest between, decreasing reps each round.  Also, a different PAX leads the round each time.  Rep counts were 10, 7, 5 for each exercise.

  • Four count merkins
  • Tempo squats

Mosey back the way we came, through the bank parking lot and back across Broadway to the church parking lot to finish up.

American hammers x15
Flutters x10
10 Strong: Duggar, Swanson, PDA, Filter, SpaceX, Magic Mic, Walrus, Herbie, Puck, Abort
I asked if anyone knew who Karl Wallenda or Nik Wallenda are, which Filter did (I forgot your Applebee’s trivia gift card).  Karl Wallenda was a pretty famous tightrope walker who began his career in the 20s.  The Ringling Brothers added him to their circus, and he helped create some crazy stunts including the pyramid of people walking on a tightrope (which did kill a few members of his team in one accident).  Karl was killed as well while attempting to walk between two hotels in Puerto Rico.

Later on, his great grandson went back to the same spot and accomplished the walk.  Funny enough, earlier this year he walked 1800′ across an open volcano that took him over 31 minutes to cross.  Why would someone go back to the spot that killed their ancestor and attempt the same thing?  Legacy.  He wanted to keep the family legacy alive.  I hope that I am capable of something that will inspire someone else to come behind me and repeat, or even elevate to another level.  And I sincerely hope if I can that its something worthy of being referred to as legacy.

Make It Count

THE SCENE: Cool, calm and collected

SSH IC x 20

Tempo Squats x 10

Manly Arm Circles IC x 10 forward and backwards

Tempo Merkins x 8

Tempo Lunges x 5 each side

Mountain Climbers IC x 10
1) Ran to get a coupon, then walking lunges x 50 yards (approx)

2) 20-15-10

  • Run a set of stairs at Big Ball
  • 20 Hand Release Merkins
  • 20 Squat Press with Coupon
  • 20 Mountain Jumpers
  • Run 2 sets of stairs at Big Ball
  • 15 Hand Release Merkins
  • 15 Squat Press with Coupon
  • 15 Mountain Jumpers
  • Run 3 sets of stairs at Big Ball
  • 10 Hand Release Merkins
  • 10 Squat Press with Coupon
  • 10 Mountain Jumpers

3) Make It Count

Broad Jump approx 25 yards and count how many jumps it takes.  That number is used for the circuit

  • Squat 3x your number
  • Squat Jump 2x your number
  • Step Jumps x your number
  • Run a lap


Told a little about my story of my volunteer trip to Guatemala to build schools in 2014.  The big thing I noticed was that the community there had very little.  Very little clean water, not much food, cramped living conditions, rundown classrooms, etc.  But what they did have was gratitude, smiles, kindness and community.  They made us volunteers feel appreciated.  Like we were rockstars.  They treated us like friends.  Over in the U.S. we often don’t have that.  We have complaining and fighting and negativity.  Remember all that you do have to be grateful for.  Be neighborly and be kind to people.  Smile and say hello.