F3 Knoxville

keep it simple and keep moving

THE SCENE: 32* – a heat wave compared to the last few days

Merkins 4-ct x10
Mountain climbers x15
Shoulder taps x15
Prisoner squats 4-ct x10
Tempo lunge to sides x10
SSH x20
Run a warm up lap around the World’s Fair lawn and back past the fountains over to the war memorial.  15 minute AMRAP session of the following exercises:

  • Dips x10
  • Box jumps x10
  • WWII situps x10
  • Burpees x5
  • Four count merkins (hand release Army standard) x10
  • Sprint towards parking lot, up stairs, touch the wall and return

Quick 10 count after timer goes off.  Run back to fountains and complete another lap around the World’s Fair lawn, stopping just short of the fountains along the straight section of the sidewalk for worst DORA ever (debatable I suppose, but I wanted it to suck).  Partner up, partner A does exercises until Partner B returns.  Partner B bear crawls one light pole distance, then sprints two light pole distances before turning around and sprinting back to Partner A.  Exercises for Partner A:

  • Sit up ups x50
  • 8-count bodybuilders x50
  • Star jumps x50

This killed the remaining time, quick hop over to the fountains for BOM.

6 Strong: Duggar, G6, Huffy, Swanson, Walrus, Abort (Jenner started the workout but left shortly after warm up)
“Even in literature and art, no man who bothers about originality will ever be original: whereas if you simply try to tell the truth (without caring twopence how often it has been told before) you will, nine times out of ten, become original without ever having noticed it.”   – C.S. Lewis

Two things that stuck out to me about this.  I strive to keep my Q’s fresh or original, and in doing so generally end up in the same “style” that I always do.  I kept it simple for today, and in doing so got a great workout in and realized I’d probably avoided Dora’s for so long because I was afraid to use them.  The bigger takeaway for me, is what this quote says about truth.  Someone being truthful will be original nine times out of ten.  This made me reflect on how truthful I am, both in words but also in deed and to remain true to those who have placed themselves in my life and to myself as well.

All Truck and No Stop

THE SCENE:  mid 60’s and warm….weird weather for January


  • mosey around the island
  • SSH x 10
  • Squats x 10
  • Rockettes x 10
  • Tempo merkins x 10
  • Cherry pickers x ?  just do some ’till your ready.


  • Start out on the track.  Route 66 burpees at each light pole going the long route to the other side of the park.  13 poles total.  Lots of burpees
  • Kraken style run around the island with 6 stations.  Start with 5 Merkins and 5 Iron Mikes (each leg) at the first station and increase by 5 each lap. Reps = 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 at each consecutive station.
  • Mosey to the long hill by Watt Rd.  Battle buddy up for DORA 1,2,3.
    • 100 squats, 200 Big Boys, 300 Flutter Kicks
    • Partner A does exercises while Partner B runs to top of hill and does 2 Diamond Merkins
  • The short steep hill by the concrete bleachers was feeling left out so we stopped there on the way back to the AO.   Box jump up the bleachers, run to top of hill, do 5 burpees, come back down.
  • Mosey back to AO


  • Dealers choice
    • BBS x 20 – Frosty
    • Peter Parker – Driftwood
    • American Hammers – Finger Food
    • Hello Dolly – Butters

Frosty, Butters, Finger Food, Abort, Sparky, Driftwood, Amazon, La-Z-Boy, Mayberry, Charger, Bartman


Shared some of the challenges I’ve faced this week with my son and the fact that no matter how much he pushes my buttons there is always some grace left in the tank to show him.   It’s a reminder of the grace that Jesus has shown me over the years.


We hit the ground running and never let up this morning.  Great work from all 11 today.  Also, shout out to Amazon for being out in the gloom shortly after knee surgery.  Dude was giving 100% and modifying where he had too.  That was motivating!!


Battle of the Big Ball Sea

THE SCENE: A chilly 32* this morning, perfect weather to set sail.

Five men showed up in the gloom of the early morning.  Standing around would have been uncomfortably cold, so we decided some calisthenics would be a great way to keep warm.  Like proper sailors, we rowed through the exercises in cadence:
Angle grinders x12
Standing shoulder taps x15
Reverse lunges x10
Imperial walkers x15
SSH x20
After getting acclimated to the morning, we set sail away from the fountains.  It was quick and short voyage, finding troubled waters just into the Big Ball Sea.  We came full stop and the captain allowed the men to pick their own way to pass the time while he climbed to look from the observation deck.  The men decided to put their heels to heaven, chanting merrily as they went.  It didn’t take long before the waters darkened and a Kraken appeared.  Being only a crew of five, we knew we were in trouble.  Our only chance was to deprive the beast of his only food source, goo.  The goo must be burned, but we had to continue moving constantly to avoid being trapped.  Each goo igniting ritual had to be followed by quick movements around a circle to keep the men out of the grasp of the tentacles.

  • Diamond merkins x25
  • Burpees x15
  • Bear crawl 15 yards and back
  • Side lunges x15 each leg
  • Carolina dry docks x30
  • Pull ups x20
  • Jane Fonda x10 each leg (4 count)
  • Side straddle hops x50 (4 count)

The Kraken finally relented, and swam away.  The men were winded, but remained in great spirits.  I returned to the observation deck to keep an eye out, and again let the men decide how to pass the time.  Like true salty sailors, they mocked the beast with flutter kicks while I scanned the horizon.  To my surprise, the Kraken was already steaming back towards us, spraying a dark ink in the water the whole way.  The ink coated the goo, and kept us from setting it ablaze.  The men jumped into quick action, and again ran the goo burning gauntlet in the waters, this time changing the rituals to finally dispel the beast once and for all.

  • Diamond merkins x25
  • Burpees x15
  • Bear crawl 15 yards and back
  • Side lunges x15 each leg
  • Carolina dry docks x30
  • Pull ups x20
  • Jane Fonda x10 each leg (4 count)
  • Side straddle hops x50 (4 count)

Without the goo, the beast was forced to finally retreat for good.  The men, proud of their actions, pointed the ship back to port.  We sailed hard and fast into port, eager to share the tale of the day.

5 salty sailors: Huffy, G6, Swanson, 2×2, Abort
In keeping with the nautical theme, a quick quote: “The entire water of the sea can’t sink a ship unless it gets inside the ship. Similarly, negativity of the world can’t put you down unless you allow it to get inside you.”  You can be the type of man who is constantly filing buckets and dumping them in the ship, or you can be the man plugging holes and keeping the ship afloat.  At times, we want to act like we can’t control this or that, but the truth is we all have more control over things than we want to believe.  Be the man who sees the opportunity, not the obstacle.

Special thanks to Bartman for basically planning my Q, even though he didn’t know it and to Drifter for the literary inspiration .
Prayers for G6’s M Bev, who will be undergoing surgery today; praise and prayers for Huffy’s 2.0, as he starts his new job; Prayers for 2×2 and other students as they return to classes
2nd F Event at Tank’s house tomorrow

Post Christmas Calorie Burn

THE SCENE: Cold but clear

SSH, Overhead claps, Manly Arm rotations, Shoulder taps

Mosey to Sunsphere for a game of luck of the draw: either 10, 20, 30, 40, or 50 reps depending on what was drawn.

  • Exercises:
    • Merkins
    • Squats
    • Flutter kicks
    • LBC
    • SSH
    • Burpee
    • Lunge
    • Am. Hammer
    • Calf Raises
    • Jane Fonda
  • Mosey to Amplitheater:
    • 100 reps total of
      • Merkins/Squats
      • Lunge/Dips
      • LBC/Step ups
  • Mosey back to fountains and divide into 2 teams.  Each team did Boat/Canoes while one team member ran with coupon down the street and back, tagged the next man, until everyone had carried the coupon.
  • Circled up with coupons for a ring of fire.
    • Held “Al Gore” while coupon was passed doing 5 overhead presses each x 2 rounds.


Use the TAGS on right-side to record PAX (BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOURSELF) in attendance. Be sure to select the AO in CATEGORY above TAGS and then delete these notes!
“Better is a poor man who walks in his integrity than a rich man who is crooked in his ways.” Proverbs 28:6

Like Mic

THE SCENE: Dark, wet, a bit rainy and lower 50’s

SSH x 20, Baby Arm Circles x 15 forwards and 15 backwards + 15 shoulder taps, Little of This and That, Michael Phelps, Cherry Pickers x 5, Imperial Walkers x 10
This workout was done with a basketball. Everywhere we went we ran Indian Runs, passing the ball to the person behind us and when the ball made it to the back of the line whoever had it would run to the run and start passing it back again. If the ball touched the ground at anytime, even during exercise, we all had to stop and do 5 burpees

  • Amphitheater: 2 laps of snaking the stairs. 1st lap we did 10 Big Boy Sit ups at the bottom of each staircase and 10 Merkins at the top. 2nd lap we did 10 Dips at the bottom and 10 Sumo Squats at the top
  • Min Kao Bridge: We lunged across the bridge, stopping 3 times to do 15 Carolina Dry Docks each time
  • Bottom of the Hill: 25 Incline Merkins, 25 Little Baby Crunches, 25 Squats and run up the steps to Ayers
  • Outside Ayers: We made a big circle on our 6’s and passed the ball around. Each time someone caught the ball they had to lead everyone in 5 reps of an exercise. We did 2 rounds and you couldn’t pass to the people next to you or the person who just passed to you and went until everyone had caught the ball. 1st round was American Hammers and 2nd round was Flutterkicks
  • Student Union Bridge: We played Bearcrawl Ball. We formed 2 teams and essentially played soccer with our hands while bearcrawling
  • Long Mosey back to AO


During this time of year we often take time to think about things we want to improve on, do more of, become better at, or start doing all together. I encouraged us to also consider where in our lives we can dial back, spend less time, less energy, or less money, in order to make room for the things we value or to just make more room in our schedules in general. Last night I read that the average audio book collection of the entire Bible clocks in at 71 hours, which is also less time than the average American spends in one month watching TV. So what are somethings, like TV, phone, social media, etc. that we could be spending less time on in order to make room for the things we value most?
2nd F New Year’s Party was moved to the 10th