F3 Knoxville

eleven PAX doing elevens

THE SCENE: 45* – getting back to nice weather

Tempo lunge x10 IC
Merkins x10 IC
Windmills x8 IC
Burpees x5 OYO
SSH x20 IC

Mosey out of start point to amphitheater.  Assemble in front of stage for some super sets.  Do first three exercises in a row, OYO, with no rest in between.  Plank on stage and wait for everyone to finish.  Then back to the front of the stage for the next three exercises.  As quickly as possibly OYO and plank waiting for everyone to finish.

  • Left leg step ups x11
  • Right leg step ups x11
  • Box jumps x11

Plank and wait for everyone to finish, then straight into:

  • Derkins x11
  • Dips x11
  • Merkins x11

Plank and wait until last man finished.  Back at it and repeat all six exercises in the same fashion.  Recover and 10 count.  No mosey to the next routine, stay at the amphitheater stage for Super 11’s (11 seems to be the number of the day).  Perform 11 BBSU’s, run the stairs to the top, perform 11 pull ups on rails.  Return to the bottom and go from 10 to 1 reps on both exercises.  When finished, plank it up on the stage. Recover and 10 count.

Mosey back past the start point to the front of L&N Stem Academy.  Everyone grab a rock (or two if they want some fun).  Rock exercises as follows:

  • Curls x30 and rest with rock pressed overhead
  • Squats x30 with rock pressed overhead
  • Curls x30 and rest with rock pressed again overhead
  • Arms straight out, rock lifts x30
  • Overhead press x30
  • Curls x30
  • Situps x30 with rock pressed overhead

Mosey back to start point.

Had about three minutes left upon arrival, and Q only had one thing left to do.  Boat/Canoe.  After a few iterations of plain holds, 5 on 4 count flutter kicks while in canoe, then 5 on a 4 count OH claps in canoe.  A few more iterations of regular holds.  30 seconds left Q told PAX all we had was 30 seconds, and to hold canoe for that long or until they had to drop.
11 Strong, including one flying headlock who departed early: Mark (FEH), Swanson, G6, Bareback, Cowbell, The Voice, Rousey, Half Caf, Amazon, Pfeiffer, Abort
I’ve kind of had a recurring theme in my word, which is struggling with failure.  Constantly worrying about failing at my job, failing as a friend, failing as a future spouse and father.  Then I read things that say if you’re not failing at something then you’re not trying hard enough or trying new things and that failure is the best way to learn.  So failure is always there, be it good or bad.  However I came across a quote which really struck me, so I decided to share it.  From Francis Chan:


always have choices

THE SCENE: 31* and clear, definitely welcome when the forecast was mid-20s

Sumo Squat x10 IC
SSH x10 IC
Wide merkins x10 IC
SSH x10 IC
Shoulder taps x10 IC
Mosey out of start point to base of the big ball.  Lots of chalk on the ground, two rounds of exercises each with a separate cash in.  Perform cash in exercise before each listed exercise, perform listed exercise, then have the choice to run the big ball stairs up and down twice, or run to the amphitheater stage and back one.  One option is shorter but stairs, the other option is longer distance but flat.  Repeat cash in and move to next exercise in the list and take your choice again. Round One cash in exercise is 10 merkins, exercises as follows:

  • 25 Iron Mikes (left/right 1)
  • 25 Big boy sit ups
  • 25 Overhead claps on 4-ct
  • 25 Calf raises on stairs on 4-ct
  • 10 Eight count body builders

Ab exercises until everyone finishes Round 1. Round 2 is very similar, except the finishing exercise you can run the stairs twice, run to the stage, or you can do 10 pull ups on the Big Ball.  Same format, cash in, perform exercise from the list, run or pull ups.  Cash in exercise is 10 big boy sit ups, exercises as follows:

  • 15 Jump squats
  • 15 Shoulder taps in plank on 4-ct
  • 20 Carolina dry docks
  • 10 Burpees
  • 10 Sit up ups

Mosey back to start point.

No time for Mary, fortunately got some core work during workout.
Lucky 7 at the BB: G6, Cowbell, Rousey, Passport, Midas, Swanson, Abort
Today’s Q was all about choices.  You always have a choice, you may not think you do or you may not like the choices, but you always have them.  Sometimes people want to remove choices so they can blame circumstances, but that isn’t always the case.  Two quotes about choices:

“If you choose not to decide, still a choice has been made” – Rush
“Attitude is a choice.  Happiness is a choice.  Giving is a choice.  Respect is a choice.  Whatever choice you make, makes you.  Choose wisely.”

Go forth through the day and try to realize you have more control over more things than you want to believe.  Use that to better yourself and those around you by choosing to live with love and patience, kindness and virtue.
Continue prayers for Passport and his back injury, hoping he can avoid surgery; prayers for the Fugate family who lost their son in an auto accident; prayers for our ROTC folks who shared the field with us this morning; prayers for our man SOOT as he prepares to deploy to Kuwait

The Quacken AO Launch!

THE SCENE: 50 degrees. Cloudy. Little rain toward the end.


Warmed up in an adjacent pavilion b/c we couldn’t all fit in the normal one!

SSH X20 4ct IC

Cherry Pickers x10 IC

Annie’s – x8 each forward and backward each.

Little bit of this, little bit of that…

Imperial Walkers x10 4CT
Relay run with the 20lb baby around the Fountain City Park loop 1 time. Turn around and run up to the Gresham Hill continuing the relay run with the 20lb baby.

Welsh Dragons (Happy St. David’s Day!)

  • Bear crawl position the whole time. Move forward 4 steps.
  • Do 1 merkin
  • Do 1 plank jack
  • Do 1 pair of back of shoulder taps
  • Bear crawl forward another 4 steps.
  • Rinse and repeat for ~30ft adding 1 rep to each move every time.
  • Rest and then turn around and go halfway back-ish toward where we started starting over at 1 rep each.

Relay run with 20lb baby back down Gresham Hill around the side to the Duck Pond.

The Quacken Circuit

  • 8 station circuit around the Duck Pond. 20 reps of listed exercise at each station, except the last station which is 10 Kraken Burpees (regular burpee with 3 hand-release merkins at the bottom). Repeat the loop 2x or until time.
  • #1 – 20 Squats
  • #2 – 20 Merkins
  • #3 – 20 Overhead Claps 2CT
  • #4 – 20 LBCs
  • #5 – 20 American Hammers 2CT
  • #6 – 20 Mountain Climbers 2CT
  • #7 – 20 SSH 2CT
  • #8 – 10 Kraken Burpees (3 hand-release merkins at the bottom)
  • Ran out of time, but almost finished 2nd loop

Relay run back to the AO with 20lb baby.

Out of time! We had too much fun.
18 HIMs made it out for the launch! Herbie, Abort, Half caff, Mr. Wedgie, SiPad, Bowflex, Chaucer, Hamm, Belding, Fast-n-Easy, Swanson, Quagmire, Detention, Ghost, Tank, Doubtfire, Erector, Filter
Philippians 2:3-4 “Do nothing from rivalry or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.”
4 takeaways for today:

  1. Accountability – Hold one another accountable to make it out here. Encourage one another to get better and be better. Hold one another accountable in our regular lives outside our workout times as well.
  2. Q! Sign up to Q! Everyone has the ability, wherewithal and capacity to do it. We can help. You can do it.
  3. Mend House – Come out and post with these guys on Wednesdays at 6pm. They’re a great group of guys to workout with and we all benefit from being around one another.
  4. Give Back – Give back to the AOs where you post. Volunteer for a cleanup day or help do things around the park / school / etc. I know we can definitely help the Lions Club keep FC Park clean and running well for everyone to use.
    Chili cook-off tonight 6-8pm at Fort Loudoun Yacht Club. Reach out to Rusty or Doubtfire for more info.

    F3 Knoxville, The Quacken
    Launch of The Quacken AO in Fountain City on March 1, 2019.

Read me like a book


  • Imperial walker x10
  • Bat wing
    • BAC forward x20
    • BAC reverse x20
    • OH Claps x20
  • Tempo squat x10
  • 4 count merkin x10
  • SSH


Ascending curb crawl 1-13. Bear crawl from one curb to the other, do 1 merkin. Bear crawl back to the original side, 2 merkins. Continue up to 13 merkins.
Decision time: 5 exercises at 5 different places, PAX choose rep count of 10, 20, 30, 40, 50. PAX choose the reps before knowing the exercise, and once they’ve used a number they can’t use it again.
  • Star jumps @ Big Ball (50)
  • Sit ups @ stage (40)
  • Burpees @ fountain (10)
  • Curls with rocks @ L&N (30)
  • SSH @ South end of park (20)

PAX read me like a book, burpees only 10 reps. G6 called it before we ever got there too.

20 sprints. Do 20 of exercise, sprint to the other end of the road and continue reps of said exercise until everyone has made it. Call a new exercise and repeat.
  • Diamond merkins
  • Squats
  • Sit ups
  • Wide merkins
  • Plank jacks
  • Burpees (10)

Flutter kicks x20
Sit ups x20
Box cutters 10
10 Strong (get to keep my beard): G6, Reverb, The Voice, Amazon, Rousey, Passport, Cowbell, Duggar, Swanson, Abort
The Einstellung Effect: the negative aspect of having experience.  We all usually think having experience and even success somewhere is a good thing, and it is.  However, this effect describes the type of confirmation bias that arises from having success at something: you might not consider other options which might be even better or more beneficial.  Challenge to myself and other PAX to not only try to get better at things which they struggle with, but also occasionally take a look at things you do well, and consider that you might have another option.  My personal challenge is to try to find a way to love my family and friends in a better way. AYE!!
Continue to pray for Passport and that hopefully he can avoid another back surgery, for G6’s son Rick who still has a fever following his operation, and for Swanson and his wife and family.

Stay Off My Lawn – Big Ball

THE SCENE: Clear and a cool 43 degrees…90% humid

  • 45 SSHs
  • shoulders shoulders shoulders- baby arm circles, overhead clamps, seal claps, cherry pickers, morracan night clubs


  • Mosey to the Amphitheater
  • 11’s up the stairs with inclined merkins and rows
  • Mosey to Hot Tub Time Machine where we found match game from our childhood
  • Burpees
  • iron mikes
  • hand release merkins
  • squats
  • mtn climbers
  • LBCs

When made a match, we took a lap around the LAWN….during which G6 ran into the LAWN CLOSED sign. Thus, stay off my lawn

Out of time when we got back to AO

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Use the TAGS on right-side to record PAX (BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOURSELF) in attendance. Be sure to select the AO in CATEGORY above TAGS and then delete these notes!
OLD TESTAMENT- punishment, killing, vengeance

NEW TESTAMENT- love and forgiveness
Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.