F3 Knoxville

Rock piles and cathedrals

THE SCENE: 29 actual temp, 23 feels like temp. Shorts weather!

  • 6 count squat (not tempo)
  • 6 count shoulder tap
  • Merkins on 4 count
  • SSH (varied pace)


“Bro I’m cold” rule in effect for durarion – I call out person when I’m cold and we do 5 burpees. Person I call out must call six count cadence. They then nominate the next person when they’re cold – or want to be a jerk.

Mosey out of SP toward amphitheater. Stop at back part of amphitheater for 10 eight count merkins, 10 jump squats. Sprint the hill and hold squat waiting for the 6. Continue mosey to church parking lot for rock PT.
  • Curls x15
  • Thrusters x10
  • Offset merkins x10
  • 10 meter duck walk and back
  • Overhead squats x 10
  • Overhead press x15
  • Hammers x10 (4ct)
Escalator style. Between each iteration run and touch the church and come back. Pick up next exercise and work back through beginning with curls.
Mosey back to SP.


  • Iron cross IPTBAW. Last man standing picks next exercise and count, calls cadence but only does half the reps. Careless wins, calls out 30 Edward scissor-legs. Like a boss, does them all instead of stopping at 15.
  • Low plank on elbows IPTBAW. Run out of time with most PAX still holding, so we all win.

12 strong, 1 visitor from Charlotte and 1 first time baller from Dog Pound: Reverb, Amazon, Passport, Dingar, Brooks, Duggar, Filter, Careless, Cowbell, Swanson, JPEG, Abort
“A rock pile ceases to be a rock pile the moment a single man contemplates it, bearing within him the image of a cathedral.”  Go about your day viewing things not the way the are, but the could be if you applied impact to them.
Hardship Hill OCR coming up in May. I want us to have minimum one team, hopefully two. We also will be building an obstacle, details to follow.

Bomb Shelter can have Amy back

THE SCENE: High 30’s and clear – warmed up real quick!
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER Yup still not a professional!
25 side straddle hop – 4 count/IC

15 Baby arm circles – forward/backward – 4 count/IC

20 Tempo Squats – 4 count/IC

10 Merkins – OYO

Mosey to Big ball

Lunge/Burpee – 4/4, 4/3, 4/2, 4/1, 4/2, 4/3, 4/4

and then Amy showed up!

50 Squats

  • 10 burpees

lap around convention center loop

40 BBS

  • 10 burpees

lap around convention center loop

30 lunges (Alternating)

  • 10 Burpees

Lap around Convention center loop

20 Merkins

  • 10 burpees

lap around convention center loop

10 bear crawls between enter and outer bollard post of convention enter loop

  • 10 burpees

lap around convention center loop

once complete, we went back up the ladder starting with bear crawls. we do half the reps on the exercises and kept the burpees and lap the same.

boat/canoe for about 45 seconds & that’s all she wrote


Persistence – Nelson Mandela was arrested before he could finish his law degree. He spent 36 of the 37 year he was in prison trying to complete his degree.  Despite many obstacle, he persisted an completed his degree month before he was released from prison after the fall of apartheid government.

This isn’t just another, “keep your resolution post”, this is a persistence post. there are opportunities everyday to give up; Don’t give up! we all want to at time, yet in those moments of weakness we need to press in to the goal or task. We also need to have men around us that can keep us accountable of those goals.
Image result for nelson mandela prison letters
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

Nightmare Before Christmas ’18

THE SCENE: Cold & clear

BAC x10 IC
Little bit of…
Sumo Shoulders x10 IC
Tempo Squats x10 IC
Monkey Humpers x10 IC
Tempo Merks x10 IC
5 Bodybuilders IC

Mosey to Market Square

Escalator using 4 corners: Corner 1, run lap, Corner 1 + Corner 2, run lap, keep building for 4 corners
Corner 1: 10x Bodybuilders, 15x Jump Squats
Corner 2: 10x Bodybuilders, 15x Crab Cakes (4ct)
Corner 3: 10x Bodybuilders, 15x Sit-up-ups
Corner 4: 10x Bodybuilders, 15x Angle Grinders

Mosey back to AO

Shoulder Shredder

Talked about the importance of being present for friends/family during the Holiday season


One more 18 beatdown

THE SCENE: Low 50s, perfect temp to sweat

Windmills x12 IC
Shoulder taps x12 IC
Tempo merkin x12 IC
Tempo lunge x12 IC
SSH x31 IC
Collect keys and mosey out of the A.O. toward the amphitheater.  Run under the bridge and through the seldom used part of the park, pausing at the statue for a round of leg blasters.  20 squats, 20 lunges, 10 air squats all done in cadence and no break in between.  Shake your legs out and continue Mosey.  Cross Cumberland Avenue and run up Estabrook behind the engineering buildings until reaching the stairs of Mordor.

Partner up for a Dora workout.  One man performs exercise while the other runs to the stop of the stairs, performs two burpees, and runs back down the stairs to relieve his partner.  Flap jack, all exercises cumulative between partners. 150 reps of each exercise:

  • Bulgarian split squat (using benches)
  • Ranger merkins
  • American hammers on 4-count
  • Overhead claps on 4-count

Recover and 10 count.  Routine took up the entire workout (glad I didn’t say 200 reps of each) so we head back to A.O. for Mary.

Flutter kicks x20 IC
Captain Thor up to 5:20
Q favorite of Boat/Canoe until time ran out
16 Strong including 2 FNGs: Swanson, Cowbell, Half Caff, The Voice, Stagehand, Passport, Reverb, Rousey, Soot, G6, Hot Topic (FNG), Amazon, Blackout (FNG), Jenner, Huey, Abort
New years always bring about resolutions of people trying to set goals, some of which are too vague or too difficult to be obtainable (nothing wrong with resolutions, or setting high goals).  During this time of year, challenge everyone to think of one word they can choose to try to improve different aspects of their life, this stolen from an F3 podcast I listened to.  Examples of words I heard or found were Present, Change, Joyous, Purposeful (what I’m leaning towards).

The point is to let that word improve all aspects of your life instead of just choosing one thing you may or may not do.  In my case, to be purposeful with what I do.  Move and workout with purpose, love those around me with purpose, perform my job with purpose.  LIVE with purpose.
MOLESKIN: Continue to pray for Butterfly and his wife Chelsea and she tries to figure out what has been causing her medical issues; pray for Soot, Huey, and Hot Topic as they return back to station and for Soot’s possible deployment; pray for the Corcoran family who lost their son in a car accident Saturday night; pray for Stagehand as he travels to Florida to be present with his family; pray for our community and our brothers as we close out this year and begin 2019.

Kraken of the Fountain

THE SCENE: Mid-low 40’s, overcast.

Tempo squats x 10 IC
1 burpee
Squats x 10 4-count IC
2 burpee
Squat touch jumps x 10
3 burpee
Tempo merkins
4 burpee
Merkins x 10 4-count IC
5 burpee
Clap merkins x 10
6 burpee
Kraken of the fountain
2 different sets of exercises to alternate each round:
First round
1. Merkins 2. Squat touch jumps 3. Mt climbers 4. Burpee 5. Lunge 6. V-up 7. Diamond merkin 8. Split squat
Second round
1. Dry dock 2. Squat 3. Ww2 sit-up 4. Derkin 5. Deadlift touch 6. BBS 7. Door frame pulls 8. Plank jack
Most of us got 3-4 laps around.
Sprints across the field x 7 with 20 LBCs at the end of each.
Side v-ups 15 each side
Hello angel x 15 4-count IC
Repeat x 2
40 seconds of LBC
10 men woke and slayed the kraken of the fountain. Welcome to Huey from Rwanda!
Only those who risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go – T.S. Eliot

This is my mantra for 2019. I want to push myself way past my comfort level and break that voice in my brain that tells me to stop. This is mostly about physical endurance for me but if I can break through that wall in my brain I see it bleeding over into work and relationships. At work I want to push myself to be the most productive I can be in my time there. With my wife I want to push my vulnerability to her past my comfort level to the point we are one person in mind.