F3 Knoxville

Joker’s Wild at the Big Ball

THE SCENE: Temperature around 68 with a slight drizzle.



A few side straddle hops, couple of cherry pickers, BIG arm circles, overhead claps, and front side claps.

We took a little mosey to the amphitheater to get out of the wet.  We discovered a pack of playing cards and a dry erase board set out on the stage.  Dry Erase board had this written on it…

  • Hearts – Burpees
  • Clubs – Merkins
  • Diamond – Odd – Dips / Even – Derkins
  • Spades – Squats
  • Aces – Sprint the stairs 5 times
  • Jokers – WILD

We spread the cards out, face down…then flipped them over and followed the commands . Example – 5 of Hearts – 5 Burpees; Queen of Clubs – 10 Merkins.

This totals up to 84 of each rep.  Joker #1 – 25 “My People” by G6; Joker #2 – 8 Bodybuilders by Amazon

Ran out of time….

18 Total HIMs

Temptation…it gets to all of us.  Key is to try to not not focus on the temptation…that only makes your brain think about it more. Rather, you should replace the temptation with a positive thought.  Temptation can drive your emotion, which drives your thoughts, which drives your actions, which determine who you are.



Tuesday Card Game

THE SCENE:  Overcast. 70 degrees. Low humidity.

BAC x10 IC
SSH x15 IC
Hillbilly x10 IC
Tempo Merkin x10 IC
Tempo Squat x10 IC
8-ct Bodybuilders x5 IC

After warmup, formed two lines on Petey & Amazon. PAX mosey to Amphitheater and circled up.

Deck o’ Cards
Hearts = 4 ct Flutter Kicks IC
Diamonds = Inverted Rows IC
Clubs = Merkins IC
Spades = 8 ct Bodybuilders IC

Ace = 20 reps
Face cards = 15 reps
Less than face = Value of Card

Joker pulled:

All PAX run to top of amphitheater steps for the shoulder shredder:

4ct Overhead Claps x25 IC…arms stay out
Pick cherries, drop em in the bucket
4 total sets to get to 100 reps

Bear crawl down amphitheater steps after.

Continued with Deck of Cards. Couldn’t finish so the last set of exercises I pulled 4 aces to hit 20 of each exercise before endex.

24 PAX, no FNGs

Discussed the importance of focusing on one thing and doing it well rather than multi-tasking as it pulls attention away and it’s difficult to get momentum generated. “Never half-ass two things. Whole-ass one thing.” Ron Swanson

Big Ball to start Monday workouts

Rise Up to Fall Back

THE SCENE: Cool and Dark… and a little grassy
Side-Straddle-Hops, Baby Arm Circles, Arm Stretches, Cherry Pickers, Windmills, 8-Count Merkins
Ring-of-Fire Merkins to 7

Buddy Bear Crawls (2x per PAX) + 25 Squats (4x)

Descending Sprint + Burpee Cardio Ladder

Tunnel of Love (2x)

Row, Row, Row your boat (and canoe)
16 PAX
Train your body, mind, and soul! You always fall back to the level of your training, so rise up and get better!

Old Miss Lucy’s dead and gone

THE SCENE: The air was thick!
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER: Nope, not a professional

Stretching feels so good.

Mosey to “painted steps” for 10 minute circuit of:

  • bear crawl down steps
  • forward lunge, side lunge, other side lunge, backward lunge (light pole to light pole)
  • 80%-90% run up the ramp
  • R&R

Mosey to parking lot towards the Tn River

  • select a coupon (challenge yourself)
  • squat to the lyrics of “Flower” (Moby)

Mosey to greenway along TN River

  • stop at every third light pole alternating between 10 merkins and 10 squats

Mosey back to AO

This was my VQ – step up and lead if you have not done so!

including 1 FNG – Gesundheit
Run wild. To risk everything. To hold nothing back.
To lay it all on the line: your reputation, your success, your comfort.
It’s that moment when fear is overcome by faith. Live free.
It’s not the liberty to do whatever you want whenever and wherever you want,
But rather it’s living in accordance with the author of humanity
And finding freedom by connecting with the creator who conceived you.
Let the light flood into your eyes for the first time.
Feeling the blood course through your veins, finding the truest version of yourself
By knowing the one who knows you even better than you know yourself.
Love strong. Because you were first loved. Because without love we all perish.
Because the earth and the stars can and will pass away, but love, love will always remain.

from”Oh God Forgive Us” by For King and Country

Make sure to attend 3rd F this Saturday and the CSAUP on the 25th at the truck stop!

Another unneeded garage sale

THE SCENE: 70 and rain in the forecast, but no rain

Tempo lunge x12 IC
Shoulder taps x12 IC
Monkey humpers x10 IC
SSH x20 IC

Get keys in the bag and mosey south toward 11th Street parking garage.  Once inside the garage, circle up for a super easy 3 minute workout.  Workout consists of alternating planks: high plank (front leaning rest/merkin position) for 15 seconds, followed by low plank (resting on elbows) for 15 seconds, then flapjack every 15 seconds until 3 minutes are up.

Slow mosey up the ramp to the next level of the parking garage for a Hot lap around that level.  Each exercise is a way to move to the next corner.  Jack rabbits wall sit while waiting on the 6 to complete each leg of the lap.  Exercises as follows:

  • Bear crawl
  • Duck walk
  • Burpee beam jump (at each overhead concrete beam, stop and do a burpee, on the jump portion you jump up and touch the beam overhead)
  • Inch worm

Mosey up another level for the four corners routine.  Simple run between each exercise.  Exercises as follows:

  • Box cutters x20
  • Alternating hand merkins x20 (10 each hand.  Start with one hand on the curb and one hand on the ground and perform a merkin, switch high and low hands each rep OR do 10 with one hand high then switch for the remaining 10)
  • Bobby Hurleys x10 (deep deep squat jumps – squat down and put palms flat on the deck, pause then jump)
  • Jump lunges x20 (10 each leg)

Rinse and repeat for three laps around.  Recover and 10 count.  Begin mosey back to start point.  Pause for squats while waiting on Preacher who took a wrong turn in the garage.

Captain Thor up to 3:12
19 strong including 1 FNG: Passport, Soot, Swanson, Preacher, Amazon, Reverb, Quarantine, Red Writer, Guano, Jenner, G6, Gutenberg (FNG), Singlet, Butterfly, Moana, The Voice, Careless, Petey, Abort
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