F3 Knoxville

Mermaid Lives on Chateaugay Road

AO: shamruck
Q: The Situation
PAX: Mermaid, Trojan, Tonka, Eliza, Anchorman, Mailbox, Hot Toddy
FNGs: None
3.4 miles through Belmont West (my second-favorite neighborhood)

Convergence on November 16 at the Asylum

Find ways to give and serve this holiday season. If a cause or a group of people is on your heart, then that’s who you should be helping.

Uncharted Territory

AO: shamruck
Q: Eliza
PAX: Eliza, Baby Boomer, Dumpster Dive, Anchorman, Toretto, Hot Toddy
FNGs: None
We rucked to Racquetball and up to Weigels hill through the apartments and down 10 Mile Rd and made the loop in Eagle Brook subdivision and back. Well run it back for sure.

COT: talked about weeds, what needs to be cut down and pulled up. What are things and attitudes in your life that need to be cut down and pulled out to make you better?

We also talked about the marvels of modern surgical abilities.

The Quest for Halloween Decorations

AO: shamruck
Q: Mermaid
PAX: Eliza, Toretto, Mailbox, Anchorman, Ribbed, Dumpster Dive, Crawlspace, Mermaid
FNGs: None
We moved fast, and covered a lot of ground today. We were seeking Halloween Decorations with two specific stops in mind. We were 4 minutes late as a result, and did the COT on the fly during the last half mile.

COT Topic was about my daughter and critical thinking, as she was uncomfortable with a question in school. The paraphrase was something like why do we teach children religion, and the answer was that they are impressionable. She said that made her uncomfortable and we were able to have a great conversation about discernment, wisdom, truth, and religion.

Also 3 runners, Toretto, Mailbox, & Anchorman. 2 Dogs joined the ruckers, and I am sorry for the blurry pic.


AO: shamrock
Q: Anchorman
PAX: Baby Boomer, Squatter, Lizzy, LeBling, Crawlspace, Anchorman
FNGs: None

WARMUP: High knees, butt kicks, over the fence forwards and back.  Cherry pickers  Smurf Jacks – IC – 4ct x10  Quad stretch  Down Dog / Cobra  

THE THANG: Mosey to the bleachers for Cardio  run up and down all of them to the end Catch our breath Stretch  
Mosey to the Ab area 50 LBCs 50 Awkward turtles  50 Dead bugs 50 American Hammers  50 Flutter kicks    
Mosey to Leg area 30 seconds wall sit 50 toe merkins, run 1 lap.
Repeat for 3 rounds total  
Mosey to Arm area  50 Bench press 50 lawn mowers 50 CMU press 50 Curls  50 Merkins on CMU

MARY:  Dealer’s choice  

 COT:  I need constant help with contentment. I get laser focused on something like a new pair of shoes, a car, house, a watch, etc. I want what I do not have, but I have been blessed with so much. I am so thankful for what I have. My family, my health, my job, etc.
I do t want to wait until Thanksgiving to appreciate what has been given to me.

Birthday stuff

AO: shamrock
Q: Lizzy
PAX: Anchorman, F3 Pluto ( Hugh Nystrom), Crawlspace, Stitch, Mermaid
FNGs: None
Tempo squats
Lbc then reverse
I told them how much I really don’t like ssh
Majority chose option a over b for the q choice
11’s with burpees and monkey humpers bear crawl between point and b. Walk back
30 manmakers mixed in
Mosey to stadium reverse walk up the stairs backwards and 14 more manmakers mixed in. Finished off with 5 jokers at ao


Broolympics coming up
Why do you wake up every day. I told the story from my experiences from being in the hospital last month.