F3 Knoxville

Baseball F3 Shamrock Style


Partly Cloudy, 49 ℉, Humidity 91%, Feels like 48 ℉, Wind Speed 3.7 mi/h, Wind Direction ENE


Stolen from @Lancelot – F3 Suncoast. (http://f3suncoast.com/2020/05/07/this-aint-no-peanuts-cracker-jacks-boys/) Modified a bit and used the Softball field.  Instead of bases, home and the three outfield positions used as stations (bases).

“Let’s Warm-up out in the Outfield for a few” – or in AO parking lot.

  • 15   Michael Phelps 
  • 15  Arm Circles Front/Back 
  • Motivators from 6 (4 count)
  • Mosey to CMUs

 “Play Ball!” on Softball Field     

Start at Home Plate, ( RF, CF, or LF small groups)

a. 25 Merkins
b. 25 Overhead Presses
c. 25 Chest Presses
d. Second Set :Repeating Exercises Above
e. Finish with 10 SSH
f. Mosey 1 Lap Around the Bases 
g. Pick Up Coupon, Mosey to 1st Base 

1st Base (All do these as group pretending to be at home.  Then rotate counter clockwise.  Or four stations.)

a. 25 Squats 
b. 25 Lunges
c. 25 heel raises
d. Second Set Repeating Exercises Above
e. Finish with 10 SSH
f. Mosey 1 Lap Around the Bases 
g. Pick Up Coupon, Mosey to 2nd Base

2nd Base

a. Colt 45s (15 Curls x 3 Positions)
b. 15 Blockees: burpee w/ coupon
c. 15 Bent Rows
d. Second Set Repeating Exercises Above
e. Finish with 10 SSH
f. Mosey 1 Lap Around the Bases 
g. Pick Up Coupon, Mosey to 3rd Base

“There’s no Crying in Baseball”

3rd Base

a. 25  Mountain Climbers
b. 25  Thrusters
c. 25  Monkey Humpers
d. Second Set Repeating Exercises Above
e. Finish with 10 SSH
f. Mosey 1 Lap Around the Bases to Home 
g. Pick Up Coupon, & Mosey to F3 Home Base: Flag for COT 

Round of Mary 

1. 20 Big Boy Sit-Ups 
2. 30 LBCs 
3. 20 American Hammers 
4. 30 Freddie Mercury’s 
5. 20 Flutter Kicks



Fun look at comparison of Baseball and Christianity.  Using http://gregburdine.com/baseball-christianity-5-similarities/ 



Shamrock – Put a stone under your brother

THE SCENE: Beautiful cool dry morning

Baby Arm Circles forward then backwards (IC) 4 CT x 15 each

Side Straddle hop (IC) 4 CT x 25

Flutter Kicks 25 – 4 count 

Twinkle Toes  (IC) 4 CT x 15

4×4’s  x5 OYO  Burpee into plank / 4 merkins / 4 single mountain climbers / up repeat

V-up roll up – x10 OYO BBS with a crunch in-between 


Mosey to Back Parking lot

12 stations – Marked 1-12. Do 1 rep then run to station 2 and do 2 reps and so on until you get to # 12. Each round completed = 78 reps. This course included 3 bear crawl segments per round for about 30’ each. We ran a total of 2.25 miles during the workout. 

Round 1 – Smurf Jacks

Round 2 – Diamond Merkins

Round 3 – 4-count American Hammers 

Round 4 – Squats

Round 5 – Burpees 


Think we did 35 –  4-count Freddie Mercurys
9 PAX – HalfSheet, Dogbite, Baby Boomer, Pringle, CheetSheet, Trolley, Mermaid, Anchorman, Jitters

Exodus 17

The Amalekites came and attacked the Israelites at Rephidim. Moses said to Joshua, “Choose some of our men and go out to fight the Amalekites. Tomorrow I will stand on top of the hill with the staff of God in my hands.”

10 So Joshua fought the Amalekites as Moses had ordered, and Moses, Aaron and Hur went to the top of the hill. 11 As long as Moses held up his hands, the Israelites were winning, but whenever he lowered his hands, the Amalekites were winning. 12 When Moses’ hands grew tired, they took a stone and put it under him and he sat on it. Aaron and Hur held his hands up—one on one side, one on the other—so that his hands remained steady till sunset. 13 So Joshua overcame the Amalekite army with the sword.

God chose Moses to be a faithful servant. 

Moses acted on that faith. 

I love the example of Aaron and Hur holding Moses’ arms up for probably at least 8 hours. 



The Shamrock Road

THE SCENE: Cool, low 40’s and clear
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER   It’s been so long I got the order wrong on F3, as a result we all did 5 burpees.

The Aforementioned 5 Burpees
Motivators from 5
Cherry Pickers (5)
Baby Arm Circles Forward (10)
Baby Arm Circles Backward (10)
Overhead Claps (10)
Moroccan Night Club  (10)


We broke the group of 20 into 5 smaller groups, and spread out to 5 stations that were marked around campus.

Station 1- The Shamrock Road
Perform 1 Burpee at every Shamrock that is painted on the ground (total 34)

Station 2 – Mosey to the circular wall with a statue
At the wall do 5 rounds of 20 dips followed by 20 Merkins

Station 3 – Mosey to the covered walkway at the Church
Perform 20 lunges followed by a 30 second wall squat
Perform 18 lunges followed by a 30 second wall squat
Perform 16 lunges followed by a 30 second wall squat
Perform 14 lunges followed by a 30 second wall squat
Perform 12 lunges followed by a 30 second wall squat
Mosey to Station 4 near Fox Lonas

Station 4 – “Detention Hill”
Perform 20 calf raises at the top of the hill, run to the bottom and do 20 squats, then ran back up the hill.
Repeat x 5

Station 5 – A/O Home of the Shovel Flag
20 BBS followed by 20 Merkins
20 LBC’s followed by 20 Merkins
20 Hello Dollies followed by 20 Merkins
20 Flutter Kicks followed by 20 Merkins
20 Box Cutters followed by 20 Merkins

Run to station 1 and repeat as time allows.  Every completed each station 1 time and at least began to repeat their “1st” station.

Included in station 5 of the workout.  Although Judge led us in seemingly endless pickle pounders until the last PAX returned to the A/O.
Add a tag for Half Sheet, 20 in attendance today.

Abscess spoke about growth of F3, Asulym, Juco, and how it spawned into Shamrock through the leadership of Booster & Judge Judy.  Mermaid spoke briefly about the origin of Shamrock after the Shovel Flag was passed to him.  St. Patrick is a Saint recognized by the Catholic Church.  He was a missionary to Ireland, and as legend has it, he used the Shamrock and it’s three leaves to teach the Irish people about the trinity (Father, Son, Holy Spirit).  F3 also has three branches (Fitness, Fellowship, & Faith).  I like the symbolism of the Shamrock, and it is a reminder to us, as it is found all over the campus.
Cheet Sheet’s Daughter
Mailbox’s coworker Steve and his battle with cancer
Gump & Spotter’s Mom and her battle with cancer
Pool Boy’s parents are both having surgery this week
The world, as we continue to deal with the ripple effects of Covid 19.


THE SCENE:  A steamy 59 degrees



ALL IC: SSH x20, Imperial Walkers x20, American Hammers (4ct) x20, Merkins x15, Mountain Climbers (4ct) x15, Squats x15, Flutter-kicks (4ct) x 20, LBCs (4ct) x20,

Burpees OYO x10

Battle-Buddy up for some Partner Sets. Partner 1 does 10 reps while other holds position; switch and repeat until 100 reps is reached:

  • Merkins (or plank)
  • Squats (or Al Gore)
  • Flutter-Kicks (4ct) (or 6inch)
  • Shoulder Taps (or plank)
  • Jump Squats (or free throw position)
  • LBCs (or knees to chest)
  • Burpees (or stand and catch breath) – for this last one we did sets of 5 until 50 total reps completed.

Mosey to Large Student Parking Lot and rotate between bear crawl and lunges (switching at each parking lane), making our way across the lot (total distance around 120 yards).

100 yard mosey repeats with dealer’s choice exercises at each end.  For practice, Q had three men who had not Q’d yet call the exercises the proper F3 way: Slappy, Nadia and Curveball all did great and are ready to Q!

24 Strong
Fitness is the first “F” for a reason.  Every day you make that decision to get out of bed, you swallow a pill that most men won’t – the Daily Red Pill (DRP). The DRP is the first of many bricks you lay that will solidify and start a process that steam rolls into having an effective day as a dad, a boss, a neighbor, whatever. You cannot effectively lead unless you get your body right first. We come out here and suffer together to get fit. Once our bodies are right, we can then effectively lead in our daily circles.

There is an old saying in F3: “You can’t out-king your queen.”  With The game of Chess as a comparison, the King represents your fitness, the Queen your diet. We all know that in chess while both are important, the Queen is the most valuable player  on the board. You lose your Queen and it’s not long until the game is over. Similarly, you will never be able to out-exercise a bad diet. If you are really serious about becoming a better leader, the First F requires dietary discipline. Find what works for you. For me, it’s Calories in v. Calories out.  I track my food intake and you should too. It can be a real eye-opener for those that never have.  You can’t out-King your Queen! ISI!



Do over with miles and burpees

THE SCENE: Warm and breezy

5 cherry pickers

50 SSH
mosey to the back of the strip mall

  • run the length of the back of mall and for every door we hit, a Burpee = 15
  • Run the length of the front of the mall and a door is a Burpee = 10
  • Run over to the base of jucomanjaro
  • Bernie up to the first light poll
  • bear crawl for a 30 count
  • mosey to the first turn off.
  • 10 count
  • mosey up to the power lines and do BBS waiting for the six
  • Bernie up to the top
  • Mosey back to the bottom stopping to do 20 4x Pickle punders at the power lines, turn off, and light poll.
  • Mosey to the front of the strip mall
  • Run the length of the front of the mall and a door is a Burpee = 10
  • run the length of the back of mall and for every door we hit, a Burpee = 15
  • Mosey to the parking lot
  • a modified route 66 every light we pass in the parking lot we do 5 4x monkey humpers
    • one round
  • start at the top of the row and bear crawl to the nextt light
  • crawl bear to the next night
  • bear crawl to the final light

Mary time head back to the AO

40 hello dollys
all tags assigned
men, we need to hate porn and lust. I encourage everyone to have men in their life that they can walk in the light and that can help you when you’re tempted. Hate lust, it’s not OK to serve lust it will kill you and your relationships.