F3 Knoxville

Birthday thang

AO: brickyard
Q: Lizzy
PAX: Gmail, Appleseed (Jon Smith), Biohazard (Jay Shepherd), Gordie (Steve Wheaton), Herbie (Kortney Jarman), Lizzy, Natty, Switchgrass (Stacy Clark), Z-Pack (Brian Brockman), 2 Fngs
FNGs: 1 2 Fngs
WARMUP: baby arm circles, michael phelps, cherry pickers, ssh, stretches
THE THANG: went on the field and did a ton of sprints and exercises. Last part we did a cmu workout
MARY: tunnel of love
ANNOUNCEMENTS: marine corps mudrun coming up in two weeks
COT: I told my story of how when I first started in Knoxville 15ish years ago I had a circle of guys that all we did was go out and party. I was surrounded by people nonstop Thursday through Saturday but Sunday was always alone and it was the hardest day of the week. Don’t let one day of bad habits turn into a multi year cycle.

“The Win” IronPax week 0

AO: brickyard
Q: Gordie (Steve Wheaton) , Herbie (Kortney Jarman)
PAX: fast-n-easy (Nate Votta), Gmail, Spladle, Herbie (Kortney Jarman), Slabs, Drop Zone, Swamp Thing (Jared Selph), Appleseed (Jon Smith), Simmons (Justin Creasey), Spellcheck, Geppetto (Christopher Bennett)
FNGs: None
“The Thang”
Timer starts now:
Warm-up (performed in cadence)
13 reps of each exercise (all 4 count)
Imperial Walkers
Shoulder Taps
Mountain Climbers
Plank Jacks
800-meter run

85 reps of each of the following exercise. Perform 8 burpees after completing 85 reps of each exercise, including the KB Swings.

Hand Release Merkins
Big Boy Sit-ups
Goblet Squats
Overhead Press
4 count flutter kicks
KB Swings
800-meter run

Feb/ Aug metric

AO: brickyard
Q: Gmail
PAX: Appleseed (Jon Smith), Gordie (Steve Wheaton), fast-n-easy (Nate Votta), Natty, Biohazard (Jay Shepherd), Swamp Thing (Jared Selph), Slabs, Spladle
FNGs: None

WARMUP: ssh, tempo merkins and squats, cherry pickers, shuffle
1.5 mile timed
1 min amrap:
pull ups (mod-lat pull on railing)
5 min amrap:
MARY: no time

COT: “A lie believed as the truth will affect your life as if it were true”

Ghost Flag Ruck

AO: thequacken
Q: FixerUpper (Patrick Core)
PAX: Lizzy, Gmail, fast-n-easy (Nate Votta), Z-Pack (Brian Brockman), Geppetto (Christopher Bennett), Drive-thru (Mikel Towe), Appleseed (Jon Smith), Glamper, Doubtfire (Nick Bond), Spellcheck, Swanson (Eli Cockrum), Brick (Chris Tittle), Postman (Scott Colby), FixerUpper (Patrick Core), Crash from Louisville
FNGs: None

WARMUP: some stretching, some mumblechatter about which PAX goes with which AO

ruck to Central HS, option to do ruck PT or continue on track. Ruck back. 3 sandies came along.
Ruck PT – 15 min AMRAP
10 burpees (slick, ruck, or sandbag option)
20 HR Merkins
30 Thrusters
40 Ruck swings
50 Squats
1 trip up and back the bleachers

YHC caught some grief since the stadium lights were not turned on, a gate was locked, and the track did not have stripes. Even though these difficulties were overcome, any further complaints should be directed in writing to Knox Co Schools.

A team sand bag toss for distance competition between Big Ball and Asylum PM was the Ghost Flag tiebreaker.

MARY: no time

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Welcome Crash DR from Louisville.
Ruck from Asylum to Big Ball tomorrow AM. Check #ruck channel for details.
Ghost Flag returns to Asylum PM.
Ruck from The Quacken to Big Ball next Saturday 8/26

Proverbs 16:1-3 are my theme verses for The Quacken this year.

The LORD knows my motivation and how I can either be on the campaign trail to get guys to come to the Quacken and not really care about them and be more concerned with my own agenda OR I can be discouraged and think this is not worth doing, too hard, etc.

Scripture is a way to correct both of these harmful ways of thinking. It says to me “Continue to work hard! Remember that it is not all about you!”

Prov 16:3 Commit your work to the LORD, and your plans will be established.

Put in the work

AO: brickyard
Q: fast-n-easy (Nate Votta)
PAX: Natty, A-Rod (Nate Peterson), Spladle, Z-Pack (Brian Brockman), Switchgrass (Stacy Clark), Lizzy, Appleseed (Jon Smith), FixerUpper (Patrick Core), Slabs, Swamp Thing (Jared Selph), Herbie (Kortney Jarman), Gordie (Steve Wheaton), Spellcheck, Simmons (Justin Creasey), fast-n-easy (Nate Votta), Trip
FNGs: None
-windmills, cherry (grape) pickers, a-little of this a-little of that, with the whiffle ball bat
Football field time
– 1 merkin on each 5yrd line (just 1)
– 1 Moutain climber on each 5yrd line (just 1)
4 teams on the sidelines
– bear crawl to the hash/run to the hash/bear crawl
All on the sideline
-50%to the hash, 75% to the hash, jailbreak to the end. Wash/Rinse/Repeat

Back at the A/O
– teams of 4
Deck of cards. All draw/all exercises
8 do the exercises/ 8 do the loop

Bruce Lee/Hello Dolly/Freddie Mercury/Flutter kicks

Brickyard had the Ghost flag for 1 workout


Jesus Is The Only Way To Salvation. Acts 4:12, ESV And there is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.

16 men came out today to get better. Reach out to 1 person today and make a difference.