F3 Knoxville


THE SCENE: We were like Moses parting the Red Sea. The rain stopped just before we began and opened back up 5 mins after.

SSH, Merkins, big arm circles and this and thats
We moseyed up to the splash pad and played a little Wheel of Fortune. I had a little spinning wheel of my wife’s with several exercises written on it. We would spin the wheel, do the exercise and qty and then run down to the intersection and back up the snake to the splash pad. The exercises were:

  • 20 Merkins
  • 30 Dry Docks
  • 25 SSH
  • 5 round the clock merkins
  • 5 burpees
  • 25 imperial walkers
  • 30 squats
  • 20 seconds of rest

we mixed it up some and did some bernies, pull ups, extra running etc in each run.

MARY: imperial walkers and standing side crunches

10 pax
We talked about being the same person everywhere you go. If you are a Christ follower, be one in every crowd you’re in.
Didn’t see any moles, but it was a bit suspicious that Doubtfire was sore from his own Q and didn’t show….???? He may be the mole.

Break Dance Training

THE SCENE: 52°F, cloudy, wet ground, but not raining 

  • SSH x20 IC 4-count
  • Do Burpees to “Get Up Offa That Thing”- James Brown

Do each exercise 4 times. The first time through build up the full routine starting with inch worms before each new addition.

  • Inch worms
  • Spider merkins
  • Hour glass jump squats
  • Flamingos
  • Gorillas
  • Jump throughs
  • Bear step
  • Crab kicks
  • Donkey frog

Rinse & Repeat full routine twice (with background music)

Do Squats to “Flower”- Moby


  • Shoulder Taps (4ct) x20
  • American Hammers (4ct) x20
  • Stretching Flow: plank–> downward dog–> plank–> upward dog–> plank–> downward dog–> plank–> upward dog 

Mouthwash, Snitch, Stripped, Hot Tub, Bunny, Archie (QIC)

“Now Thomas, one of the twelve, called the Twin, was not with them when Jesus came. So the other disciples told him, “We have seen the Lord.” But he said to them, “Unless I see in his hands the mark of the nails, and place my finger into the mark of the nails, and place my hand into his side, I will never believe.” Eight days later, his disciples were inside again, and Thomas was with them. Although the doors were locked, Jesus came and stood among them and said, “Peace be with you.” Then he said to Thomas, “Put your finger here, and see my hands; and put out your hand, and place it in my side. Do not disbelieve, but believe.” Thomas answered him, “My Lord and my God!””
‭‭John 20:24-28 ESV‬‬

Now that the Michael Jordan documentary is coming out, a common occurrence is that young people that were arguing that Lebron James (or some other current player) was the greatest of all time is watching the highlights of Jordan’s career and turns to the older basketball fans to say, “yeah Jordan is the greatest of all time”. Seeing Jordan’s highlights has brought peace to the young and old basketball fans.

Seeing Jesus’ wounds brings peace to all. It is evidence that God loves us. In this time when there is much unrest in the world. Reflect on this truth that we have peace through Jesus.

Tour de Equalizer

THE SCENE: Socially Distant & Mildly Gloomy

F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER (Which is rapidly expanding)


  • Cherry Pickers IC x5
  • Baby Arm Circles IC
  • Windmills IC
  • SSH IC


A tour of our beloved AO-

  • Flag Circle – 20 Merkins & 20 BBS
  • Speed Humps – Pickle Pounders IC
  • Triangle – 10 4ct Mtn climbers, crab walk up and down, 10 more Mtn climbers 
  • Boat parking – broad jump up line do a burpee, mosey back to bottom, rinse and repeat
  • Boat Ramp -dry docks IC
  • Culdesac – PAX choice
  • S-Ramp – bear crawl
  • Top of the Hill – box cutters Ic & shoulder taps IC
  • Splash pad – 11s with dips & incline merkins
  • mosey a lap
  • Tennis Court – imperial Walker suicides  followed by sprints and Bernies


  • American Hammers IC
  • Australian Snow Angels IC
  • some other stuff


  • Hamstring stretch 
  • Groin stretch (butterfly)


6 HIMs made it out this morning


Mark 12 – love others as yourself

How well do you love yourself?

Do you offer yourself grace when you fail or do you hold yourself to an impossible standard?

Does your self-talk build you up or does it tear you down?

Are you critical or encouraging?

Bottom line: if you loved others the way you love yourself, would they be better for it? If not, maybe it’s time for us to re-evaluate how well we are loving ourselves.


Make sure to read the F3 weekly email.

And fill up that Q calendar

Bear crawls at the Bermuda triangle

THE SCENE: Cool and full moon.

SSH 10

cherry pickers

right over left

some of these some of those

Mosey to the Bermuda Triangle

  • 10 V ups and bear crawl to the next corner
  • 10 BBS and crawl bear to the next corner
  • 10 iron mikes and run to the 1rst corner
  • Then do nine in a set, then eight and so on down the latter.

Run to upper parking lot and split up 5 and 5 on each end.

  • running suicides.

Mosey to the flag pole and have a circle of pain everyone giving 10 excersises

  • burpees
  • merkins
  • squates
  • ssh
  • smurf jaks
  • pickle pounders
  • tempo squats
  • and others 😉

Mosey to the tennis court.

  • run to end line and bernie back, then the next to last line and bernie back etc.
  • Bear crawl to end

tagged —–>
Provers 16:9

The heart of man plans his way,
    but the Lord establishes his steps.

Remember the Lord is in control


110 %

THE SCENE: Perfect weather

Longer than normal warmup.
Start off with a mosey to the top of the hill. Spreading out and 15ft behind someone if needed.
half of the PAX at one end, half at the other.  Both groups will do an exercise and run towards the center of the lot, do another and run back. Exercises are listed below. Start at 10 of each exercise and work down to 1. Move to the next two exercises.

  • Merkins and jump squats
  • Dry docks and 4-count SSHs

Felt like the pax was getting tired of running back and forth so I audibled and took us on a mosey to the  cul-de-sac. Circle up.  10 of each exercise that the PAX throws out.

line work on the long parking lines

  • both feet both sides x4
  • high knees both sides x4
  • bunny hop both side x4
  • Bear crawl both sides x2
  • crawl bear both sides x2

mosey back to the AO by way of upper lot.


Some yoga crap where you hold your leg up in a plank position and switch to arms. Then some Merkins and squats.

Giving 110% in everything you do. It’s funny how we can plan and talk a big talk about doing the best we can but seldom follow through with it. This break has I understand how fortunate I am your job and how I need to be giving more effort. Not just for myself, but so I can leave a legacy of my ethics to my kids and friends. Write the workout this morning I saw in front Imagine Dragons called Warriors came  on. Fit perfectly with what I was thinking and sharing. Here are the lyrics.

“As a child you would wait
And watch from far away
But you always knew that you’d be the one
That work while they all play
In youth you’d lay
Awake at night and scheme
Of all the things that you would change
But it was just a dream!
Here we are, don’t turn away now,
We are the warriors that built this town
Here we are, don’t turn away now
We are the warriors that built this town
From dust.
Will come
When you’ll have to rise
Above the best and prove yourself
Your spirit never dies!
Farewell, I’ve gone to take my throne above
But don’t weep for me
‘Cause this will be
The labor of my love
Here we are, don’t turn away now
We are the…“


It was really great to get back out in the gloom with the PAX. I haven’t done much since I’ve been out so I’m sure I’ll be sore. But it’s worth it….it always is.

Prayers for family health issues, kids taking exams, job changes and friends with drug issues.