F3 Knoxville

Sacred Cow visits the burbs


With Ruck on, 20 merkins 20 squats oyo. Figure 8 mosey to the top of the Y parking lot , 20 and 20 again. Figure 8 through the parking lot back down to AO for last round of 20 and 20 oyo
Sacred Cow ruck march

  • 10 pax buddy up
  • 8 pax carrying sandbags
  • 2 pax carrying Sacred cow on his chariot!
  • The catch? The sacred cow can NEVER EVER touch the ground . She is sacred , of course!
  • Once burned out from carrying the cow, we switch out the pax to take the cow. We had to work as a team to do this. 2 pax would grab the sides of the chariot to releave the pax carrying for the next 2 to carry.
  • We rucked to the school and back to an open field
  • at the field , who ever was not carrying the sacred cow would squat thrust and throw their sandbag forward, also switching out w carrying the cow and not letting the cow touch the ground. We squat thrust threw sandbags for about 100 yards.
  • Once at the bridge , we went back to Rucking w the sandbags in order to make it back to the AO for some PT sandbag work
  • once at the AO, 2 pax carry the cow the short loop. Once 2 pax complete the short loop w the cow, 2 more pax take the cow around the short loop. Again, not letting the cow touch the ground
  • While the cow made it the loops , pax not carrying the cow did said exercises .
  • Sandbag lunge twists
  • front loaded ruck big boys
  • lovers squat ( goblet style squat w sandbag)
  • sandbag chest press
  • over shoulder sand bag cleans
  • you do the same exercise until the cow made a complete loop, then you bump to the next exercise
  • reps were not counted. You did as many as you could w good form until you got bumped
  • the cow actually touched the ground 3 times, which meant a penalty
  • 5 Ruck burpees each time the sacred cow touched the ground. We did 15 Ruck burpees

Ruck flutters x 20 ic

ruck overhead presses x15 ic

American Ruck hammers x 20 oyo
10 pax strong
Nothing inspirational for me to say but we did carry the cow for almost an hour and covered just over 2.5 miles with out it touching the ground This could only be done working as a team and we conquered ! Not a lot of miles, no lung busting runs,  not a lot of reps of said exercise , just team work and embracing the suck together !

sacred Cow sucks!
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The Thin Yellow (and pink) Line

THE SCENE: A brisk Spring morning (32 degrees)

BOCs front and back

Cherry Pickers

Tempo Merkins

Tempo Squats

SSH (4ct x 100)
10 different workout stations along the thin yellow line at the AO lot. 45 seconds at each station….

  • Tempo Merkins
  • Alternating double lunge with narrow squat in between
  • Lateral hops
  • Flutter Kicks
  • Squats
  • SSH
  • Bicep Curls
  • BB situps
  • Shoulder Taps
  • LBCs
  • Sprint up hill and back  (Circuit x 3; Worked with battle buddy so no one was lonely)

Mosey to Pavillion

Alternating 1 min table rows / 1 min wall sit (x 3)

Music City, Bluebird, Kentucky, Archie, Gibbler, Cherry Picker, Ribbed, Pacman, Rainbow, SlimShady
Quick word regarding anxiety/fear.

Grace means courage. When God says “fear not” his aim is not that you would just calm down and experience a relative absence of fear. He doesn’t say “don’t be afraid, everything will turn out okay so you can relax.” Instead, He says, “Don’t be afraid, I am with you!” -David Powlison

Isiah 41:10

Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

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Beautiful Day

THE SCENE: Perfect weather, upper 60’s and sunny.

20 Side Straddle Hops, 10 Burpees, 10 Slow Tempo Squats, 10 Arm Swings, Ten Cherry Pickers

Mosey to Playground.  All my benches:  Elevens starting with 10 Bench Jumps and 1 Decline Merkin.

Mosey to Outdoor Pavilion Close to Outdoor Chapel. Partner Up.  While one partner runs to light post in nearby parking lot, the other partner does exercises.  Then partners switch up.  Each team will do 100 Big Boys, 100 Decline Merkins and 100 Squats.

Mosey to Parking Lot by Soccer Fields.  There will be bricks piled by one cone.  Partner up again.  One partner will run with bricks to other cone, stop there and do 10 Mini Man Makers, then return.  The other partner will be exercising.  Then partners switch.  These are the exercises:  100 Bicycle Kicks, 100 Flutter Kicks, 100 Squats.

Mosey to grass across street from living quarters on southern side of park.  20 Hello Dollies in Cadence

Mosey to Stop Sign at Southeast Corner of Admin Bldg.  20 American Hammers in Cadence

Mosey to Boulder Pile.  Each man grabs boulder.  We do the following in cadence:  25 Overhead Presses, 25 Curls, 25 Rows, 25 Squats.  Run up Space Station and back to boulder pile.  Rinse and repeat on the exercises with boulders.

Mosey to Stop Sign at Northeast Corner of Admin Bldg.  20 Box Cutters.

Mosey to AO. 

10 Table Saws in Cadence
17 with 2 FNG’s:  Hangover (Dhiren Zavere) and Contempt (Jonathan Edwards)
I exist.  That one is easy.  I know I exist when I am hurting after an F3 workout.  I know I exist when I have sexual urges, when I am aware of my feelings of happiness, anger, sadness, or love.  My own experiences feel me each day and I am continually aware of myself in them.  With my own inward focus, in my waking, daily routines and sleeping, I am aware that I exist.

God exists.  When I say that, it changes everything.  Henri Nouwen, a Catholic Priest and former teacher at the Notre Dame University, the Yale Divinity School and the Harvard Divinity School states that “as soon as I say ‘God exists’, my existence no longer can remain in the center, because the essence of the knowledge of God reveals my own existence as deriving its total being from his.  That is the true conversion experience.”

When I say God exists, my own life is not center stage.  God is center stage.  God is my creator.  When I say God exists, it behooves me to think of this Creator.  If I am but one creature in God’s creation, why did God create me?  What led to his desiring to create me?  Am I just some fleck that he makes and then throws aside.  Or does he want me to stay close, to listen to him, to talk to him.  If I say God exists it would behoove me to find out more about him, to read his words, to see what others think about this creator.

Henri Nouwen goes on about the implications of saying God exists:  “I suddenly or slowly find my own existence revealed to me and through the knowledge of God.  Then it becomes real for me that I can love myself and my neighbor only because God has loved me first.  . . . Once I ‘know’ God, that is, once I experience his love as the love in which all my human experiences are anchored, I can only desire one thing:  to be in that love.  “Being” anywhere else, then, is shown to be illusory and eventually lethal.


Coffeeteria at Panera!

Back From Spring Break

THE SCENE: 40 Degrees and Pure Awesome.

  • SSH x 25 (IC)
  • Merkins x 10 (IC)
  • Windmills x 10 (IC)
  • Cherry Pickers x 5 (IC)
  • BAC’s F&R x 10 (IC)
  • Double Burpees x 5 (OYO)


Mosey to the courtyard walls

  • Step-Ups x 10 then Dips x 10 (Rinse and Repeat)
  • Decline Merkins x 10 then Dips x 10 (Rinse and Repeat)

Mosey to the coupon pile

  • Curls, Tri-Ceps, Weighted Squats x 10 each
  • Curls, Overhead Press, Weighted Squats x 10 each
  • Run the steps with the coupon
  • Merkins x 10 (IC)
  • Rinse and Repeat.
  • Double Burpees x 5 (OYO)

Mosey to The Sophomore

  • Bobby Hurley’s x 10
  • Bernie Sanders up the hill
  • Sprint across the top
  • Bobby Hurley’s x 10
  • Mosey down and over.
  • Rinse and Repeat.
  • BBS x 10 and Plank to gather the PAX)

Mosey (with stops) back to the start

  • Stop 1, Bear Crawl 75 yards
  • Stop 2, Crunch Merkins x 10 (IC)


  • Hello Dolly x 25 (IC)
  • Flutter Kicks x 25 (IC)



Mathew 18:21-35 – The Parable of the Unmerciful Servant (Forgiveness)

You gotta love Peter’s confidence here. How many times, Lord, should I forgive these people?   [Go ahead and open your bibles, read the passage.  Do it.]

The parable culminates with Jesus’ description of how our Father in Heaven will treat us if we continue the path of un-forgiveness. Did you catch it in verse 34?  Jesus equates un-forgiveness with jail.  That’s exactly what un-forgiveness will do to you.  You will be locked away behind anger, resentment, jealousy, pride, and selfishness.  Ironically, the offending party goes free.  The best part of this is…   You have the key to the prison.  It’s not easy, but it’s the only way out.  Start small, ask God for help.  As you kneel, ask God to forgive you for your offenses.   Lord, thank You that each day we have from You is a gift, another chance for a fresh start. Forgive us, Lord.  Help us to forgive, and to let go of the past.  Please help us to see Your strength through our weaknesses today, and then again tomorrow, and every day after.  I Jesus’ Name, amen.

Also, remember Jesus’ answer to Peter’s question.  “I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven times.”

Arms, chest, legs, cardio. A little mumble chatter, no grumbling at all.   What a great group of HIM’s this morning!  The Brickyardigans showed up in force, thanks to Natty’s mad leadership skills. We got to name an FNG.  Welcome Cindy!!  It was good to be in the gloom this morning.
JUCO is working to round up a team for the upcoming OCR!  Interested parties contact Booster.  Keep your eyes and ears open for the next Q school happening soon at the JUCO, brought to you by the one-and-only Proton.  All are encouraged to attend the Q schools whether you’ve Q’d none or a 100 WO’s.  You will be better for it.  The PAX will be better for it.

Propitiation (Jesus is our substitute)

Weather was PERFECT at the Asylum

SSH, Imperial Squats, Back Lunge W Kick, The Annie, The John Travolta, Tempo Squats

Mosey to Lil Everest and Sprint up w 5 Burpees at the top

Mosey to top of Cardiac then alternate 10 wide and diamond merkins every light pole to the bottom and LBCs

mosey to steep hill perform 7s w Burpees and Star jumps

mosey to new parking lot and participate in Grocery buggy race, 15 Burpees to the loser

mosey to dug outs and perform 11s w pull ups and dips

back to AO TO DO 4 Corners w 20 Mtn climbers   Lunge to next corner 20 star jacks bear crawl to next corner 20 box cutters run backwards to next corner 30 LBCs side bear crawl to the next

curls w coupons while partner runs to end of parking lot and back

  • Finish w leg lifts, merkin rt/left leg lift, table saw, modified table saw, hands around the world, lateral hops
  • are
  • handy.

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Fifty Reasons Why Jesus Came to Die (Propitiation)
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