F3 Knoxville

My Back!

THE SCENE: High 60’s, 905 Humidity

30 SSH, 5 Cherry Pickers, 10 Tempo Merkins, 10 Temp Squats, 30 Second Dying Cockroach (lying on your back, extend your arms to reach your straightened legs)


  • Mosey to the coupon pile near the buses. With coupons:
    • 20 bent over rows, 20 straight leg deadlifts, 20 squats, 20 curls, 20 Raisers (raise the block on hips straight in front of you to eye level) Dying cockroach until the 6 finished
    • 15 bent over rows, 15 straight leg deadlifts, 15 squats, 15 curls, 15 Raisers Dying cockroach until the 6 finished
  • Mosey to the large parking lot. With a partner:
    • Combined 100 Imperial Walkers (4 count) while your partner Bernies to the middle and jogs back, trade
    • Combined 100 Swimmers (4 count) while your partner Bernies to the middle and jogs back, trade
    • Combined 100 Mountain Climbers (4 count) while your partner Bernies to the middle and jogs back, trade
    • Combined 100 (2 count) while your partner Bernies to the middle and jogs back, trade
  • Mosey back to the AO

Ask yourself these two questions every day. In the morning, am I a physical being having a spiritual experience or a spiritual being having a physical experience? Before bed, was I a physical being having a spiritual experience or a spiritual being having a physical experience today? This change in perspective can have a profound effect on how we react to circumstances. Philippians 4:10-13 10 But I rejoiced in the Lord greatly, that now at last you have revived your concern for me; indeed, you were concerned before, but you lacked opportunity. 11 Not that I speak from want, for I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I am. 12 I know how to get along with humble means, and I also know how to live in prosperity; in any and every circumstance I have learned the secret of being filled and going hungry, both of having abundance and suffering need. 13 I can do all things through Him who strengthens me. Live above the circumstances. 

Prayers for Pom-Pom’s courage as he prepares to leave for bootcamp in a couple of weeks.

To Infinity and Beyond

THE SCENE: Low 70’s but a beat steamy; perfect beat down weather

WARM-O-RAMA: 4ct SSH (IC) x 25; 4ct Plank Jacks (IC) x 10; 4ct Iron Mikes (IC) x 5

THA-THANG: Mosey toward upper lot in figure 8 pattern stopping for plank jacks and squats at various intervals.

Infinite pain stations in upper lot – 6 cones spread out in upper lot creating a figure 8 course, PAX ran (OYO) to each cone and performed the workout listed – began at 20 reps and reduced by 1 at each cone; Cone 1: SSH, Cone 2: BBS, Cone 3: Plank Jacks, Cone 4: Iron Mikes, Cone 5: Squat Jumps, and Cone 6: Carolina Dry Docks.

Saint Patty Circle of Pain – PAX spread out around short brick circle wall; round 1: 1 HIM at a time performed 5 dips while the rest of the PAX did jump ups/step ups; Round 2: 1 HIM ata a time performed 5 incline merkins while the rest of the PAX did dips (or squats once arms were dead).

Bonus push – Indian plank train headed back toward AO; all PAX lined in single file line doing plank, HIM at 6 runs to front of line and resumes plank, rinse and repeat to move the train forward; paused for Rocky Balboa’s for 90 seconds; mosied back through the figure 8 circuit near AO pausing occasionally for plank jacks, SSH, and LBC.  Arrived back at the AO with just enough time for some cherry pickers to end with a stretch.

MARY: No time for this.

CIRCLE OF TRUST/BOM: Rambled a bit about the weight and magnitude of standing before other men and proclaiming the words given to us by our Almighty God, Savior, and Heavenly Father – humility should be felt and care should be had.  Mentioned the imperfection of those sharing wisdom in our worlds, whether it is CNN, FOX, or Snapchat… they do not know all and are sinful people with bias.  The only perfect man with all truth was Jesus and He is our only hope.  So instead of seeking wisdom and guidance and opinion-verification from sinful, passing men, we would do better to humble ourselves before a benevolent and grace-filled Heavenly Father.  Shared Psalm 139:23-24. Prayed for mercy, grace, and healing in our communities and throughout the whole world.


Coffeeteria to follow at Dunkin on Cedar Bluff.


THE SCENE: Insert info about the weather, etc.

15 SSH, 15 Imperial walker, 10 tempo Merkins, 15 Moroccan night club, 10 tempo squats, 15 harry Rockettes
Mosey to the K2/5 hill. Perform the Cooper with a slight modification-hills for laps (thanks for the suggestion Rocket). Start with 10 burpees, 10 merkins, and 10 squats at the bottom. Then, run up the hill and back down. Then do the same with 9 reps for each exercise, then 8, and so on down to 1.

Mosey to the high school main entrance. Use the wall to perform 10 muscle-ups and then start a clockwise lap around the loop. Perform 5 burpees at each light.

Mosey to the Peace Bell.

No time
14 today to celebrate the AO turnover!
Matthew 20:25-28 – A great leader is a servant first. Jesus left Heaven to be a servant. If we aspire to be a leader, we must first be willing to serve.
YHC is very thankful to have been able to help get this great AO started. I am happy about where we are and excited about the future. F3 has been a big part of my life for over 3 years and I was more than willing to help expand F3 to Oak Ridge. Now it is time pass on the AO Q to a local HIM. Welcome Snaggletooth! I know you will do well.

Better late than Bernie

THE SCENE: 70 and beat the rain

Windmills, cherry pickers, baby arm circles, merkins, and a few sprints and karaoke
Counting by 10s feeling the burn!

Mosie to large parking lot by the lake.  Shuttle run to increasing distance parking lines, bernie back and exercises at starting line:

10 Burpees

20 BBS

30 Lunges

40 Merkins

50 SSH

60 Squats

70 Overhead claps

80 Flutter kicks

90 Calf raises

100 LBCs

  • MARY: LBCs and Plank thrusters(?not sure what these are called)


2 Corinthians Ch 4 v16-18

Remember, don’t look at the troubles we can see now, rather fix our gaze on things that cannot be seen. For the things we see now will soon be gone, but the things we cannot see will last forever.
Dog pound CSAUP. July 18th more details to come

Hub and Spoke

The Scene:

64 degrees and Glorious

F3 Welcome and Disclaimer:

Fitness, Fellowship, Faith, Free, Modify, Not Professional, Own Volition, Social Distance, Phone


6 4-count Cherry Pickers

10 4-count BAC Forward

10 4-count BAC Backwards

10 4-count SSH

6 curtsy lunges

10 tempo merkins

5 burpees OYO


Freestyle Mosey to the back parking lot (Q calls out different run variations such as karaoke, Bernie, mosey, tree touches, sign touches, manhole cover touches, etc.


7 broad jump to high knee back peddle

1 Mountain climber taps (2-count)

1 broad jump to high knee back peddle

7 mountain climbers taps (2-count)


Freestyle Mosey to hidden CMU pile pick up your new best friend and mosey to the lot by the bridge in All Saints Park. some CMU squats and presses we’re had on the way. 

Hub and Spoke workout 

Hub is 5 CMU Swings to Jump w/ weight (Modify w/ deadlift) then take CMU with you to each station

Spoke 1- 50 SSH


Spoke 2-50 Shoulder taps


Spoke 3-100 Freddy Mercury’s


Spoke 4- 25 Imperial Walkers


Spoke 5- 20 Curtsy Lunges (10 each leg)


Spoke 6- 25 Merkins

Everyone got 1 round

Finished with 5 CMU swings and presses as a group


Take CMU’s back to the pile with some squats and shoulder to shoulder presses along the way and mosey to the beginning of the Shamrock Road


Shamrock Road 

At every third shamrock on the ground different exercise is called out by different PAX for 15 reps working our way up the road to the AO parking lot. 

15 BBS

15 Monkey humpers

15 Pickle pounders

15 American hammers

15 Freddy Mercury’s 


No time


13 HIMs 


Remember to keep God at the center of your life (Hub), no matter where we go or who we interact with (Spokes) we need to make sure we consistently return to Him and keep Him at the center of everything.