F3 Knoxville

DORA Heavy Day

AO: the-project
Q: Flying Dutchman
PAX: Biohack, Flying Dutchman, Mathlete, OBrother, Tom Tom, Patch Adam’s
FNGs: 1 Patch Adam’s
Karate Jacks, Arm Circles, Willie Mays Hayes

Mosey halfway to recruitment center.
25 Flutter kicks
Mosey rest of the way.
One person does heavy excercise while partner bear crawls to pull-up bar, does 4 pull-ups and jogs back and then switch.
Bent rows
Shoulder press
Good mornings
Triceps press
The we all did Colt 45’s
Mosey back stop halfway and did Captain Thurkins
Mosey further and stop and do Mathletes core killer of 25 four count LBC’s, Freddy’s, and Flutters.
Mosey to behind Sr Center. 25 reverse rows, and squats.
Mosey to flag.

Al Gore until time.
None, but named a new FNG. Patch Adam’s
Talked about courage, what it is and what is isn’t. Teddy Roosevelt said “Courage is not having the strength to go on, it is going on when you don’t have the strength.

A Cardio Tour of the Project

AO: the-project
Q: OBrother
PAX: Haggis, Flying Dutchman, Biohack
FNGs: None

Tempo Squats x 10
Tempo Merkins x 10
Projectivators from 11
Cherry Pickers x 5


String of Pearls workout. Run between stations and do each exercise. On the way to each station someone calls jail break to sprint to the end and do burgers equal to the number of people who arrived after you.

Station 1 – Bell
3 sets
Box Rockets x 10
LBC x 20

Station 2 – K-25 Hill
11s with Merkins and Freddie Mercuries

Station 3 – Hill of 12 Pains
Lunge 2 Parking spaces, then do 10x Bigboys. Repeat 5 times

Station 4 – Amphitheater
3 sets
10x Catalina Wine mixers
10x Basilisks

Station 5 – Playground
10 Pullups

20x Russian Twists
20x Flutter Kicks


There is a lot going on in the world between politics, natural disasters, and world events. I have seen a lot of conversations try and devolve into arguments recently. Just remember that every person on the other side of a conversation or discussion, no matter how heated, is just that, a person. Treat them that way instead of an enemy, an idiot, or an obstacle.

Heavy Dora to Form us

AO: the-project
Q: Mathlete
PAX: Tom Tom, OBrother, Ocho, Biohack, Flying Dutchman, Mathlete
FNGs: None
cheerleaders, mountain climbers, LBACs, TN rocking chairs, Catalina wine mixers, Moroccan nightclubs, Imperial Walkers, cherry pickers

Mosey to pool wall and knock out 5 wall ups and a nickel mucho chesto
Mosey to the block pile and load up
Mosey to the theater for Dora: 150 OHP, 100 rows left, 100 rows right, 150 good mornings, 150 tricep extensions, 200 squats
Head back to the flag
No time
Family workout Saturday at 8!
Spiritual formation is not optional. Every person is being formed from their birth until their death. The only option we have in the process is whether to engage with it intentionally. I recently read a book, Practicing the Way by John Mark Comer, that I thought offered a useful model for understanding what forms us. He divides the process into 6 key factors: Habits, Relationships, the Stories we tell ourselves, and Environment – all these things happen over Time and through Experience.
Of these, I found the idea of Stories to be especially impactful. Often we tell ourselves stories about who we are, why we are here, what we are trying to do, what we are good at, what we are bad at, and others. It’s important to remember that these stories not only remind us of where we came from but also shape our future. The stories we believe can dictate the story that we live out. And much like habits, these stories can be changed for the better. I don’t mean that you should fabricate a fantasy, but you can change the way that you interpret the events and circumstances of your life. You can see your hardships as trials that lead to growth and strength. You can see your blessings as opportunities to bless others rather than a treasure you need to protect from enemies. That can change the very lense by which you see the world.

Project Tour

AO: the-project
Q: Munge
PAX: Tom Tom, Ocho, Mathlete, Biohack, Flying Dutchman, Munge
FNGs: None

Willie Mays Hayes
Lil baby arm circles
Moroccan night clubs
Cherry Pickers


Mosey to friendship bell
20 stair steps
25 dips

Mosey to bars
Alternate 20 rows and 20 merkin

Mosey to wall and 15 wall ups

Mosey to playground and 15 pull ups

Mosey to amphitheater and 20 derkins

Mosey, time permitting, to flag by way of memorial flag


3 Core exercises



Acts 24:25 ESV
And as he reasoned about righteousness and self-control and the coming judgment, Felix was alarmed and said, “Go away for the present. When I get an opportunity I will summon you.”

There are many who want to exercise authority, power, control in wide arenas, but who have very little control over their own selfish desires. On the other hand, those who are known for handling their business in a reasonable manner are looked upon favorably for places of leadership.

God has gifted all of us with varying degrees of responsibility and calling, but one area we are all called to exercise control over is ourselves. And this one area we all must control, none of us are able without the help of the Spirit warring against the flesh. But if we don’t wage that war in this one battle, how can we expect to succeed in larger callings?

He gives greater grace. Let us strive with all the grace he gives to be masters of our own selves.

Doesn’t God love us? Didn’t he give his Son for us? There’s arguably the supreme demonstration of Spirit-led self control. He trusted his Father’s love and will, and looked forward to the joy set before him. Can we not, by that same Spirit, also trust our Father’s love for us, his good purposes? Let’s press on in patient endurance, knowing he means us well, and what he intends, he accomplishes.

IPC Week 2

AO: the-project
Q: Biohack
PAX: Ocho, Biohack, Mathlete, Tom Tom, Hurrayus
FNGs: None
WARMUP: Loosen up and explain the workout.


# March to the Arch
– **Run 800 meters**
– **80 Merkins** → [Lt. Dan’s Magic Legs out 15 yards](#) → **14 Cactus Jump Squats** (*no cheat/no surrender*) → [Lt. Dan’s Magic Legs back](#)
– **80 Coupon Plank Jacks** (*toes down & up =1*) → [Murder Bunny out](#) → **14 Cactus Jump Squats** → [Reverse Murder Bunny back](#)
– **60 Merkins** → [Bricklayers out](#) → **14 Cactus Jump Squats** → [Bricklayers back](#)
– **60 Coupon Plank Jacks** → [Lt. Dan’s Magic Legs out](#) → **14 Cactus Jump Squats** → [Lt. Dan’s Magic Legs back](#)
– **40 Merkins** → [Bricklayers out](#) → **14 Cactus Jump Squats** → [Bricklayers back](#)
– **40 Coupon Plank Jacks** → [Murder Bunny out](#) → **14 Cactus Jump Squats** → [Reverse Murder Bunny back](#)
– **20 Merkins** → [Lt. Dan’s Magic Legs out](#) → **14 Cactus Jump Squats** → [Lt. Dan’s Magic Legs back](#)
– **20 Coupon Plank Jacks**
– **Run 800 meters**
– 200 Merkins
– 200 Coupon Plank Jacks
– 98 Cactus Jump Squats
– 1 mile running
– 630′ coupon traveling



Does anybody look forward to Iron PAX? Not really. In fact, we often dread it. So, why do we do IPC? We do it because it’s hard. We do it to prove to ourselves we can do hard things. So we are prepared, physically and mentally, when life throws hard things at us.