F3 Knoxville

Birthday thang

AO: brickyard
Q: Lizzy
PAX: Gmail, Appleseed (Jon Smith), Biohazard (Jay Shepherd), Gordie (Steve Wheaton), Herbie (Kortney Jarman), Lizzy, Natty, Switchgrass (Stacy Clark), Z-Pack (Brian Brockman), 2 Fngs
FNGs: 1 2 Fngs
WARMUP: baby arm circles, michael phelps, cherry pickers, ssh, stretches
THE THANG: went on the field and did a ton of sprints and exercises. Last part we did a cmu workout
MARY: tunnel of love
ANNOUNCEMENTS: marine corps mudrun coming up in two weeks
COT: I told my story of how when I first started in Knoxville 15ish years ago I had a circle of guys that all we did was go out and party. I was surrounded by people nonstop Thursday through Saturday but Sunday was always alone and it was the hardest day of the week. Don’t let one day of bad habits turn into a multi year cycle.

Feb/ Aug metric

AO: brickyard
Q: Gmail
PAX: Appleseed (Jon Smith), Gordie (Steve Wheaton), fast-n-easy (Nate Votta), Natty, Biohazard (Jay Shepherd), Swamp Thing (Jared Selph), Slabs, Spladle
FNGs: None

WARMUP: ssh, tempo merkins and squats, cherry pickers, shuffle
1.5 mile timed
1 min amrap:
pull ups (mod-lat pull on railing)
5 min amrap:
MARY: no time

COT: “A lie believed as the truth will affect your life as if it were true”

Chest & Hills

AO: brickyard
Q: Gmail
PAX: Natty, Geppetto (Christopher Bennett), Herbie (Kortney Jarman), Spladle, Biohazard (Jay Shepherd), Simmons (Justin Creasey), Lizzy, Gmail, fast-n-easy (Nate Votta), LifeLock (downranger)
FNGs: None
SSH Temp Squats
Tempo Merkins Claps: OH, Front
Tie Fighters-Arm Cirlcles toy soldiers
To the planters, partner up
Cumulative goal of 200 Derkins
Alternate exercise w/ run between partners

Mosey to the HILL
Aim for 10 Burpees, Chase the rabbit.
Bernie to Railroad paint (half way)
Run to the top, mosey to bottom.
hold plank until everyone is back
Rinse and Repeat.

Incline Merkins & Dips
Mosey back to shovelflag
Flutter Kicks Hello Dollies
Capt. Thors JLOs
Light stretching
“Backblast App Pax Miner (/Backblast) – Why? Documents w/o, encouragement, gives Qs ideas, Accountability and Data.
F3 in the Nude – July 29th
Growruck Baseline Fit test – Aug 5th at the Quacken (Lizzy)
Ghost Flag – Need 3 from our AO to post and capture. Let’s Go!”

Time is a 0 sum game, you can’t add hours to a day. Behind every “yes” there is a looming “no”. Saying “yes” to working overtime might be saying “no” to doing something with your kids (paraphased) – Michael Hyatt – Free to Focus