F3 Knoxville

Messy Fieldwork #53

AO: brickyard
Q: Natty
PAX: Bail Bonds, Biohazard (Jay Shepherd), Gmail, Appleseed, Gordie, Natty, Strings
FNGs: None
Toy Soldiers, Windmills, Cherry pickers, seal claps, OH claps, OH press, Chinooks (B), Moroccan night clubs, 3 man makers
Mosey to under bleachers: 4 rounds all 53 reps : IMP walkers, BBS, MKNs, gas pumps, High Knees then 10 MMK’s, shoulder taps, mtn climbers, flutter kicks, Carolina DD’s, sqts, then 10 MMakers, tie fighters, hello Dollie’s, HR MKNs, AM hammers, SSH then 10 Makers, Apollo Onos, calf raises, BBS, toy soldiers then
10 man makers
Gmail traveling to Illinois, pray for Geordie’s wife to have a graceful firing of her employee
COT:Romans 8:11 and 2 Corinthians 3:17
Also, there is no such thing as no communication, your timing, response, facial expression, non response, posture, etc is all a form of communication. Make it count !

Nascar, oh boy, nascar…

AO: brickyard
Q: Roundhouse (Braxton Wright)
PAX: Biohazard (Jay Shepherd), Gmail, Bail Bonds, Forrest, Gordie, Appleseed, Natty, Strings
FNGs: None
WARMUP: Side straddle hops, baby arm circles, cherry pickers, overhead claps, tempo Squats, and a lil jog.

Two people Nascar around the track, while everyone else does a different exercise during each race.
Race 1 Big Boys
Race 2 Curls
Race 3 Skull Crushers
Race 4 Squats
Race 5 whatever exercise you didn’t during your race.

Mosey to track
Xs and Os
Run around the track backwards
Mosey back to AO
Sally Up

COT: Sin is a lion. It starts off like a little cub, but grows into something extremely difficult to kill. Kill sin in your life while its still small, before it grows into being the king of your jungle and devours you.

40 every 40

AO: brickyard
Q: Bail Bonds
PAX: Gmail, Dry Rub, fast-n-easy (Nate Votta), Natty, Biohazard (Jay Shepherd), Manilow (Brent Hunter), Gordie, Spellcheck, Otis, Herbie, Dodger, Appleseed, Jester, DuckHunt
FNGs: None
Cherry Pickers
Arm Circles
Wind Mils
Tempo Squats
OH Claps
Seal Claps

THE THANG: 10 Manmakers before each round of work
1. MOT is Karaoke
Travel 40 yards for 40 Peter Parkers
Travel 40 yards for 40 triple threat lunges
Burnee to 0 yards
Flutter kicks for the 6
Run 1 lap

2. MOT is Bear Crawl
Travel 40 yards for 40 Carolina Dry Docks
Travel 40 yards for 40 Bobby Hurleys
Burnee to 0 yards
LBCs for the 6
Run 1 lap

3. MOT is Lunges
Travel 40 yards for 40 Merkins
Travel 40 yards for 40 2-count Mtn Climbers
Burnee to 0 yards
Hello Dollies for the 6
Run 1 lap

4. MOT is Super Marios
Travel 40 yards for 40 2-count Shoulder Taps
Travel 40 yards for 40 TN Rocking Chairs
Burnee to 0 yards
Run 1 lap as time allowed

No time

Tons of prayer requests. Lift up your brothers in prayer.
Several races coming up for people to sign up for.

Proverbs 13:20 “Walk with the wise, for a companion of fools suffers harm.”
Surrounded yourself with wise men. Stay away from fools. Be a wise man others can look up to. But, be humble, and lead in Christ, surrendering yourself to Him and seek His ways.

40 every 40

AO: brickyard
Q: Bail Bonds
PAX: Gmail, Dry Rub, fast-n-easy (Nate Votta), Natty, Biohazard (Jay Shepherd), Manilow (Brent Hunter), Gordie, Spellcheck, Otis, Herbie, Dodger, Appleseed, Jester, Duck Hunt
FNGs: None
Cherry Pickers
Arm Circles
Wind Mils
Tempo Squats
OH Claps
Seal Claps

THE THANG: 10 Manmakers before each round of work
1. MOT is Karaoke
Travel 40 yards for 40 Peter Parkers
Travel 40 yards for 40 triple threat lunges
Burnee to 0 yards
Flutter kicks for the 6
Run 1 lap

2. MOT is Bear Crawl
Travel 40 yards for 40 Carolina Dry Docks
Travel 40 yards for 40 Bobby Hurleys
Burnee to 0 yards
LBCs for the 6
Run 1 lap

3. MOT is Lunges
Travel 40 yards for 40 Merkins
Travel 40 yards for 40 2-count Mtn Climbers
Burnee to 0 yards
Hello Dollies for the 6
Run 1 lap

4. MOT is Super Marios
Travel 40 yards for 40 2-count Shoulder Taps
Travel 40 yards for 40 TN Rocking Chairs
Burnee to 0 yards
Run 1 lap as time allowed

No time

Tons of prayer requests. Lift up your brothers in prayer.
Several races coming up for people to sign up for.

Proverbs 13:20 “Walk with the wise, for a companion of fools suffers harm.”
Surrounded yourself with wise men. Stay away from fools. Be a wise man others can look up to. But, be humble, and lead in Christ, surrendering yourself to Him and seek His ways.

Character Counts

AO: brickyard
Q: Natty
PAX: Biohazard (Jay Shepherd), Gmail, Natty, Simmons, Dodger
FNGs: None
WARMUP: windmills, tempo squats and merkins, seal claps, OH claps, OH press ups, Thai fighters

THE THANG: mosey to football field
Lunges to sprints back
10 YD 8 ct man makers
20 YD squat jumps
30 YD plank jacks
40 YD merkins
Mot side shuffles
60 YD. OH Press
MOT karaoke
70 YD 4 ct Mtn climbers
80 YD flutter kicks
100 YD IMP walkers

Stairs ALL each top row do 5 monkey humpers
Run 3/4 lap then Bernie last stretch

Return to AO

MARY: crab reachers, gas pumps, box cutters, Bruce lees, lbc’s, hello Dollie’s


COT: Roman’s 5:3-4.