F3 Knoxville

for the boys

AO: the-equalizer
Q: Ribbed (Joshua Sagraves)
PAX: Stripped, Madoff, Smithers, Blindside, Cheney, Ribbed (Joshua Sagraves)
FNGs: None
WARMUP: had to be there

THE THANG: I hurt my back but got through 52 cards

MARY: we stretched a lot

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Hawridge this weekend


Heavy Day. Shoulders and Such.

AO: the-equalizer
Q: Blindside
PAX: Stripped, Bookman, Blindside, Snowbird, Madoff, Mouthwash, Cheney, Ribbed (Joshua Sagraves), Smithers
FNGs: None
1. AMRAP 5 mins (5 reps each)
Goblet squat
2. AMRAP 5 mins (5 reps each)
Partner up
Farmer Carry two CMUs down and around ramp
Partner holds plank
3. AMRAP 5 mins (5 reps each)
Squat and press w/ CMU
4. AMRAP 5 mins (5 reps each)
Partner up again
Rifle Carry down and around ramp
Partner holds plank

7 mins of fun

Leg PT

AO: the-equalizer
Q: Madoff
PAX: Stripped, Ribbed (Joshua Sagraves), Cheney, Bookman, mouthwash (Mike), Swimmies (Nathan Chesney), Snowbird, Blindside
FNGs: None
20 SSH
20 SSH (not a typo)
5 Knoxville Cherry Pickers
10 Rockettes
Mozy to Bearmuda, Bear Crawl for a bit, Mozy to Splashpad

3 sets with a Run in Between:
– Single leg broad jumps (10 sets each leg)
– Single leg couch lunge hops (10 each leg)
– Skater jumps 30 (total)
– 20 – 1 leg calf raises (each leg)
– 20 – 1 leg curtesy lunges (total)
– Tempo squats until the 6
As a group – Mario jumps, Bernie, and Long lunges

Once Complete:
10 Burpee with Knee Tuck Jump
30 Squats
20 Plyo Merkins
20 Squats to Lateral Jump

Mozy around track back to AO

15 Gas Pumpers
10 Plyo Merkins
15 Futter Kicks

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Mentioned a cancellation and to read the newsletter. Should have mentioned the January 14th State of F3 Union meeting (check emails)

COT: 2 Parts. 1 – Steady work over time produces results and I mentioned how proud I was of my Daughter for completing her PT over a few months and being back in track and cross country. 2 – The workouts we did today were things we always do PLUS a little extra and they were MUCH MUCH harder. So reminder that we can always push ourselves to be better and even a small change can make something that’s “normal” much harder and produce more results.

Monday Runday

AO: the-equalizer
Q: Snowbird
PAX: Stripped, Blindside, Bookman, Cheney, Headgear, Ice Cold, Madoff, mouthwash (Mike), Ribbed, Smithers
FNGs: None
WARMUP: who needs a warm up?

THE THANG: RUN till time

MARY: stretch


Hebrews 12:1-2

[1] Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us,

[2] looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.

Sin, no matter how enticing in the moment, hinders us from our race of faith. Let us, together run with endurance as we look to Christ!