F3 Knoxville

The Long Haul II

AO: juco
Q: Guardrail
PAX: 5K (Derren Burrell), Lil’ Spice (Chad Crawford), Booster (Les Fout), Plaque (John Baxter), Butterknife, Waffles (Pedro Da Silva), Wanderer, Miss Fire, Po-Boy (Travis Dupre), Fetch (Joel Moran)
FNGs: None
WARMUP: SSH, Cherry Pickers, WIndmills
THE THANG: replay of f3knoxville.com/the-long-haul/ Made it further this time. You all make me better, thank you.
MARY: Burpee, squats, Flutters, BBS, Pickle Pounders superman
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Not too late to sign up for Forg3. Sept 22. Flag handoff to slappy at Shamrock end of the month.
COT: On this 22 anniversary of Sept 22, know what matters. Terrorism stories at our core because it shows how little control we have. It makes us face our fears, straight to our fear of death, but In Christ’s, we do not have to fear
“Examine yourselves, to see whether you are in the faith. Test yourselves. Or do you not realize this about yourselves, that Jesus Chris is in you? — Unless indeed you fail to meet the test!” 2 Cor 13:5
1) It’s yourself, not others.
2) It’s worth the time to get this right. Of utmost importance.
3) Jesus is in you. If that is so – you’ll be different than you used to be – different than you want to be – different than society will tell you. You don’t have to fear.
The Holy Spirit is powerful, awesome and available. Don’t ignore Him

51st Birthday Q

AO: juco
Q: 5K (Derren Burrell)
PAX: Borg (Mark McKeever), Fetch (Joel Moran), Wanderer, Papa Lock (Chris McCarthy), Waffles (Pedro Da Silva), Mailbox (Chip Keim), 5K (Derren Burrell), Dart Gun (Todd Mulder), Biohack (Andrew Ditmer), Mathlete (Jacob Platfoot), Booster (Les Fout)
FNGs: None
High Knees
Kick backs
Morrocan Night Club
Tempo Squats
Freddy Mercuries

Last Man Up to Sophomore Hill

Burp Back Mountain
– pairing up with one person proceeding to run backward up the hill/forward down the hill while the other person is performing burpees. The individuals continue to alternate running with burpees until 100 total burpees are completed

Cindy Crawford 5 corners
– AMRAP 5 pull-ups, 20 LBCs, 30 merkins, and 40 squats, and 50 Calve raises

51 Freddie Mercuries

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Ghost Flag missing, Windex needs to post at the Project…

Psalm 118: 22-24
22 The stone the builders rejected
has become the cornerstone;
23 the Lord has done this,
and it is marvelous in our eyes.
24 The Lord has done it this very day;
let us rejoice today and be glad.

– As another year passes for this birthday boy, becomes paramount to remember the Lord rejoices in what He has done, so we ought to do the same — God is good in providing all we need (most importantly His Son who became the cornerstone), let us rejoice each day we have to bless His Name.

Feb/Aug You vs. You Part 2

AO: asylum-pm
Q: Steam
PAX: Guardrail (Brandon Brown), High Heels (Henry Ritchie), CRISPR (David Smelser), Rooney (Carl Whipple), Swimmies (Nathan Chesney), Butterknife, Brick (Chris Tittle), Median (Luke Brown), Honeydew (Jason Childers), Windex, Blindside (Davis Bodie), Glamper, Lilydipper (John Neece), Pusher, Booster (Les Fout), Drum Major (Mike Johnston), Curveball P (Dave Purcell), Trash Panda, Jeevan Kypa, Welch’s, Lizzy, Ghost Flag (F3Knoxville), Switch hitter, Cheetah Boy, 24
FNGs: 1 24
– 15×4 SSH

– Mosey to behind the admin building
– Go over the Feb/Aug You vs. You workout
– 1.5 mile (2,400 meter) run for time
– Max BBS in 1 minute
– Partner up. Partner can hold your feet, if desired. Arms crossed at your chest or hands behind your head. Elbows touch your knees on “up”. Shoulders touch the ground on “down”.
– Max merkins in 1 minute
– Partner up. Partner puts his fist on the ground while other does merkins. Chest must touch his fist to count as a rep.
– Max pull-ups
– Max that can be performed before letting go of the bar. No time limit. Modify as necessary if AO lacks a good bar.
– Max burpees in 5 minutes
– Standard “full” burpee with a merkin and a jump. Clap or don’t clap…your choice.

– Mosey to the bottom of the long curve
– BTTW/jail breaker to the flag

– SWS for the last 3 minutes

– Forg3: 9/22-9/24. Checkout the #forg3 channel for more info – 4 spots left!

“3 Strikes And You’re Not Out. There is always one more thing you can do.” – Col. Hal Moore
– From his book On Leadership, and the movie We Were Soldiers
– A lot of times, it can feel very much like “3 strikes and your out.” Maybe it’s “that mistake” or thing that keeps happening, or shortcomings or missed expectations. So what are we to do when we feel like we’ve struck out 3x?
– Take a look at what Jesus says in 2 Corinthians 12:9 — ““But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me.”
– Maybe the “there’s always one more thing you can do” when you feel like you’ve struck out is turn to Christ – who knows and sees you and your weaknesses – and chooses to love you still. The beauty of this is that it’s not on you to do one more thing, it’s about the love Christ has for you and how much he wants you to come to Him when you feel like you’ve stuck out. Walk in His grace, truth, mercy, and love brothers!


AO: juco
Q: Guardrail (Brandon Brown)
PAX: Booster (Les Fout), fast-n-easy (Nate Votta), La-Z-Boy (Zac Smith), Po-Boy (Travis Dupre), Curveball P (Dave Purcell), Wanderer, Ghost Flag (F3Knoxville), 7 Rush
FNGs: None
WARMUP: SSH, Windmills, Cherry Pickers, Tempo Merkins
THE THANG: Ruck to the water tower
MARY: Perfect timing
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Shovel Flag handoff Friday and Monday.
COT: “For I wrote to you out of much affliction and anguish of heart and with many tears, not to cause you pain but to let you know the abundant love that I have for you.” 2 Cor: 2: 4
This verse shows me communication and expressing our heart is important!
Guys’s don’t talk like that very often; but we should.
Rick Dunn shared: men are most vulnerable to spiritual defeat when men are least vulnerable with each other
That’s Paul being vulnerable and communicating and that is my challenge to you this morning.
For starters, just reach out and be in touch with 3 guys today
1) A f3 brother
2) A friend from growing up – High School Friend or sibling or cousin
3) Someone from Church – if you don’t have their number, ask them or ask someone for their number.
And if you don’t to it today – twice a many tomorrow and 3x on Friday. I’m kidding, sorta, but make it a common practice.
People want to hear from you. I want to hear from you.
Speaking of – I want to hear what you have to say, so pick up a Q!

Jesus shared His heart and gave us a whole book of his word because communication matters
What do you say? Anything. Tell them what’s going on, tell them hi, ask for prayer or prayer requests
Ask to borrow a tool or a piece of advice; thank them for ANYTHING – being a part of your life, being funny, being smart. Or like Paul, tell them of the abundant love you have for them that comes from Jesus, but that’s probably not where you start.

Great to have Curveball, La-z-boy, Fast-n-easy and Ghostflag join us. That last guy is quiet. Hope to see you all again soon and often.

Partner Workout

AO: juco
Q: Noodles (Brian Solmonson)
PAX: Mailbox (Chip Keim), Butterknife, Wanderer (Dave Staab), Hallmark, Waffles (Pedro Da Silva), Windex, Guardrail (Brandon Brown), Jonathan Woodall (GUMP), MessyHobbs, Booster (Les Fout), Fetch (Joel Moran), 5K (Derren Burrell), Noodles (Brian Solmonson), Carhop
FNGs: 1 Carhop
– Side straddle hop, 8-ct Merkin, Windmill, Bend and reach
Partner workout
1) run around building as team of 2, carrying brick.
Partner A does hand-release Merkins while Partner B holds brick overhead. 100 total reps. When no longer can hold brick overhead, switch.

2) run around building, same as 1. Once complete, 100 ground to overheads as team using brick. One HIM does reps, other holds plank/downward dog

3) run around building. 100 burpees. Same as #1. One HIM does burpees, other holds brick over head. Switch back and forth until burpees complete.

Finish with one more lap with brick


Matthew 11:28-30
– When is the last time we went to Jesus?
– Are you tired? What’s in your ruck that we need to give to Jesus? Sexual sin, alcohol, pride?
– Do we trust Jesus’ heart? His heart is gentle and lowly (humble)
– What’s Jesus’ yoke? Forgiveness, grace, mercy