F3 Knoxville

Skatepark Beatdown

AO: thequacken
Q: Z-Pack
PAX: Lizzy, Gmail, FixerUpper, Postman (Scott Colby), Trip, John Deere, Big Sky, Boots
FNGs: 1 Boots
My 2.0 Trip turned 12 last week. We celebrated his birthday, and he helped out with cadence counts and exercise demonstration.

WARMUP: Greeting and Disclaimer, then…
Abe Vigodas
Flamingos- Quad Stretch
Baby Arm Circles, IC
Michael Phelps
Tempo Merkins, IC
Squats, IC
Mosey from AO to Skatepark

AMRAP – 6 exercise stations and a bear crawl.
Station 1 – At low rail do 2 manmakers, jump over rail, do 2 manmakers. Repeat for 12 total manmakers.
Station 2 – at tall sloped wall- climb over wall, at bottom do a merkin, climb back over wall do a merkin. Repeat for 12 total merkins.
Station 3 – there is a low curved wall. Do box jumps down the length of the wall.
Station 4 – Do 24 LBCs
Station 5 – At hand rail with steps to calf raises – 12 reps each leg
Station 6 – 12 Decline Merkins
Mosey back to other side of skatepark, then bear crawl the length of the skatepark.
Mosey back to Station 1 and repeat the circuit.
At 0605 we jogged back to the AO
Hello Dolly IC
Freddie Mercury IC
Bruce Lee IC
Low Plank 1 min.
Flutter Kicks IC
Thor Hammer IC
Trip shared inspiration from his study of George Washington – sacrificial leadership, bravery.

Prayer Time – lifted up requests