2-4-6-8-10 of each exercise with a 100 yard field lap between each set of reps.
Tour de Equalizer w/ flutter kicks and planks mixed in.
3.19 miles covered
Insert information about any additional post-THANG work (if applicable). COUNT-OFF & NAME-O-RAMA
Continued the theme from this past weekend’s 3rd F- Suffering. We can’t have adversity without pain. It’s not possible. God meets us at the point of our deepest need. We were made to live in community with others. Take your concerns, cares, adversity, pain, and suffering to God and share with appropriate others.
The Doobie Brothers opened the first Monday morning workout at the Equalizer in style. Hot Tub, Farva, Doubtfire, and Bow Flex put on a historic performance. One for the ages. ANNOUNCEMENTS:
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.
SSH IC x 15
T Merk IC x 10
T Squat IC x 10
Lil baby arm circles IC x 10
Cherry Pickers (with the short shorts on) IC x 7
Insert information about the workout.
Lil merks and flutters at base of Maddercorn
10 Pullups, 10 burpees, 10 BBS, then 9,8,7…..
Mosey to the tavern
5 turkish get up, 5 man makers at the top
Mosey back
Sometimes life hands you what seems like a bad set of circumstances, but you must not get down and frustrated. Sometimes this bad situation is actually something good. A friend of mine received what was seemingly bad news, but now (not for sure) it seems like what was previously bad conditions are actually something better. So, roll with the punches life throws you filthy animals.
Frosty smiled at the verrrry end ANNOUNCEMENTS:
Hardship Hill
THE SCENE: upper 40’s but breezy – chilly until we got moving
Cherry pickers x 5
Rockettes x 10
Burpees x 10
Tempo Squats x 10
Indian run to the place the boats used to be
Iron Mikes at each light pole (route 66 style) around the parking lot to the marina sign.
Matterhorn suicide
5 cones in a line up the hill. Bernie Sanders to each successive cone and do exercises written by the cone. All exercises performed facing downhill.
8-count body builders x 20
Lunges x 20 (each leg)
Shoulder taps x 20 (4 count)
Carolina Dry Docks x 20
Merkins x 20
DORA 1-2-3
Small hill by the restaurant parking lot. Partner A runs to top of hill and does 2 burpees while partner B does the exercises. Then flapjack.
100 Merkins
200 Big boy situps
300 Jump squats
Indian run back to the AO
Side crunch x 15
Hello Dolly x 20
16 strong: Bowflex, Frosty, Aladdin, Sparky, Kilowatt, Tank, Blue Cross, Wagon Wheel, Waxjob, I-Beam, Toebox, Butters, Junk, Mayberry, Tweet-E, Bartman CIRCLE OF TRUST/BOM:
As I’ve observed those around me lately – specifically male Christians – I have noticed a lot of passivity. There is an old adage that goes something like this: “Share the love of Jesus everywhere you go, and if necessary, use words”. I understand the point this is trying to make, and we should be living in a way that others take notice. However as Christian men, we should also be taking a stand for Christ – which means using words, debating/disagreeing when necessary. I’m not suggesting we go around starting arguments, but we should definitely reject the passive approach and be steadfast in how we represent ourselves. So often the Christian faith is seen as curling up in Jesus’ lap and getting coddled. Yes, Jesus does offer rest to the weary and is a place of refuge when needed, but the example that Jesus set while on this earth was not that of someone in the fetal position…he was bold in his words, strong in his position, confident. As men, I pray we are attuned to God’s word and are actively looking for opportunities to be bold for him.
Hardship Hill is right around the corner, May 18th. Join a team if you haven’t already.
THE SCENE: 50 degrees. Cloudy. Little rain toward the end. F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER
Warmed up in an adjacent pavilion b/c we couldn’t all fit in the normal one!
SSH X20 4ct IC
Cherry Pickers x10 IC
Annie’s – x8 each forward and backward each.
Little bit of this, little bit of that…
Imperial Walkers x10 4CT THA-THANG:
Relay run with the 20lb baby around the Fountain City Park loop 1 time. Turn around and run up to the Gresham Hill continuing the relay run with the 20lb baby.
Welsh Dragons (Happy St. David’s Day!)
Bear crawl position the whole time. Move forward 4 steps.
Do 1 merkin
Do 1 plank jack
Do 1 pair of back of shoulder taps
Bear crawl forward another 4 steps.
Rinse and repeat for ~30ft adding 1 rep to each move every time.
Rest and then turn around and go halfway back-ish toward where we started starting over at 1 rep each.
Relay run with 20lb baby back down Gresham Hill around the side to the Duck Pond.
The Quacken Circuit
8 station circuit around the Duck Pond. 20 reps of listed exercise at each station, except the last station which is 10 Kraken Burpees (regular burpee with 3 hand-release merkins at the bottom). Repeat the loop 2x or until time.
#1 – 20 Squats
#2 – 20 Merkins
#3 – 20 Overhead Claps 2CT
#4 – 20 LBCs
#5 – 20 American Hammers 2CT
#6 – 20 Mountain Climbers 2CT
#7 – 20 SSH 2CT
#8 – 10 Kraken Burpees (3 hand-release merkins at the bottom)
Ran out of time, but almost finished 2nd loop
Relay run back to the AO with 20lb baby.
Out of time! We had too much fun. COUNT-OFF & NAME-O-RAMA
18 HIMs made it out for the launch! Herbie, Abort, Half caff, Mr. Wedgie, SiPad, Bowflex, Chaucer, Hamm, Belding, Fast-n-Easy, Swanson, Quagmire, Detention, Ghost, Tank, Doubtfire, Erector, Filter CIRCLE OF TRUST/BOM:
Philippians 2:3-4 “Do nothing from rivalry or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.” MOLESKIN:
4 takeaways for today:
Accountability – Hold one another accountable to make it out here. Encourage one another to get better and be better. Hold one another accountable in our regular lives outside our workout times as well.
Q! Sign up to Q! Everyone has the ability, wherewithal and capacity to do it. We can help. You can do it.
Mend House – Come out and post with these guys on Wednesdays at 6pm. They’re a great group of guys to workout with and we all benefit from being around one another.
Give Back – Give back to the AOs where you post. Volunteer for a cleanup day or help do things around the park / school / etc. I know we can definitely help the Lions Club keep FC Park clean and running well for everyone to use. ANNOUNCEMENTS:
Chili cook-off tonight 6-8pm at Fort Loudoun Yacht Club. Reach out to Rusty or Doubtfire for more info.
Launch of The Quacken AO in Fountain City on March 1, 2019.
THE SCENE: Great 50 degree weather. Dry WARM-O-RAMA:
25 x SSH and 8 x Cherry Pickers THA-THANG:
Six stations. When finished with one run to the next. Repeat until time is up. Ran close to 3 miles
10 Burpees
25 Tri-dips
Cone to cone bear crawl merkins
15 Bobby Hurleys
15 Carolina dry docks
10 Box cutters
Burpees. Run to to station 2 for tri-dips. Back to AO for more burpees and then BBS. COUNT-OFF & NAME-O-RAMA
14 HIMS out at The Dog Pound. Junk, Mayberry, Gibbler, Scooter, Bartman, Tweet-E, Bowflex, Tank, I-Beam, Pepper, Snitch, Abacus, Detention, Toe Box
You are either growing or dying. Stepping outside your comfort zone is key to discovering your passion, accomplishing your goals and finding happiness. Start with small steps to get out of your comfort zone to keep growing. “One can choose to go back toward safety or forward toward growth. Growth must be chosen again and again; fear must be overcome again and again.” Abraham Maslow
Thanks for the encouragement through my first Q. Felt good to get it out of the way.