F3 Knoxville

Johnny 5 is Alive – Short Circuit

AO: juco
Q: Butterknife
PAX: Waffles, Windex, Dart Gun, Guardrail, 5K, Lt. Dan, Wanderer, Butterknife, Love Shaq
FNGs: None
Tempo Merkins
Tempo Squats
Cherry :cherries: Pickers

Line up and mosey to the spot with the leader falling off and doing 2 burpees

Drills around our circuit: shuffle, high knees, high heels, and skipping

12 station circuit 45 seconds at each station running all stations and stopping at the next.

Fighter Merkins
Curls w/ CMU
Tris w/ CMU
Agility Ladder drills
Thrusters w/ med ball
Flutter kicks
Kettlebell Swings 35lb
Mountain Climbers
BBS on stability ball
Man makers w/ 20 lb dumbbells
Walking Lunges

Run the stairs
Pull ups x 5
Merkins x 10
Run the stairs
Squats x 20
Rinse and repeat :repeat: x 3

Mosey to the large lot for Striders.

Jailbreak to the flag

No time

Hardship Hill on Monday

2 Timothy 1:7
“For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline.”

At church we’re going through a study called soundtracks. 🔈

What you see impacts what you hear 👂
What you hear impacts what you think 💭
What are the soundtracks in our lives?

Neither negative or positive situations or thoughts 💭 should take you away from God.

We need to learn and adjust the volume on the soundtracks in our lives.

Turn down 👎
I am abandoned

Turn up ⬆️
I am loved and chosen

Turn down 👎
I am a failure

Turn up ⬆️
I am more than a conquerer

Turn down 👎
I am not good enough

Turn up ⬆️
I am a son of God the most high!

Turn over worry and fear to the Holy Spirit.
Be a Victor not a Victim!!

[f3knoxvillemain] Unlocked

AO: f3knoxvillemain
Q: Mermaid
PAX: Steam, Lizzy, Freud (Eric Minton), Mermaid, Borg, Soot, Squealer, Spellcheck, Butterknife
FNGs: None
Today 9 men came together, 5 ran, and 4 rucked, for one hour, and then followed that up with coffee, donuts, and intentional conversation about how to “unlock” more men. This term comes from several F3 sources, and we will be hosting OTB workouts in this manner to dive deeper into the topic, and how to share this message with the region.

If you are interested in learning more, please send me a message on slack. You will be hearing more soon as we explore ways to bring this message to a workout near you!

We had an enlightening conversation about the 3rd F and how to carry out the F3 mission with an emphasis on the third F.

Thanks to all of the men who came out and participated.

Rise and Grind

AO: juco
Q: Butterknife
PAX: 5K, Butterknife, Erector, Guardrail, Love Shaq, Lt. Dan, Mailbox, Wanderer, Windex
FNGs: None
SSH x10
Little Baby Arm Circles (forward and backward)
Cherry :cherries: Pickers
Perfect Merkins x5
High Kicks and Quad Stretches

Mosey to the top of JUCOManjaro with the person in the back sprinting to the front.

20 curls
Murder Bunny 🐰 to the first cone
10 Thrusters
Run back to the starting line and back to your CMU
Murder Bunny 🐰 to the next cone
10 KB swings
Run back to the starting line and back to your CMU
Murder Bunny 🐰 to the next cone
10 goblet Squats
Run back to the starting line and back to your CMU
20 curls
Rifle carry back to the start
Rinse and repeat 🔁

Four Corners with Get ups and No Surrenders


KickFlip was out a couple of weeks ago and he was reflecting on a message that Archie delivered… Coming to F3 does not make you a HIM. I agree with this statement. It doesn’t. There are also several HIMs that have never been to an F3 workout. We need to get them out here with us.

F3 also doesn’t count as church. ⛪️ If you’re here and don’t have a church you call home, I would personally like to invite you to Faith Promise where me and my family attend. There’s a spreadsheet floating around with a lot of our F3 brothers and the churches they belong to. So again, I encourage you to check it out, if you don’t have a church you call home.

I will say this though… Being out here in the gloom with these men is a great foundation and starting point. Surrounding yourselves with High Impact Men, is going to encourage you to strive to be one yourself. I know, because I’m speaking from experience. You push me to be my best, not only when I’m out here with you, but also when no one else is around. Thank you!

[juco-rush] Mile Repeats

AO: juco-rush
Q: Erector
PAX: Butterknife, Full Tank, Trash Panda (JUCO), Wagon Wheel (John-Mark Chesney), Erector
FNGs: None
Mosey to the HVA track.
4x 1 mile repeats with a 1 minute standing recovery. Effort was targeted to be between 10k and half marathon pace.
Cooldown back to JUCO

[juco-rush] Hill Play

AO: juco-rush
Q: Butterknife
PAX: Fetch, Erector, Cheap Ride, Butterknife, Data
FNGs: None
WARMUP: Run to the neighborhood entrance.

THE THANG: 30/60/90
run 30 seconds with 30 seconds recovery back down the hill
run 60 seconds with 60 seconds recovery back down the hill
run 90 seconds with 90 second recovery back to the original starting point.
5 times

Cool down back to the shovel flag.