F3 Knoxville

Too dang hot!

THE SCENE: Like 32 degrees. I thought it was supposed to be 22? I dressed out way too warm.
(Had to yell it a bit so the PAX straggling in could hear)

0 Burpees
25 SSH
2 Burpees
10 HR Merkins
4 Burpees
20 Cossack Squats
6 Burpees
15 Crabettes
8 Burpees
15 LBAC fwd, 15 backward
(skip the 10 burpees… pretty sure we’ll make ’em up)

Mosey to the Ampitheater for the Memory beatdown game.
PAX take turns flipping 2 cards. If the cards don’t match, all PAX do BOTH exercises.
If the cards match they’re removed, and PAX just do that exercise followed by running a lap around the outside of the ampitheater.

The cards:
15 Merkins
15 Dry Docks
10 Iron Mikes (each leg)
10 Squat jump
10 Burpees
15 Monkey Hump 4ct
20 Mtn Climber 4ct
Bear Crawl to light pole, Crawl Bear back
20 Flutter Kicks 4ct
20 Big Boys

Managed to clear the Dry Docks, Iron Mikes, Squat Jumps, Burpees, and Mountain Climbers. Not bad for a weekday beatdown

Had to AYG across the field to get back to the AO in time… No Mary today.
12 strong today, no FNGs. (No tag for Crawlspace)
Ps 37:4 – Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart.

Not what your (own selfish, sinful) heart desires, but His desires for you will be planted in your heart. You will desire what He desires, and we know that His knowledge and love for us are perfect.
This might be the last time for the Memory game cards… Or maybe not.
12/8: 3rd F at the Overlook. Praise for the birth of Cowbell’s daughter!

Celebrity Q

THE SCENE: 45* and clear

BAC forward IC
BAC reverse IC
Cherry pickers IC
Tempo squat IC


Everyone on Preacher at the fountains.  Each corner of the World’s Fair Park lawn has an exercise and number of an exercise to perform.  Run laps and do the work until Preacher calls time.  Each time you pass the fountains you don’t collect $200 but perform 8 burpees.  Corner exercises:

  • Mountain climbers 4-ct x12
  • Power merkins x10 (explode off the deck and clap at top of merkin)
  • BBSUs x15
  • Jump squats x15

Lather rinse repeato. Recover on Preacher and mosey towards amphitheater.

After nearly getting hit by the same truck going both forward and reverse (the truck, not us), assemble on the stage at the theater.  Routine is 11’s.  Start with 1 box jump on stage, sprint the stairs to the top, 10 rail rows at the top.  Return and repeat finishing off 11’s.  Merlot might have splashed.  Recover on Preacher.

Mosey back to the south end of the World’s Fair lawn.  Line up going across.  Preacher calls 10 count bear crawls, then remain in place and do 10 squats all in cadence.  Repeat until reaching the fountains on the other side.

Box cutter flutter Edwards ???
American hammers
25 Strong for Preacher’s visit: Jenner, Crawdad, Cornhole, Red Writer, Archie, Wilson, Filter, Careless, Quarantine, Halo, Rousey, Passport, G6, Sneaky Pete, Waffle House, Operation, SiPad, Swanson, Partial, Al (FNG), Purple Rain, The Voice, Petey, Preacher, Abort
Preacher talked about his recent move to Arizona, and how none of what has happened to him in the last few months would have been what he planned or thought he would do.  He had to walk through the valley of the shadow of death to end up where he needed to be.

Can drive competition with FiA this week.

Block and forth

THE SCENE: 39* and CLEAR (tired of the rain)

Shoulder taps on 4-ct IC
Windmills on 4-ct IC
Merkins on 4-ct IC
Tuck jumps OYO
Bat wings on 4-ct IC
SSH on 4-ct IC

Mosey lap around the lawn of World’s Fair Park (almost back to SP, stopping short).  Two CMU’s hidden in the bushes are brought into the open for a little block and forth (routine stolen and just slightly modified from Wax Job’s Bucket List).  PAX split into two groups, one remains in place the other jogs to other side of the World’s Fair Park Lawn.  One PAX will carry both CMU’s across the lawn, and start the group on a new exercise once they arrive.  Exercise is performed AMRAP until relief comes with CMU’s and new exercise.  Both sides start with SSH.  Exercises as follows:

  • Merkins
  • Big boy situps
  • Mountain climbers
  • Carolina dry docks
  • Leg thrusters

Go through routine until all PAX have carried CMUs across the lawn twice, essentially ending up back where everyone started.  Recover and 10 count. Stash CMUs and mosey toward WFP amphitheater.  Apologize in advance and burpee broadjump up the ramp on the back side of the amphitheater.  Recover and 10 count.

PAX pair up for next routine.  Partner A remains at the top of the amphitheater, alternating between 10 rows on the handrails and 10 diamond merkins.  Partner B runs down the far side of the hill to the semi-circular benches looking over the pond and performs 10 box jumps before running back up to the top of the amphitheater.  Flapjack and repeat switching exercises and running until time called.  Recover and 10 count.

Reverse lunge back down the other side of the amphitheater towards start point, stopped at the bottom for Al Gore until everyone finished.  Mosey back SP for Mary.

Edward scissor-legs IC
Flutter kick ring of fire (All PAX hold feet together 6-8″ off the deck waiting for their turn.  Each PAX does five 4-count flutters, then resumes holding feet off the deck until all PAX have done five flutters.
9 strong getting Monday rolling: Swanson, G6, Careless (whisper with the stash), The Voice, Jenner, Cowbell, Filter, Scope, Abort
43 Podcast and the need for shield lock relationships and the blade/whetstone relationship.
Continue prayers for Preacher’s sister in law (PREACHER IN TOWN TOMORROW) and The Voice’s grandmother.
New BB shirt coming soon hopefully thanks in big part to Half Caff.  Can collection this week.

A few rounds in the octagon

THE SCENE: 48* and clear, perfect weather

High knees IC
BAC forward and reverse IC
Imperial squat walker IC
THA-THANG: Mosey out of the start point and towards L&N, opposite direction of the usual mosey.  Train horn gives the Q a good panic, as the route crosses the railroad tracks where cones and routine are set up.  Fortunately its just two engines which clear the tracks quickly and we continue our mosey into the Preacher lot.  Eight cones set up in a circle/octagon.  Exercises are mostly still on the cones, as follows:

  • Reverse flyes with rocks
  • Wide merkins
  • Squat jumps
  • American hammers on 4 count
  • Lion kings with CMU’s
  • Lunges on 2 count
  • 8 count bodybuilders
  • Heels to heaven

PAX split up to have groups of 2-3 at each cone.  16 reps of each exercise, then bear crawl to next cone moving in clockwise direction.  Once you arrive back at your original cone/exercise, run to the center of the octagon and plank it up (plank variations until all finish).  Q asks for someone to step into the middle and give one of their biggest fears.  Sneaky Pete steps up, and his fear is being misunderstood.  ALR.

Go back to original cone.  Repeat routine, this time only performing 8 reps of each exercise, and instead of bear crawling to next cone, run a lap around the octagon.  Again, plank in the middle when finished with routine and wait for the rest to finish.  Duggar steps up and admits one of his biggest fears is failure.  Which just happens to be QIC’s biggest fears, and would have been admitted at the end.  ALR. PAX grab cones and CMUs and begin mosey back to SP (dropping 4 CMUs just across the tracks for retrieval later).

Once back at SP, Q asks one more to tell a fear.  The Voice steps up and states letting someone down is his fear.  A.L.R.  Mary begins.

Edward scissorlegs x25 on 4 count.
5 sec rest
Edward scissorlegs x25 on 4 count (someone said take them to 100, so we did)
18 PAX Strong: Reverb, Swanson, Sneaky Pete, Petey, Operation, Filter, Sipad, Duggar, Midas, The Voice, Cowbell, Cheesesteak, Jenner, Crawdad, Passport, Careless, Scope, Abort
Fear.  We all have fears, and we have to deal with fear every day.  Fear isn’t necessarily bad, as fears of things have helped keep us alive up to this point in our lives.  However, constantly giving into fears makes us cowards.  Constantly ignoring fears would make us insane.  The key is to listen to our fears and decide whether to give into them or stand up and turn that fear or hardship into grace.
Mend House workout on Monday at 6.  Try to show up and support these men as they hopefully launch their own AO into F3.

4 Corners

THE SCENE: Cool, Crisp morning

Cherry Pickers IC x 10

Baby Arm Circles IC x 15 each way

SSH IC x 20

Merkins IC x 10

  • Mosey the long way around the lake to the ampitheater
  • 7s – Step Up’s at the stage / pull-up’s at top.
  • Hold Al Gore until all are finished
  • Recover with a 10 count
  • Mosey to rock pile and pick a rock
  • Walk with rock over head to the yard area
  • 4 corners of the yard:
    • Corner #1:  Curls with rock x 20 then run with rock to Corner #2
    • Corner #2:  Squats with rock x 20 then run with rock to Corner #3
    • Corner #3:  Merkins so that chest touches rock x 20 then run with rock to Corner #4
    • Corner #4:  Flutter Kicks with rock over head.
    • Repeat all corners for a second trip around.
  • Mosey back to rock pile to deposit rocks
  • Lunge’s from rock pile to the entrance of the Veterans Memorial
  • Spend 1 minute of quick reflection on one name on the memorial
  • Amazon read aloud a quote from the memorial about remembering the past to not repeat it
  • Mosey back to AO
  • Hello Dolly’s IC x 20
  • Shoulder taps IC x 30 in honor of Soot
  • Merkins IC x 10
  • American Hammers IC x 10

Insert information about any additional post-THANG work (if applicable).
Use the TAGS on right-side to record PAX (BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOURSELF) in attendance. Be sure to select the AO in CATEGORY above TAGS and then delete these notes!
Romans 12:9-10  “Let love be genuine.  Abhor what is evil; hold fast to what is good.  Love one another with brotherly affection.  Outdo one another in showing honor.”  As we competed at the F3 Olympics we are trying to outdo each other in various competitions.  In life let’s try to outdo each other in showing honor to others.  As Veteran day is approaching, outdo each other in showing honor to those who have served, still serving, and the families of those who gave their lives for our freedoms.
Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.