F3 Knoxville

The Electric Charger

AO: asylum-am
Q: Rainbow (Curt Wright)
PAX: Charmin (John Willis), Matlock (Bill Maddox), Double Wide, Scott McGuire (Cinco), Bunny, Rainbow (Curt Wright), Tricycle
FNGs: None
20SSH on the 4 count
Baby arm circles front/reverse, OH claps, seal claps (all 4 count and 10 reps)
To the curb for butt kickers down and mosey back and super Mario’s down and mosey back
Mosey to circus Maximus for 4 rounds of
20 reps of exercises at each of 4 cones on one side of circus Maximus. Run the other side back to start another round.
Exercises were: Merkins, Jump Squats, Gas Pumpers, Carolina DD

Mosey to parking lot for partner workout. Partner 1 down and back while parter 2 did abs. Switch out. Abs were done amrap and exercises were: LBC, Hello Dolly, Heel Touch, flutters

MARY: Charmin cashed us out with some ATM’s
COT:what we look for we will find. If we look for negativity we will find it. If we look for the positives we will find those too. Task was to be a hummingbird (in search of the goodness) instead of a vulture (in search of the decay)