F3 Knoxville

CMU Yoga

The Scene

Beautifully Humid

F3 Welcome and Disclaimer

Fitness, Fellowship, Faith, Free, Modify, Not Professional, Own Volition, Social Distance, Phone



Cherry Pickers

Redneck Rockettes

Mountain Climbers




Mosey to CMU pile and grab 1

Swings and Yoga-ish

1st station

10 Swings

Down Dog on block (45 seconds, 15 seconds)

5 Swings

Standard plank on block (45 seconds, 15 seconds)

2nd station

10 Swings

Lizard Pose Left (45 seconds, 15 seconds)

Lizard Pose Right (45 seconds, 15 seconds)

5 Swings

Upward Facing Dog (45 seconds, 15 seconds)

3rd Station

10 swings

Hollow body hold (45 seconds, 15 seconds)

5 Swings

Clinched Pickle Pointers (45 seconds, 15 seconds)

4th Station

10 Swings

Split Squat Hold Left (45 seconds, 15 seconds)

Split Squat Hold Right (45 seconds, 15 seconds)

5 Swings

Straight arm CMU hold (45 seconds, 15 seconds)


5th Station

10 Swings

Calf Raise Hold (45 seconds, 15 seconds)

5 Swings

T Plank Hold Left (45 seconds, 15 seconds)

T Plank Hold Right (45 seconds, 15 seconds)

6th station

10 Swing

CMU Squeeze hold (45 seconds, 15 seconds)

5 Swings

Superman hold (45 seconds, 15 seconds)





13 HIM’s



Isaiah 40:28-31

28Have you not known? Have you not heard?

The LORD is the everlasting God,

the Creator of the ends of the earth.

He does not faint or grow weary;

his understanding is unsearchable.

29He gives power to the faint,

and to him who has no might he increases strength.

30Even youths shall faint and be weary,

and young men shall fall exhausted;

31but they who wait for the LORD shall renew their strength;

they shall mount up with wings like eagles;

they shall run and not be weary;

they shall walk and not faint.





Endeavor Exicon

THE SCENE: High 50’s/Low 60″s, comfortable

SSH, Rockette’s, Deep squats, Mountain climbers, Alternating mountain climbers, Plank jax, Baby arm circles, Reverse baby arm circles, Slow neck rolls
Diving into the rolodex of the F3 Exicon.  Q named off a “deep cut” exercise found in the F3 exicon and called out a PAX to demonstrate the exercise.  If the PAX performed it correctly, they took the Q for that exercise and called out the number of reps.  If performed incorrectly, the original Q led the correct iteration of said exercise for a certain number of reps.  Fun was had by most!

The following exercises were attempted w/ a side of laughter (in no particular order, see Exicon for descriptions):

  • Air Drama 
  • Apple Turnover (YUM!)
  • Alphabet (or ABCs)
  • Australian Snow Angels
  • Bobby Hurley
  • Booyah! Merkin (air fist pound, instead of shoulder tap)
  • Captain Morgan
  • Escalator (did not perform, time constraint)
  • Goofball
  • Hatching Butterfly
  • Howling Monkeys (a favorite)
  • Little Mermaid
  • Merkin Jax
  • Jumping Bean Squats
  • Pretzel Stick
  • Prime Time Merkin
  • Protractor
  • Rockette Hillbillies
  • Vacuum Cleaners (DNP, time constraint)
  • Welsh Dragons (DNP, time constraint)
  • Zebra Butt-Kicks

16 PAX + 1 FNG (name TBD, previously Captain Obvious but need to re-name due to duplicate in F3 Knoxville)
Please check out WiRE Strength in Numbers: Men Are Waiting Devotional series through the Bible app.

With Whom Do You Gather?  If we are followers of Jesus, we must take the time to gather with other brothers in Christ.  God designed the Church this way for the Holy Spirit to flow from one to another in these instances.  Isolation is not the answer.  “For if they fall, one will lift up his fellow. But woe to him who is alone when he falls and has not another to lift him up.” Ecclesiastes 4:10  “You see, God the Holy Spirit dwells within each follower of Jesus.” John 14:17

Take the time to connect with a FNG.  The brotherhood of Christ is a powerful force.  We never know how a kind word, working out with someone for the first time in a long time, battling through sweat in the gloom etc. can inspire and affect a fellow brother in Christ!

Prayers for F3 Nation, Cheatsheet’s family, racism/division, Jinxy’s family, Pom-pom’s marriage/honeymoon, all our F3 brother’s!

Step Up

THE SCENE: High 40s and sunny

15th day of the month, 135th day of the year – 230 days left in 2021 to make it what you want it to be

SSH, windmills, tempo squats, little baby arm circles forward, little baby arm circles backward, some Michael Phelps, a little bit of this and a little bit of that (x2), and tempo merkins – 15 reps of each (4 count where appropriate).

Pele wanted to do some cherry pickers, but I don’t like cherry pickers so we moseyed instead.  For once, Crawdad agreed with me.


Mosey to the bottom of Everest

15 more SSHs (4 ct)

Run up Everest to the top of the Summit

15 more SSHs (4 ct)

Mosey to the Coliseum

Divide up into two teams

Welch Dragons to 10 with one team going one way and the other team going the other way – if you don’t know what a Welch Dragon is, then look it up on the F3 Exicon or ask someone who has done it, he will remember

Meet back in the center for some Hello Flutter Cutters (one 4-ct Hello Dolly, one 4-ct Flutter Kick, one 4-ct Box Cutter – together back-to-back-to-back for one rep) while waiting on the six or at least 15

Ghost-man Baseball

Using the circle of the Coliseum, Team 1 runs to first base, does 15 reps of the exercise, and returns home.  Team 2 does a core exercise of its choice for the entire time it is waiting for Team 1 to return.  Team 1 does a core exercise of its choice while Team 2 runs to first base, does 15 reps of the exercise, and then runs back.  Repeat this process for the other bases but stop at each base on the way and do the exercise there before advancing to the next base (because you have to touch the bag before advancing in baseball) but do not do the exercises at each base on the way back (but do run back the way you came).  For the home run, do not run back, stay at home to do 15 reps of those exercises and then do a core exercise of the team’s choice while the other team finishes its home-run trot.

First Base – Merkins

Second Base – Squats

Third Base – Carolina Dry Docks

Home Run – Burpees

15 SSHs (4 ct)

Mosey to Crawdad’s Yoga Studio

15 SSHs (4 ct)

Hokey Pokeys (merkins with one leg in the air) x 15 each leg

25 SSHs (4 ct)

Mosey to the base of Baby Cardiac

35 SSHs (4 ct) – total of 135 for the entire workout

All you got sprint up Baby Cardiac to the AO

Hold a plank for one minute to time

18 HIMs


It’s time to step up.  Lillydipper usually picks up 2 Qs a month on average, but he has been out with a hip problem and will be out for a while.  It’s going to take all of us to fill that void.  So, it’s time to step up.  Sign up for Qs.  If you’ve not Qed in a while, then it’s time to sign up.  If you’ve never Qed before, then it’s definitely time to sign up.  It’s not hard.  Just pick an exercise you don’t like to do and do it twice as many times as you want to do it.  The PAX will support you.  The Q doesn’t have to be perfect.  It just needs to be.  And, a Q needs to be on the website calendar days in advance so that any sad clowns will know that F3 will be there for them on Saturday morning (remember, the sad clowns don’t have access to Slack).  Step up and sign up.  Do it for your brothers.  Do it for Lilly.  We can’t let this fade in his absence or fall only on a few of us.  He will undoubtedly be back, hopefully sooner rather than later, but we need to make sure that his legacy is still here waiting on him.

Prayers against racism, for the sick and shut in, for the journeys of Cheatsheet, his daughter, and all the F3 brothers, for Lillydipper, for Jinxy, for Doubtfire, for Convoy and his family, and for all of the unspoken prayers on our hearts and minds.  Prayers for the courage in each of us to step up in F3, in our families, and in our communities.

June 12th – Convergence at Big Ball followed by a work day at Wesley House

July 24th – CSAUP at Dog Pound (was last year’s CSAUP not enough?)

Saturday Morning BOGO

Clear, cool, and Qless was the forecast Friday afternoon. In a perfect world, that Q would have belonged to Lilydipper, but an uncooperative hip has other ideas. Crawdad won’t stand for an open Saturday Q. He made some decisions. He placed some calls. Continue reading if you’d like the details, but the summary is that it takes two men to do what one Lily does.

We took em to 100. Tie Fighters, The Junk Science, some stretching, and 10 burpees for Snitch, who I’ve never seen come in late, ever, so he must have had some serious business to do this morning. I didn’t ask but I’m betting Cheet Sheet was similarly relieved when he arrived.
The first part of this BOGO was to discover that our Non Privately Owned Naturally Occurring Mineral Formations (NOPO-NOMIFs) were just laying there beneath the trees, as nature presumably left them. Partner AMRAPs as some stragglers caught up, curls, presses, rows, more curls. All I know is that a lot of you have way more reps in you than I do.

Catch Me If You Can w/5 burpees up baby Everest and down the Dragon. Deposit the NOPOs and begin the second part of the BOGO.

We built pyramids on the Cloud, with Crawdad bringing out his famous Louisiana Whistle. Box Jumps, Irkins, Dips, Derkins, Merkins. Unless you cut your reps, your arms were jelly.

Recovering on our feet, we made our way to the dustbowl and some Doras. 200 reps and then another 100 of whatever you wanted.

Back to AO for Mary AND a visit to the ATM.

Welcome Scott W, Billy Goat!

Your F3 friends are a deep and wide pool of help and challenge. You’d be nuts not to lean on them when you need to. It would be a waste to not be challenged by them. You’d be foolish not to step in and try to lead.

Shamrock Jailbreak Tour II

  • Welcome:  Perfect Friday … to get our butts kicked!
  • Warmup:  10 of each of:
    • SSH
    • Windmills
    • Cherry Pickers
    • TN Rockin Chairs
    • Harry Rockets
    • Imperial Squat Walkers
    • Tempo Burpees (3 count down on squat, 3 count merkin, 3 count slow squat rise)
    • Parker Climbers
    • Shoulder Taps
    • Plank (with alternating arm  and leg raises)
    • Rainbow Drops
    • Pickle Pounders
    • Snow Angles
    • Hello Dollys
    • Flutter Kicks
    • Freddy Mercuries
  • Workout:   Jailbreak Tour
    • One person draws a random card from the Jailbreak deck.
    • Jailbreak to the location
    • Do the Exercise printed on the card.
    • Somebody do a ten count while the next random person draws the next card.  Today we did
      • @ Fox Lonas First Entrance – Do 20 Smurf Jacks
      • @ Fox Lonas & Cedar Bluff Entrance for All Saints – Do 30 Monkey Humpers
      • @ Picnic Tables – do 50 Dips and 30 Dirkens
      • @ CMU Pile – Do 20 Blockees
      • @ CHS Entrance – Do 30 Pickle Pounders
      • @ Church Main Door – Do 20 Star Jacks
      • @ Soccer Field – Crab Walk 1 full length
      • @ All Saints Entrance Pillars – Do 10 Handstand Pushups
      • @ All Saints Cedar Bluff Sign – Do 50 Single count Side Straddle Hops.
  • Wrap-Up:
  • Announcements:
    • Ten reasons to sign up to Q
      1. God gives you a good word to share
      2. You get a funny crazy idea for a workout
      3. You haven’t Q’d in a Month
      4. There is an empty slot on the Q calendar
      5. You want to change things up
      6. You want to repeat an old workout you’ve done before.
      7. You want to help a brother Co-lead a Q
      8. It’s your first time to lead a Q
      9. You don’t want Trolley to take an open Q slot
      10. You want to improve your time in doing 100 Burpees
      11. You want to improve your time for the 1 mile.
    • Don’t Forget Save Haven Donations Drive