F3 Knoxville

Happy Birthday, America! With fireworks and beat downs- 1776 Challenge

THE SCENE: It’s July, so warm and humid!

Begin with a bang!  Fireworks provided by Code Brown while we warm up with SSH x 50, Squats x 50, Moroccan Nightclubs x 50 and Overhead claps x 50.

Despite the Q’s best efforts to plan out a very organized workout to get everybody to Patriot or American Eagle status, things fell apart rather quickly as the PAX finished things at different intervals and moved on to the next exercise.  In the end, we all completed the 1776 challenge, with 4 PAX (Swimmies, Gobbler, Trolly, and Cheatsheet) doing double time and finishing the American Eagle.  Everybody else became Patriots today.  We broke up the pull ups.

Everybody started the mile run together.  Everybody gathered around the flag at the Pavalon together for flutter kicks and plank jacks, and everybody finished together with the bear crawl to the flag and burpees.

None today!

1.  When our founding HIMS adopted the Declaration of Independence, Benjamin Franklin famously said “we must all hang together, or we will surely hang separately.”  There is a lesson here for us today.  We cannot and should not battle alone.  Rely on your brothers and in turn, support them as well.  Great things can be accomplished!

2.  The Declaration of Independence established a new nation built on the idea that “all men are created equal,” that we have the right to pursue our happiness (not the same as the right to be happy!).  As Abraham Lincoln noted almost 90 years later, that a country could be so formed and survive was not a sure thing.  And we have not, as a country, lived up to that idea.  But what makes our country special among all other nations is that we continue to strive toward that idea.  F3 is dedicated moving this country forward toward that very idea.
4 American Eagles, including an FNG (welcome Gobbler!) and 8 Patriots today!

Deck Of Cards – Not stacked

THE SCENE:   70ish


25 SSH, 20 baby arm circles


Grab a CMU and head to the cloud. F3 deck of cards with a 4-5 man Indian sprint for jokers.  Face cards 25, A’s 100 and other cards the number + 10.  Mixture of Cardio, Abs, legs and chest.

With 6 minuets left PAX chose to pick out all the face cards(25’s and 100’s) and perform exercises(vs man makers for every card left.

Insert information about any additional post-THANG work (if applicable).
21 pax welcome Tinker from out of town
Find success in failure- example from 2 Timothy:  Paul and Barnabas took young Mark with them on a missionary trip, but he returned home before the end of the trip for reasons not revealed in Scripture.  Whatever Marks reasons, Paul apparently thought they were unjustified since he refused to take Mark along on a subsequent tips(Acts 15:38).

Did Mark fail at being a missionary? Judging from Paul’s response, it would appear he did.  While the New King James Version says Mark “departed” from Paul, the word probably is closer to deserted – a more negative connotation.  It’s probably reasonable to conclude that Mark did fail at being a missionary.

But did that make him a permanent failure?  Apparently not, for the same apostle Paul who was so disappointed in Mark counted him a valuable coworker in ministry later in his life.  This is a perfect example of how to succeed at failing; fall, get up, and continue on.  The next time you fail, make sure it is a temporary experience, not a permanent label.

Don’t get failing and failure confused.  Failing is nothing more than the back door to success.

F3 Dads Camp

Coyote Ugly


65 degrees. Clear skies. Just right for a beatdown.



  • Cherry Pickers x10 IC
  • Tempo Squat x10 IC
  • Red Bull Smurf Jacks x20 IC
  • Nancy Kerrigans x10 IC one leg forwards, x10 IC other leg backwards
  • Happy Jacks x20 IC
  • Merkin Mania OYO (5 of each – diamond, normal, wide, crucible, staggered left, staggered right, tempo, hand release)


Mosey to picnic tables/railing area

Number off into 2 groups. Complete either Phase 1 or 2, then switch to other.

  • Phase 1
    • Partner up and do 5 Coyote Uglies on picnic benches. Switch with partner.
  • Phase 2
    • 20 pull-ups on railings, 20 LBCs 4ct., 20 London Bridges 4ct.
  • Phase 3 (Ring-o-Fire)
    • PAX runs to middle and completes 5 Abyss Merkins on picnic tables
    • Other PAX in circle complete various exercises (Side Straddle Hops, Jump Squats, Iron Mikes, Imperial Walkers)

Mosey to Large Parking Lot

Doracides – Partner 1 does 3 suicides to 3 cones (1 burpee at cone 1, 2 burpees at cone 2, 3 burpees at cone 3) while Partner 2 works on exercise reps. Then switch.

  • 100 Carolina Dry Docks
  • 200 Plank Jacks
  • 300 Rosalitas
  • 400 Moroccan Night Clubs (Called “Recover!” before we could start/finish Moroccan Night Clubs)

Mosey to AO


  • Flutter Kicks x15 IC (led by Erector)
  • Howling Monkeys
    • Ring-o-Fire – PAX hold Monkey Humper position while each man completes 10 Monkey Humpers one at a time.


12 HIMs: Onesie, Gump, Booster, Mandolin, Judge Judy, Sty, Cheatsheet, 5K, Erector, Spotter, Commission, Guano


Philippians 2:3 – “Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but rather in humility consider others better than yourself.”


This was my last Q before moving to Greenville, SC. F3 has meant so much to me, and I’m blessed to be a part of such a great AO and region. I’m looking forward to coming back and visiting when I’m in town to visit my in-laws.

Prayer requests for different family members and a friend going through a life crisis. Pray that God brings his comfort and peace and uses these situations to bring people to himself.


5K will be Q-ing this Friday at JUCO. The only question is if the JUCOnians will be able to recover before Friday after Monday’s and today’s workouts.

Ab Biscuit and Monkey Howler together again

THE SCENE: Clear, full moon and a balmy 70 degrees

SSH x 20 , Tempo Merkins x 20.  That’s it

Mosey to the back brick parking lot for Ab Biscuit, variation on Sea Biscuit

  • BBS x 10
  • Hello Dollys x 20 (4ct)
  • American Hammers x 30
  • Run lap
  • Repeat ab exercises, run 2 laps
  • Repeat ab exercises, run 3 laps
  • Repeat ab exercises, run 4 laps
  • Now back down to one lap
  • LBCs x 50 (4 ct) while waiting for the 6

Mosey to the playground for 25s – Decline Merkins and Flutters (4 ct)

Monkey Howlers:  Circle up and get into Monkey Humper pose.  Hold the pose while each of the PAX takes turn doing 10 Monkey Humpers till we make it all the way around the circle.

Yesterday was Father’s Day.  Remember that our children are reflections of who we are as fathers.  Are we a reflection of our Heavenly Father?
Prayers for Cheatsheet’s girlfriend, who lost her father yesterday (on Father’s Day).

Harness your spirit animal

THE SCENE: humid low 70s

10 cherry pickers in cadence

10 baby arm circles in cadence 10 reverse baby arm circles in cadence

Sloth crawl to parking lot then 10 supple hip squats

Bear crawl back with high knee lunges 10

Gorilla hops to end then mountain climbers 10  4 count cadence then jog back

3 rounds beat the clock 15 minutes

10 CMU press

10 inch-worms

10 lunges with CMU

20 spider merkins (10 per side)

20 side straddle hops single cadence

We made it in 7:32 seconds

3 Bears bear hug relay

3 people  bear hug carry a sandbag of differing weights  to end of parking lot and back while others are doing an exercise until all have completed their run carrying each bag

Hold my Bear:

4 rounds

Bear crawl with CMU pull throughs

10 CMU bearpies



50 Squat

25 LBCs

40 SQuat

20 LBCs

30 squat

15 LBCs

40 squat

20 LBCs

50 Squats

20 LBCs

Hands Assfault Cheatsheet lillydipper Pele Flashback Waffle House Husker
Be a wolf
Be a Lion

Take nothing for granted Set goals

Be a better person