F3 Knoxville

5 Minutes is a Long Time

AO: the-farm
Q: Bookman
PAX: Choir Boy, Einstein, Aladdin
FNGs: None

Tie fighters
Cherry pickers

Bear crawl to other side of Tanning Bed
20 LBCs
crawl bear
20 LBCs
Repeat for 5 minutes
Bernie to one side
10 Merkins
Bernie back
10 Merkins
Repeat for 5 minutes
Side shuffle to one side
10 sandbag rows
Side shuffle back
5 Burpees or 10 sandbag rows
Repeat for 5 minutes
Lunge to one side
10 Squats
Lunge back
15 CDDs
Repeat for 5 minutes
Broad jump to one side
10 V-ups
Broad jump back to other side
10 V-ups
Repeat for 5 minutes
Imperial Walkers to one side
10 chest presses with coupon
Imperial Walkers back to other side
10 wide armed merkins
Repeat for 5 minutes
No time for Mary.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Escape from Haw Ridge 4/5, GrowRuck 4/26-28

COT: Stay positive. Consistency can help. F3 can help! Show up!

Thank you for allowing me to lead today!

Throwing Dice on The Farm

AO: the-farm
Q: KickFlip
PAX: School Zone (Michael Shope), Aladdin, Einstein, Choir Boy, KickFlip
FNGs: None
WARMUP: RFTS/LIH, Willy Mays, Cherry pickers, Merkins, Mountain Climbers, Mosey to the pavilion
Divide into two teams. One team rolls a die (1,2,3) and runs that many laps around the playground while the other team works down a list of 10 exercises. When the running team finishes their lap(s), switch roles. Once a team gets through all 10 exercises, they knock down a cone and start back at the top. First team through the set 3 times wins!
Exercises were;
1. 10 Monkey Humpers (4-count)
2. 15 Mountain climbers (4-count)
3. 10 Iron Mikes (10 each leg)
4. 10 Side crunches (10 each side)
5. 10 Bobby Hurley
6. 15 BBS
7. 15 Diamond Merkins
8. 15 Star jacks
9. 15 Carolina Dry Docks
10. 20 LBC (single count)

Jelly Legs: 30 sec Al Gore, 30 squats, sprint. 20 sec Al Gore, 20 squats, sprint. 10 sec Al Gore, 10 squats, sprint.

Around the circle. Dolly kicks, v-ups, boat/canoe, heels to heaven, box cutters.

Chainbreakers launches on Monday. 2 rides each week. Join the Slack channel mountainbiking

Philippians 4:8
“…whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.”

take every thought captive…and make it obedient to Christ… 2 Corinthians 10:5

Let’s work to get really good at realizing when we are daydreaming about guilt, mistakes, slights (real or imagined), and other dysphoria where I am the victim… and bounce out of that mindset. Pivot and shift to virtuous positive thinking.

Classic with Sparkeling Water

AO: the-farm
Q: Ribbed
PAX: Choir Boy, Aladdin, Ice Cold, Big Red, Ribbed, Einstein
FNGs: None
5 Cherry pickers
15 SSH
5 Welsh Dragons

4 stations partner up and as the first partner runs to the next station and back the second partner does the first exercise on the list. Each partner needs to do all three items before they both run to the next and repeat running up to the station after that.

Sandbag Burpee
Cling and press
Sandbag squats

Wide Merkins
Shoulder taps

Welsh dragons
Bear crawls
Plank jacks

Imperial walkers
High knees

Fellowship mosey back to the AO

It’s difficult until it’s easy

AO: the-farm
Q: KickFlip
PAX: Choir Boy, Aladdin, School Zone (Michael Shope), Big Red, Scott M, KickFlip
FNGs: None
WARMUP: LBAC, Phelps, Calf Stretch, Up/Down Dog, Merks, Tempo Squats, Cherry Pickers, Step-ups, Derkins, Dips, Jog

Perform all exercises in a list of 12. Run to the top of the steps and back. Repeat – each time drop the top exercise. Exercises were;
12 Iron Mikes
11 Diamond Merkins
10 Bobby Hurley
9 Werkins
8 LBC (4 ct)
7 Hello Dolly (4 ct)
6 Big Boy Situps
5 Heels to Heaven (4 ct)
4 Carolina Dry Dock
3 Burpees
2 Donkey Kicks
1 Body Builder

Flutter kicks for one minute.

March 4 Chainbreakers launch
April 5 – Escape from Haw Ridge
April 27 – GTE

In pursuit of virtue and high-impact, you should be working to start/sustain good habits (fitness, nutrition, sleep, prayer, study, meditation, gratitude, etc.) and working to stop/sustain harmful habits (anger, lust, drugs, excess alcohol, junk, porn, etc.). Each of these things will be DIFFICULT…but KEEP AT IT…because one day, they will not be so difficult anymore. They are difficult until they are easy – OR – they never get easy, but you get stronger. If you miss a day, don’t miss two. If (when!) you stumble…START AGAIN. Keep pursuing virtue, brothers.

2 Peter 1:5-8, “…make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge; and to knowledge, self-control; and to self-control, perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness; and to godliness, mutual affection; and to mutual affection, love. For if you possess these qualities in increasing measure, they will keep you from being ineffective and unproductive in your knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.”


AO: the-farm
Q: Choir Boy
PAX: Aladdin, School Zone (Michael Shope), Big Red, Choir Boy, Brick, Bunker
FNGs: None

THE THANG: Mosey to Da Club to pick out a coupon. Mosey to the small pavilion for some EMOMs. 1st round – 5 merkins, 5 incline merkins, and 10 chest presses (on your back using the coupon) for 10 minutes. Lap around the playground. 2nd round – 10 curls, 10 dips, 10 LBCs for 10 minutes. 3rd round – 10 overhead presses, 10 squats (with the coupon), and 10 flutter kicks (4 ct). Return the coupons. Mosey back to the AO.

MARY: No time

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Convergence on 2/17 at Big Ball at 7:00 am. Clown car meeting at Kroger at 6:10 am for anyone wanting to car pool.

COT: Be thankful for the opportunity to get old.