F3 Knoxville

Madoff’s Challenge

THE SCENE: Dry and upper 50s, not typical June weather

Lots of stretching
Madoff is traveling a lot and doing 100 merkins and 100 squats a day.  So, we walked to various points in the park and did 100 merkins and 100 squats at each stop.  It was a heavy day, so we carried a rock.  Since yesterday was the anniversary of D-Day, we rifle-carried the rock as we walked.  We stopped four times.  We walked from the AO to the flag pole, then to the circle basketball court, then to the bathhouse, then to the new splash pad (where it was thoroughly analyzed and critiqued – verdict: downgrade), before returning to the AO.

The workout was perfectly timed, so we didn’t have time for Mary.

5 HIMs

Talked about D-Day and the fact that for most of those soldiers: the first time they flew in a plane, they had to jump out of it; the first time they were in a boat, they exited hauling gear and faced bullet fire; and the first time they left home, they had to kill or be killed.  That generation was just made different and probably better.

Prayers for the summer, everyone traveling, and Snowbird’s grandfather.

Nothing mentioned, but we probably forgot something.

Proton Can Do More Burpees in 40 seconds…

THE SCENE: Exceptionally comfortable until we started working…



  • Cherry Picker IC | Windmills IC
  • Grady Corns IC | Rockettes IC
  • SSH IC


40sec on each exercise. 20sec rest. Do a round, then take 3,2,1 CW laps around track. Stations included:

  • Lunges
  • Monkey Humpers
  • Squats
  • Burpees
  • Mountain Climbers
  • Flutter Kicks
  • Imperial Walkers


  • Bend down & grab toes
  • Sit squat
  • Knee to chest / Figure 4


CIRCLE OF TRUST/BOM:  “Do the right thing, for the right reasons, and you will win in the end.” –Jocko


Chasing Light Poles

THE SCENE: Upper 50s and dry

Some stretching and warming was accomplished.
Run to a light pole and do 10 jump squats, 10 merkins, and 3 burpees.  Run to the next light pole and do the same set of exercises, same reps.  Run to the next light pole, etc.  Once back at the first pole, do 23 SSHs on a 4 count.  Then repeat until time.  There were 19 stops per lap around the park, but we did some light poles twice because we passed them both ways.  Most of us made it to 24 light poles, but Snitch and Mouthwash made it to 27.  Potato Head had to leave early or he would have done 30 something.

Fellowship mosey back to the AO.

We had time to do ATMs to cash out before the weekend.

9 HIMs


My 23rd anniversary is tomorrow.  Be nice to your wives, especially if you have kids and are busy.  Nuff said.

Prayers were said, especially for everyone traveling for the summer.

Hardship Hill on Monday

“You’re Not Handsome Enough to Be Blindside” and other rude things PAX say

THE SCENE: Gagging, I mean gorgeous.

An unnamed, smart-mouthed PAX besmirched the good name of Krystal.

SSH, Grady Corns, Tempo Squats — All IC x12 (also known as a sackful)
A number of hot, steamy, onion-scented exercises were performed. These included:

  • Bermuda Triangle: Squats, Squat Jumps, and UGA Cheerleaders at the corners; lunge between. A sackful of each exercise. Rinse and repeat x3.
  • Bermuda Triangle: Box Cutters, BBS, and Flutter Kicks at the corners; bear crawl between. A sackful of each exercise. Rinse and repeat x3.
  • 12s (*ahem* also known as a sackful): american hammers at top of the world, step-ups at bathhouse pavalon — recover was called before finishing, because sometimes it’s wiser to stop

12, of course
Do your best, pay attention to details, have a great attitude.
There were some sad clowns playing pickleball outside of the posted hours.

Also, two HIMs who I’ve worked out with almost every week for years—who have a profession in common—just met each other today. Good reminder to break your routine every once in a while.




  • Overcast
  • 60s
  • BSIA was hiding this morning.


  • Welcome to F3: Fitness – Fellowship – Faith 
  • My name is Steam and I’ll be your Q this morning 
  • A few things before we begin: 
    • I’m not a professional 
    • You’re here on your own volition
    • You know your injuries if you have any so if you need to modify anything we do today feel free to do so, but push yourselves and the men around you. They deserve it and so do you. 
  • FNGs?


  • SSH: 10×4
  • Squat: 10×4 
  • Merkin: 10×4 
  • Rockette: 10×4 
  • Imperial Walker: 10×4 


(Mosey to the rock pile by the gates)

(1) Quarter Pounder

  • 4 rounds of the quarter pounder: 25 reps 91 ct) of an X with a rock, than take a lap around the lot
    • R1: 25 curls 
    • R2: 25 chest presses 
    • R3: 25 rows 
    • R4: 25 squats
  • Circle up 

(Mosey to the Pavilion)

— Warm o Rama #2 — 

Why? Because just like Legos, w’re building something together this morning. 

  • Mountain Climber: 10×4 
  • Baby Arm Circles: 10×4 (F)
  • Baby Arm Circles: 10×4 (B)
  • Carolina Dry Dock: 10×4
  • Calf Raise: 10×4 

(Mosey to the New Pavilion)

(2) The Double Trouble

  • 2 rounds – 5 Xs – all 20 reps (1ct) – rinse and repeat 1x
  • The Xs for both rounds 
    • Incline Merkins
    • Dips 
    • Squats 
    • Box Jumps 
    • Pull-ups
  • Circle Up

— Warm o Rama #3 — 

Why? Because we’re STILL building something together this morning.

  • SSH: 5×4
  • Squat: 5×4
  • Merkin: 5×4
  • Rockette: 5×4
  • Imperial Walker: 5×4
  • Mountain Climber: 5×4
  • Baby Arm Circles: 5×4 (F)
  • Baby Arm Circles: 5×4 (B)
  • Carolina Dry Docks: 5×4 
  • Calf Raises: 5×4

— RIP / fellowship walk to The Island —

(3) The FP

  • Get into teams of 4


SWS (Stretching With Steam) + 1 lap around the parking lot


Count-Off: 19

Name-o-Rama: Matlock, Crispr, Crawdad, Veggie, Jumbo, Dung Beetle, Brick, Short Sale, Turtle, Musk, LuLu, Waffle House, Swimmies, Cheatsheet, Pusher, Pele, Abacus, Choir Boy, Steam


Lego Movie Takeaways From This Past Week 

I was watching The Lego Movie this week (no shame) – and surprisingly, or maybe not surprisingly, I took a lot from it. Man I used to love Legos. And I still do, but haven’t bought any in a while. But there were two specific things I wanted to share this morning, from the movie. 

(1) A quote that invites a powerful mental shift — “You don’t have to be the bad guy. You are the most talented, most interesting, and most extraordinary person in the universe. And you are capable of amazing things.”

  • I think there are a ton of people in our lives that need to hear this, more than we think. 
  • Take the word “bad” out and replace it with what fits — “Hey you don’t have to be the lonely guy anymore.” “You don’t have to be the addicted guy.” “You are the most talented, most interesting, and most extraordinary person in the universe. And you capable of amazing things.” 
  • Maybe they’re not the most talented or interesting or extraordinary person to you, but to the Creator of the universe? Absolutely they are. And they need to know it.
  • There’s a whole generation of people walking around like Emmet from The Lego Movie – thinking they’re just a normal, boring, uninteresting, life form that’s taking up space. That because of nature or nurture don’t know that God above uniquely created them to be capable of doing amazing things. 
  • I mean think of the power that something like this might have on a person? To intentionally say this to them? “Hey I know you’re this person, or you were this person, but you don’t have to be anymore. You were created to be talented, interesting, and extraordinary. And you’ve been created to do amazing things”………wow. Now that’s the power of helping someone unlock some things. 

(2) What are you building?

  • I think a lot of times life can be a lot like Legos – there’s an infinite number of pieces out there, all with different connectors and functions, and intentionally-designed characteristics.
  • And we’re all building something. Even if you don’t think you are, or if you can’t see it yet, you’re building something. So what did you build this week? And what can you build next week?

Final — We have a great opportunity to take everything we do in F3 – and engage in a intentional and relationally-driven weekend together this fall – something called Forg3 – a weekend retreat created by F3 men, for F3 men. And I’d love to just  invite you into this space with us this fall, as we head to DRG September 22nd – 24th, to focus on why our 1st, 2nd, and 3rd F efforts are so important in the context of community as we continually pursue high impact manhood. 

To find out more about Forg3 2023 and how to get plugged in and register – click here!