F3 Knoxville

1st Importance

THE SCENE: 60 and clear

SSH x20; Imperial Walkers x15; Rockettes x10; Bobby Hurley’s x10; little bit of this, little bit of that.

Mosey to bathhouse for 7’s

  • V-ups at the bottom
  • Lunge up the ramp
  • Pull-ups at the top.

Mosey to flagpole for 4-corners

  • 1st corner — merkins
  • 2nd corner — lbc’s
  • 3rd corner — squats
  • 4th corner — SSH

Started with 5 merkins, 10 lbc’s, 15 squats, 20 SSH. Went up by 5 each round until we got to 20 merkins, 25 lbc’s, 30 squats, 35 SSH.

Another round of 7’s at the playground — v-ups and pull-ups.

10 HIM’s.


1 Corinthians 15:3–4

[3] For I delivered to you as of first importance what I also received: that Christ died for our sins in accordance with the Scriptures, [4] that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures, (ESV)

Only one thing can be of first importance. Let’s make sure the gospel (that Christ lived, died, and was raised for our salvation) is what is of first importance in our lives today.

Wrong Way Bunny Slope – The Equalizer 5-9-22

THE SCENE: Mid 50’s with a clear sky and wet grass

First ever attempt at a Warm-O-Rama in motion.  The PAX filed in behind the Q as we made our way towards the Smokehouse while knocking out the warm-ups below:

– Imperial Walkers; Lateral Plank Walks x 10 each way; Grady Corn IC x 5; Walking Lunge x 5 (2=1); Super Marios x 5 (2=1); Toy Soldier x 5 (2=1)

The PAX was divided into random pairs to complete AMRAP of the “laps” below in 30 minutes, with the start/finish line at the base of Bermuda Triangle

  • “A” Lap
    • Rifle Carry to the Rock Pile
    • Murder Bunny up the hill from the Rock Pile to the Picnic Pavilion
    • Complete 4 Over-The-Top Merkins at the Grill Pad (side > middle > side = 1 rep)
    • Rifle Carry to Bathhouse and complete 4 Pull-Ups
    • Rifle Carry to the finish and hand off the CMU to your partner before embarking on “B” Lap
  • “B” Lap
    • Run to the Full-Court, following a path that leads up the steep slope at the baseline
    • Complete 10 Reverse Crunches and 10 Merkins
    • Run to the Playground and complete 10 Dips
    • Bear Crawl from the Playground to the Road
    • Run to the finish before relieving your partner of the CMU and embarking on “A” Lap

0.75 lap around the track and two consecutive 10-counts at the AO
12 Monday HIMs
Don’t shy away from high standards.  Identify areas in your life where you’re checking the box too quickly.  In the workout, maximum effort was required in order to take a short break.  In life, you must have the discipline to only break once the work is complete.

Peacock Invitational Kraken

SCENE: 65° & sweaty



  • SSH IC | Grady Corns IC
  • SSH IC | Windmills IC 
  • Cherry Pickers IC | Rockettes IC


Mosey to the top of the Equalizer. Kraken. Pick station, complete 5 reps of the prescribed exercise, then run a full lap around the course to the next station. Rinse and repeat. On each subsequent round, add 5 reps to each exercise. Push yourself & push each other. Try to catch the guy in front of you. Stations included:

  • PullUps//Burpees – bottom of splash pad ramp
  • Step Ups – top of splash pad ramp
  • Dips – picnic tables
  • Mountain Climbers- splash pad handicap exit
  • Merks – below splash loading zone
  • Flutter Kicks – midpoint of splash pad parking
  • CDD – end of parking lot under light
  • Squats – top of curvy parking


  • Box Cutters IC 


  • Bend down & grab toes
  • Figure 4
  • Child pose
  • Cobra Kai/upward dog


BOM: The first temptation of every leader is to misuse our power to take instead of to give. -Glenn Packiam

CMU Monday @ The Equalizer

THE SCENE: The weather is getting *NICE* … several members of the PAX decided that sleeves were optional today
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER: Done and Done well… 

SSH IC x25 | LBAC IC x10 each way | Cherry Pickers IC x10 | Tempo Squats IC x5

Mosey to Smokehouse for a CMU (we used our entire allotment of CMUs today, looks like the AOQ needs to make a trip to Lowe’s this week).

Line up on Field for some CMU-icides. Rifle-Carry your CMU to the first cone, do 10 Block Merkins, mosey back to start, and do 10 Squats. Mosey to CMU, Rifle-Carry to the second cone, do 15 Block Merkins, mosey back to start, and do 15 Squats. Repeat for all cones, adding 5 to the rep count (6 total cone stations = 35 of each)

When at the top of the ladder, start over with the exercises changing to OH Press / Imperial Walkers on a 2 ct.


Partner-up. 1st partner farmer carries BOTH CMUs clockwise around the track while 2nd partner runs counter-clockwise. When partners meet, switch. Recover once CMUs make their way around the track once

SWB: Stretching with Blindside

15 HIMs; 0 FNGs; 3 Pre-Ruckers

Tank, Trunk, School Zone, Ribbed, Choir Boy, Snitch, Lilo, Stripped, Bookman, Mouthwash, Einhorn, Smoky, Head Gear, Aladdin, & Blindside


Since becoming a father 6+ years ago, I have developed a very serious devotion to St. Joseph, Jesus’ earthly father. St. Joseph is the patron saint of fathers. My favorite quote of St. Joseph’s from Scripture is, “…” That’s right, St. Joseph never speaks in Scripture. He was a man without words but not without a witness. His silent witness makes us even more aware of his actions which occurred during one crisis or another. Like St. Joseph, we don’t need words when actions will suffice. How can you develop your attentiveness to God’s will to be a man of action in the mold of St. Joseph?

Haw Ridge CSAUP this Friday night (9pm-Midnight); Convergence 7/2 @ JUCO

Trivia Night

After being properly motivated, we did some Stretchies and we vowed to trust the (Junk) Science. Everybody got 10 years of invincibility; you’re welcome. PAX was quiet, so we did some Shoulder Blasters because that always gets people complaining.

Trivia Night at F3 commenced. If you or your partner got a correct answer, you were both exempted from burpees before the next exercise. Some guys know sports, some guys know art and literature, some guys know history. Some guys (looking at you, Lulu) just start doing burpees.

We hit the Cloud for some Descending Box Baby Box Rows, then traveled to the Caribbean for juuust a hint of a Sutherland Seabiscuit. Just a skosh. The faintest whiff.

Speaking of Seabiscuit, Convoy and Swimmies are like two thoroughbreds among a bunch old mares on their way to the glue factory. They beat us to Cardiac, where we only had time for one and a half Crawdad Comebacks.

Two things about your Q: 1) he is not going to make you do knee-based air presses on asphalt, and 2) time management may not be his strong suit. So we couldn’t complete a full round of the Dark Webb, and it was all Q’s fault. But as Donald Rumsfeld said, “You go to F3 with the Q you have, not with the Q you wish you had.”

Lebowski pointed out another ill effect of Q’s poor clock management, which is that we didn’t go by the ATM and none of us has cash for the weekend.

Sincere gratitude to all F3 men for leading and participating in workouts. I wouldn’t do anything if it wasn’t for you all.

Philippians 4:10-13.