F3 Knoxville

54 Card Pickup

THE SCENE: 54 and Cool

Some of these and some of those

cherry pickers 5

merkins 10
Mosey over to the play ground and using the sweat Deck app the following suites are what we went through.

  • spades are pull ups
  • Clubs are Monkey Humpers
  • Diamonds are V-Ups
  • Harts are BBS
  • Jokers are a run around the track

we hit 25 cards done and 40 we run to the top of the parking lot and back

Walked back to the AO after completing the deck and fellowshipped.
stretched our legs and arms until 6:15

I recommend everyone time to remember what Christ did for you! Remember how Christ saved you, this should encourage you.

Convergence at the Bomb shelter Saturday morning

High Mileage

THE SCENE: Couldn’t ask for better
Of course!

20 SSH, 10 Thai Fighters(Forward & Reverse), Willie Mays Hays(stretching legs before running), Mosey to playground
25 Hanging Crunches then run a lap

25 Big Boys then run a lap

25 Crunches then run a lap

25 Burpees then run a lap

25 Side Crunches each side then run a lap

25 Bicycle Kicks then run a lap

25 Hip Thrusts then run a lap

25 Mountain Climbers run 1.5 laps and finish at AO



Plank then Merkin Ring of Fire

Ribbed, Snitch, Pondzi, Frosty, Choir Boy, Stripped & Doubtfire
You have seen it in posts, heard someone say it or possibly someone call you one. HIM, or High Impact Man, is what we strive to be to our spouses, kids, family, community etc.. I am impressed daily with F3 and the HIMs in this group. I’ve seen selflessness, giving, sacrifices, hard work, time , and love freely given by this group. F3 Knoxville is huge. What would happen if all of our members would mirror these attributes? You have heard the phrase that 10% of the people do 90% of the work. It is very true. Sadly people in this world talk a big game but rarely step up and get their hands dirty. F3 is different. WE ARE MORE THAN JUST A WORKOUT. We do and not say. I’m very happy to be a part of F3 Knoxville and get to see HIMs in action.

But there is always opportunity to step up. Ask yourself, what have I done for others in the last 6 months? When was the last time I gave up my time for others? If you have to think about it for more than a minute, then there is opportunity to be a better HIM. Life is busy, we have lots of things on our plate, but there’s always time to help others. So this week dig deep and find out where you can be a blessing to someone else.

Asked the brothers to give back to there community this week.
Bomb Shelter 3rd F

Asylum 5 year Anniversary

I’m Diving In

THE SCENE: Raining, temps in 60s

20 Side-Straddle-Hops, 10 Mountain Climbers, 10 Windmills, 10 Rockettes, 10 Lunges, 7 Wide Arm Circles Forward and Backward, Little of This and That

Mosey to Bottom of Cardiac.  We will run up hill and do the following exercises at the following areas:

  • Curve 1:  25 Carolina Dry Docks
  • Curve 2:  25 Dive Bombers
  • Curve 3:  25 Decline Merkins
  • Benches:  25 Bench Dips

Mosey to Parking Lot by South Ball Fields.  We will do suicides running to each of 6 cones, doing 10 Merkins, and running back to do 20 Baby Crunches.  Those who finish first get a 30 second break, then rinse and repeat.

Mosey back to the main street.  Do 20 Bench Dips off of curb.

Mosey to Parking Lot with Islands (Jinxy has named it “The Caribbean” and the name has been officially sanctioned by Crawdad) that is south of the Northern Ball Fields.  We will Bernie clockwise around the parking lot the first time, stopping at every other island to do 10 Hello Dollies, 4 ct.  We will skip around the parking lot the second time, stopping at every third island to do 10 Flutter Kicks, 4ct.  We will Grapevine left around half the parking lot and Grapevine right around the other half, stopping at every fourth island to do 10 Squats.

We will High Knee to sidewalk that leads to the ball fields.

Mosey to the Pavilion at the Northern Ball Fields.  We will do 20 Picnic Table Pull-ups then run to playground to do 10 step ups at benches (five starting with one foot and five starting with other.  Then we run back to Pavilion.  Rinse and repeat two more times.

Mosey to beginning of Mini Cardiac.  Bernie to park sign then run the rest of the way to the AO.

20 Flutter Kicks (4 ct), 50 Hello Dollies (4 ct)
17 men, no FNGs

My Christian beliefs have not come about by a sudden conversion as it has for some people.  Rather, my road to belief in God has been one full of twists and dips.  I have found it difficult to commit to God in the face of my doubts.  Is God truly there?  Did God create the universe?  Is God a good and loving god?  Why would a loving God allow pain and suffering in our world?  I have read Christian books on apologetics to help me better understand the arguments for Christianity.  But like other men with much greater minds than I, including Pascal, St. Augustine and C.S. Lewis, I have found that reason alone is not enough for me to believe in God.  One can rationalize both belief and disbelief.  I had a philosophy professor at Baylor University who once said that philosophy cannot prove that God exists – but also cannot prove that God does not exist.  God is a great mystery.  To believe, we must, as Van Morrison writes in one of his songs, “let go into the mystery.”

There is a scene I love in one of the first of the Star Wars movies, The Empire Strikes Back.  Luke, after a battle with Darth Vadar, hangs to a latter.  If he falls, it appears he will certainly die, as the crevice below seems to go on forever.  He learns that Darth Vadar is his father.  Darth Vadar offers him the chance to live, beckons Luke to take his hand and join him, proclaiming that together they can rule the Galaxy as father and son.  What does Luke do?  He lets go!  And in doing so, he plunges to the depths below.  He lets go into the mystery.  He allows the “Force to Be With Him.”  And, of course, we later learn that by letting go, he lives.

Pascal, St. Augustine and C.S. Lewis found out that joining with God takes faith – a trust that goes beyond reason, beyond rational understanding.  At some point you just have to trust what you can’t see.  So, I can make all kinds of arguments for the existence of God – but, those arguments cannot take away the uncertainty – ultimately, I have learned to say, ok God, I’m going to trust you, here I am.

There is a Christian song called “Dive” by Steven Curtis Chapman that captures the need to take the plunge if one is going to trust in God:

The long awaited rains
Have fallen hard upon the thirsty ground
And carved their way to where
The wild and rushing river can be found
And like the rain
I have been carried here to where the river flows, yeah
My heart is racing and my knees are weak
As I walk to the edge
I know there is no turning back
Once my feet have left the ledge
And in the rush I hear a voice
That’s telling me it’s time to take the leap of faith
So here I go

I’m diving in, I’m going deep, in over my head I want to be
Caught in the rush, tossed in the flow, in over my head I want to go
The river’s deep, the river’s wide, the river’s water is alive
So sink or swim, I’m diving in (I’m diving in…)

Brothers, I count to 3 and I dive in, whether it makes sense or not – I dive in hoping that Jesus will catch me like he did Peter who in his fear, started sinking in the water while Jesus stood upon it.  And like Peter, I ask, “Lord, to whom else shall we go?”  I’m diving in.

Prayers for Lilydipper’s wife, Jan, who is now getting radiation for her breast cancer; prayer of praise for Choir Boy’s wife whose health is improving; prayers for young people during this pandemic, including a high school student at Hardin Valley that recently committed suicide, an adolescent that Lulu knows who is coping with anorexia, and Abscess’ son who recently got into a severe automobile accident – he is ok but definitely suffered injuries; prayers for family/friends of a friend of Pele who lost his life in a solo plane crash yesterday.

Convergence and 3rd F on Saturday, October 17, 7 am at the Bomb Shelter in Alcoa.

Psalm 23

THE SCENE: 65 and still

5 Cherry pickers

1 squat
we mosey to the top of the entrance. 4 stations for us to get through while partnering I explain the follow.

4 statins with three exercises each. One of the partners will to the next station and back while the first partner does the exercise. repeat until all three exercises are complete and run to the next station.

  • v ups, power T merkins, The U Merkins (make the U sign and merkin) Google the U for more information.
  • Burpees, Shoulder taps, Moutain climbers
  • Pickle Pounders, American Hammers, Box Cutters
  • Carolina dry docks, monkey humpers, bobby Hurley’s

Once you get to the top go back down the ladder.

stretching our legs and arms.

Psalm 23 boys remember that the Lord is your shepherd! Cry out and remind yourself of all his promises and who he says he is. This is a helpful template we have in the psalms and I hope you all remember that.

Sandwich Tray

THE SCENE: Mid-fifties and breezy



  • SSH IC | Baby Arm Circles IC
  • Windmills IC | Rockettes IC | Grady Corns IC


Bermuda Triangle:

  • 15x Merkins at each pt, bear crawl in between—High Plank.
  • 15x monkey, lunge between—Squat.
  • 15x reverse pickle, crab walk in between—Low Plank. 

Tabata sandwiches at splash pad. 20 on, 10 off. Alternate exercises. 8 rounds then lap:

  • Plyo Merkins | Squats
  • American Hammers | Shoulder Taps
  • Squat Jumps | V-Ups
  • Dips | Step Ups
  • Hello Dolly | SSH


  • Stargazers OYO (4-count) x10



James 1:19—“You must all be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to get angry.”