F3 Knoxville

Battleship at the Shammy

AO: shamrock
Q: KickFlip
PAX: Commission, slappy, LeBling, Oscar Meyer, Stitch, Gringo, Honeydew, Mermaid, Jardet, Anchorman, Eliza, Base Salary, Curveball, Crawlspace, Toretto, KickFlip, Snaggletooth (Elijah Tafao), Nutcracker (2.0)
FNGs: None
WARMUP: RFTS/LIH, Cherry pickers, TIE fighters, down dog, $tretch, merkins, mountain climbers, predator jacks, walking stretch kicks, walking fence steppers. Mosey to the big parking lot.

Divide into two teams for Battleship. 5 sets of cones set out facing each other. Run and grab a tennis ball, sprint to your far side, sprint to a battle station and perform the exercise on the cardboard, fire your tennis ball at the other team’s ships. Repeat until one team sinks all of the other team’s ship.

Team 1 wins Round 1. Team 2 wins Round 2.

Teams hold plank while 1 man sprints to collect a tennis ball and comes back. First team to 17 balls is our winner.

“Turn it Up” by Oh the Larceny. Burpee each time the song says “Turn it Up” – SSH the rest of the time. Crawlspace and Toretto finished and hereby join Erector in the PAX Hall of Fame as men who have completed this challenge!

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Mermaid’s home tonight, Rainbow Falls hike tomorrow, Mountain Biking AO launches Monday, Escape From Haw Ridge April 5th – details for all these are on Slack.

Tagged on to Crawlspace’s COT from Wednesday – specifically about having discipline over your thoughts.

Take every thought captive…and make it obedient to Christ… 2 Corinthians 10:5

Philippians 4:8
“…whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.”

Let’s work to get really good at realizing when our thoughts are negative and we are daydreaming about guilt, mistakes, slights (real or imagined), and other unhelpful darkness where (whiny voice) “I’m the victim…” Let’s get good at shifting out of that mindset and into virtuous thinking. One of the best ways to shift from negative thinking to positive thinking is by expressing gratitude.

[karns-otb] The 600

AO: karns-otb
Q: Smoked Pickle
PAX: Commission, Leland Robbins (Geiger), Neon, Sawdust, Voodoo, Smoked Pickle
FNGs: None

WARMUP: Side straddle hops x 25 in cadence, cherry pickers x 25 in cadence, Michael Phelps
THE THANG: The 600! Station 1- Lunges Right Leg x 25, Pike Merkins x 25. Station 2- Sumo Squats x 25, Merkins x 25. Station 3- Iron Mikes x 25, Chuck Norris Merkins x 25. Station 4- Alternating Side Squats x 25, Diamond Merkins x 25. Station 5- Lunges Left Leg x 25, Merkin Pulses x 25. Station 6- Squat Pulses x 25, Stagger Merkins x 25. x2!
COT: He Saves Us

Tuesdays with Eliza

AO: shamruck
Q: Eliza
PAX: Glamper, Commission, Eliza, Fabio (Joe Hamilton), KickFlip, Mailbox, Mermaid, The Situation, I-Beam
FNGs: None

THE THANG: Rucked through Gulf Park to CAK and back down Sherril Blvd over to Dutchtown and back
COT: Lean on your F3 brothers and share the hard stuff with them. Be open with your struggles and be willing to listen and help in return.

Be a light

AO: juco
Q: Trash Panda (JUCO)
PAX: Guardrail, Love Shaq, Commission, Waffles, Fetch, Wanderer, Dart Gun, Trash Panda (JUCO), Butterknife
FNGs: None

– SSH x 20
– Windmill x 10
– TN rocking horse x 10
– Cherry pickers x 6
– 30 sec on own
Mosey to open square with short wall, do rep and then run lap
– step ups x 16
– dips x 15
– Heels to heaven x 15

Mosey to coupon pile and partner up

Below x 46 with partner, one goes up steps and 4 pull-ups or 6 push ups
CMU Squats
CMU Rows
CMU curls
CMU Triceps
CMU Thrusters

Mosey to flag

Dealer choice around circle
Dwight Eisenhower-34th president from 1953-1961. The article I read talked about how the 1950s were a time of extraordinary religious revival: Church membership rose from 49 percent of Americans in 1940 to 69 percent in 1960. As a reference that number has dropped to 46% in 2022. And President Dwight D. Eisenhower—along with Billy Graham—played an important part in encouraging this spiritual devotion. In fact, Eisenhower played a very personal role in popularizing religious faith in America.
On February 1, 1953, just 10 days after his inauguration, Eisenhower was baptized and remains the only president ever to have been baptized while in office, and his work to link faith and American identity has influenced political debate in the country for half a century since.
Though the baptism ceremony itself was private, Eisenhower made every effort to place faith at the center of national life during his years in office. He began his inaugural address with a short prayer that he had written himself. His Cabinet meetings began with a moment of silent prayer. He initiated the National Prayer Breakfast, and welcomed Rev. Billy Graham into the White House as a spiritual adviser. He heartily approved when, in 1954, Congress inserted “under God” into the Pledge of Allegiance and later made “In God We Trust” the official motto of the United States, even placing these words on the paper currency. He also introduced the Nation’s first regular stamp bearing a religious significance with the inscription “In God We Trust”.
Why so much religiosity? Eisenhower believed religious faith was the single most important distinction between American freedom and Communist oppression.
One quote of his from the article was “America’s problems might be easier to solve, if every American would dwell more upon the simple virtues: integrity, courage, self-confidence, and an unshakeable belief in his Bible.” 
While we don’t have the nationwide influence of Eisenhower, we can and should have those same virtues and influence those around us. I felt Matthew 5: 14-16 are applicable verses. “You are the light of the world. A city situated on a hill cannot be hidden. No one lights a lamp and puts it under a basket, but rather on a lampstand, and it gives light for all who are in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father in heaven.”

You vs You

AO: shamrock
Q: KickFlip
PAX: Mermaid, Anchorman, Voodoo, Curveball, Snaggletooth (Elijah Tafao), Commission, Stitch, KickFlip
FNGs: None
WARMUP: RFTS/LIH, Up/Down Dogg, shoulder taps, run on the football field.

THE THANG: Partner up. max merkins in 1 min. max BBS in 1 min. Record scores. 2-mile run. Record times.

MARY: Mountain climbers, big booties (or something like that – it was Anchorman’s call).

COT: To be a HIM, F3 promotes the idea of “Living Third”. Live for God first, family second, and self third. It seems a paradox, but one of the best ways you can love your family is to serve them second – and put God and your faith first. A selfless and sacrificial love for your family comes from a 1) pure heart, 2) good conscience, and 3) sincere faith (1 Tim 1:5). Seek those things first – and then you will be able to serve and love your family out of abundance. Putting your family second to God – prioritizing your faith and heart and virtue – is loving your family BETTER than putting them first.

Prayers for Eliza’s wife, Megan – for Anchorman’s travel – for Mermaid’s friend, Adam.