Q: Rainbow
PAX: Cat Gut (Mike Davis), Cinco (Scott McGuire), P3, Bunny, Pac-man, Farley, Cosmo 2
FNGs: None
In honor of Cat Gut (Mike Davis) new granddaughter this workout was named the Lucy Taylor Davis. Welcome to the world Lucy. To make you proud we started with:
25 SSh on the 4 count
Tie Fighters
Some Windmills and Cherry pickers
Tempo merkins led to Rocky B’s a few times on the curb then on the mosey…
Mosey to the Big O for a partner workout. AMRAP of an exercise while partner ran the O. Switch out. Exercises were step ups, incline merkins, dips, and flutters. When everyone finished mosey to Circus Maximus…
At circus Maximus 4 cones were set up all along the circle. 10 exercises at each cone. 3 rounds. Exercises were merkins, squats, dry docks, 4ct LBCs. Mosey to bottom of baby Everest for 10 jump squats at bottom and 10 reverse lunges at top. Back to AO
2 minutes for stretches.
Discussed in BOM how important starting our day in prayer and fellowship was. How F3 sets us up perfectly to do that every morning. Cited Bonhoeffer