F3 Knoxville

The life of a Christian

AO: juco
Q: Erector
PAX: Butterknife, Dart Gun, Guardrail, Fetch, Love Shaq, Ike, Wanderer, Erector
FNGs: None
15 SSH, 15 Mountain climbers, 10 tempo merkins, 15 Moroccan Night Club, 10 tempo squats, 5 cherry pickers, 10 Harry Rockettes
Mosey to the coupon pile. Grab a block. After performing each of the following, run up the steps and alternate between 5 pullups and 5 toes to bar.
-25 OHPs, goblet squats, curls, lunges, merkins, squat jumps
Mosey to the courtyard and stop at the brick benches. Do 20 step ups and run a lap, stopping to bear crawl each of the short legs of the loop. Repeat with pickle pointers and Freddie Mercury.
PAX choice Mary exercises: flutter kicks, LBCs, planks, tempo squats, SSH
Dad camp
The life of a Christian…
Some would say that this is a life of restriction, rules, and lack of fun. I would disagree. It is true that the Bible teaches a standard to live by. Yes, there are commandments to follow, and that means avoiding what much of the world would consider “fun” in some cases. However, what is missed by this viewpoint is the intent behind those commands. Take for example the law against drunkenness. There may be some temporary pleasure in this, but there are many possible negative consequences: damaged families, health concerns, risk of injury, etc. God’s way is better because it shields us from those negative consequences. God always has our best interests in mind. He demonstrates this ultimately by sending His son, Jesus Christ, to live as a human, experience all the temptations that we do without sin, and then sacrifice Himself for our sins. He did not deserve death; we do.
Romans 5:6-9 NASB1995
[6] For while we were still helpless, at the right time Christ died for the ungodly. [7] For one will hardly die for a righteous man; though perhaps for the good man someone would dare even to die. [8] But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. [9] Much more then, having now been justified by His blood, we shall be saved from the wrath of God through Him.
The Christian life is the best kind of life. If anyone ever wants to talk more about this, I am always happy to discuss.

An American Mile

AO: dogpound
Q: Lightweight
PAX: Bartman, Ribbed, Madoff, Earmuffs (Dan Studt), Dart Gun, Waxjob
FNGs: None
WARMUP: standard warm up things

1776 yards
Mosey 3 laps around the trail of tears with 4 stop s each lap
25 Curl, press. extensions (w/coupon)
25 merkins
25 squats
25 american hammers

20 x rows
Lunges to finish the distance

30 x calf raises, 20 x rocky balboa (r&r x2)

Merkin ring of fire
Flutter kicks with coupon
Boat canoe

9am Asylum 4th of July work out today
UnCOVEred 13th

COT: Happy Birthday America. Our freedom is endowed through our creator.


AO: juco
Q: Erector
PAX: Breadstixx, Fetch, Booster, Guardrail, Dart Gun, Wanderer, Windex, Love Shaq, Erector
FNGs: None
15 SSHs, 15 Mountain climbers, 10 tempo merkins, 15 Moroccan Night Club, 10 tempo squats, 5 cherry pickers
Mosey to JuConte. 8 cones were placed along the way up the hill and around the corner at the top. Perform the prescribed exercise and move on to the next. Complete all exercises and return to start for AMRAP.
-15 Burpees, 30 lunges total, 25 merkins, 50 SC mountain climbers, 30 squats, 20 staggered merkins total, 50 calf raises, 20 Carolina Drydocks.
PAX led: flutter kicks, pickle pounders, Freddie Mercury, merkins, LBCs
UnCOVEred coming up
My wife and I had a “staycation” this week. We took the kids to visit with grandparents, and I took a couple of days off from work. We get so busy in our day to day that we tend to forget how much of a blessing a wife is to us and our families. Proverbs 31 contains a description of a wife’s worthiness. In particular, verse 10 tells of her worth. “Her worth is far above jewels.” Our wives are a treasure that is far above value. If you are anything like me, you probably don’t tell her this often enough. There are far too many marriages that end for many reasons. Don’t let lack of appreciation for all she does be a reason for strife in your marriages. Remember to thank her for her contributions to the family. Show her that you love her. Make time to spend with her. She needs to feel appreciated.

Johnny 5 is Alive – Short Circuit

AO: juco
Q: Butterknife
PAX: Waffles, Windex, Dart Gun, Guardrail, 5K, Lt. Dan, Wanderer, Butterknife, Love Shaq
FNGs: None
Tempo Merkins
Tempo Squats
Cherry :cherries: Pickers

Line up and mosey to the spot with the leader falling off and doing 2 burpees

Drills around our circuit: shuffle, high knees, high heels, and skipping

12 station circuit 45 seconds at each station running all stations and stopping at the next.

Fighter Merkins
Curls w/ CMU
Tris w/ CMU
Agility Ladder drills
Thrusters w/ med ball
Flutter kicks
Kettlebell Swings 35lb
Mountain Climbers
BBS on stability ball
Man makers w/ 20 lb dumbbells
Walking Lunges

Run the stairs
Pull ups x 5
Merkins x 10
Run the stairs
Squats x 20
Rinse and repeat :repeat: x 3

Mosey to the large lot for Striders.

Jailbreak to the flag

No time

Hardship Hill on Monday

2 Timothy 1:7
“For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline.”

At church we’re going through a study called soundtracks. 🔈

What you see impacts what you hear 👂
What you hear impacts what you think 💭
What are the soundtracks in our lives?

Neither negative or positive situations or thoughts 💭 should take you away from God.

We need to learn and adjust the volume on the soundtracks in our lives.

Turn down 👎
I am abandoned

Turn up ⬆️
I am loved and chosen

Turn down 👎
I am a failure

Turn up ⬆️
I am more than a conquerer

Turn down 👎
I am not good enough

Turn up ⬆️
I am a son of God the most high!

Turn over worry and fear to the Holy Spirit.
Be a Victor not a Victim!!

Watch out for Tares

AO: juco
Q: Erector
PAX: Dart Gun, Love Shaq, Guardrail, Lt. Dan, Mailbox, MC Fraud (Chris Trice), Data, Erector
FNGs: None
15 SSH, 15 Mountain climbers, 10 tempo merkins, 15 Moroccan Night Club, 10 Imperial walkers, 5 cherry pickers
Mosey to the west parking lot. Start at the first parking bay and do 15 merkins. Then, bearcrawl to the next line and do 15 squats. Run to the next and repeat the merkins. Continue the same pattern to the end of the parking lot. Mosey to the back of campus. Grab a coupon and do 10 manmaker merkins. Then, do 11s at The Wall (grassy hill). Heels to Heaven at the top and lunges at the bottom (2-ct). Mosey to the large east parking lot. Do 5 burpees at the first line and run to the next. Do Captain Thor (1 situp and 4, 2-ct American hammers) and then return to the start. 5 burpees and run to the second line continuing Captain Thor (now 2 situps and 8 American hammers). Continue until time is called, i.e., 3rd line, 4th line, etc.
Hardship Hill
COT:Continuing my study in Matthew, I just read the parable of the tares in chapter 13. Here is Jesus’ explanation to His disciples.
‭Matthew 13:36-43 NASB1995‬
[36] Then He left the crowds and went into the house. And His disciples came to Him and said, “Explain to us the parable of the tares of the field.” [37] And He said, “The one who sows the good seed is the Son of Man, [38] and the field is the world; and as for the good seed, these are the sons of the kingdom; and the tares are the sons of the evil one; [39] and the enemy who sowed them is the devil, and the harvest is the end of the age; and the reapers are angels. [40] So just as the tares are gathered up and burned with fire, so shall it be at the end of the age. [41] The Son of Man will send forth His angels, and they will gather out of His kingdom all stumbling blocks, and those who commit lawlessness, [42] and will throw them into the furnace of fire; in that place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. [43] Then the righteous will shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their Father. He who has ears, let him hear.
Based on this, it is possible that there are tares among us in the Church itself. Notice that they are sown while the men of the farm were sleeping in the parable. They had their guard down. The tares remind me of Matthew 7:15 as well.
‭Matthew 7:15-16 NASB1995‬
[15] “Beware of the false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves. [16] You will know them by their fruits. Grapes are not gathered from thorn bushes nor figs from thistles, are they?
We will know these individuals by their fruits. Keep watch, and don’t fall asleep on the job.