F3 Knoxville

The Switch Up – Leaders must serve others…

THE SCENE: 73 degrees and in between storms…

• Side Straddle Hops (IC) X 10
• Cherry Pickers (IC) 4 CT X 10
• Overhead Claps X 10 (IC)
• Baby arm circles F & B X 10 (IC) with Michael Phelps
• Tempo Squats (IC) 4 CT
• Hand Release Merkins X 10
• Mosey to get CMUs


Coupon Work – Back & Biceps
• 25 curls
• 30 Single Arm Bentover Row (15 Left & 15 Right Arm)
• Run the stairs & do pull-ups or hang for 25 seconds
• 25 curls
• 25 lying lat pullovers
• Run & do pull-ups or hang for 25 seconds
• Rinse & Repeat
Dice Game
• Exercises included skaters, planks, mountain climbers, sumo squats

Freddy Mercury x 25; Hello Dollies x 25; Big Boys x 10

Use the TAGS on right-side to record PAX (BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOURSELF) in attendance. Be sure to select the AO in CATEGORY above TAGS and then delete these notes!

Leaders must serve others…

“But among you it will be different. Whoever wants to be a leader among you must be a servant, and whoever wants to be first among you must become your slave. For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve others and give his life as a ransom for so many.” Matthew 20:26-28

I am extremely thankful to be a part of this group. I was lured in by the first F Fitness, but the third F Faith is was what I needed, and the second F Fellowship was the glue that kept me coming back.

F3 is such a great organization to be a part of. You guys challenge me on and off the court! Your workouts are hard (sometimes CSAUP), but the challenges you lay down at the end, your words, your actions, your prayers, that’s where the magic is!!

You challenge me to be a better man. To be a better husband, a better father, a better leader in my home and in my community. To serve others and be what God has called us to do.

I’ve got a lot of room for improvement, but I want to thank you for the push!!

I encourage you to look for opportunities to serve : things like Work Day, volunteering at the homeless shelter, donating blood, etc

Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Welcome Bus Stop!!

JUCO UNO and Lazy Visionaries

THE SCENE: Hot and muggy as expected

properly administered

  • Cherry Pickers
  • Harry Rockets
  • Tempo squat
  • Hand release Merkins
  • LBAC forward/back


Mosey to the parking lot by the Haslam science building to do some accelerating/decelerating sprints. After 2 round continue on to the benches by the entrance for some JUCO UNO.

Get in groups of 2 or 3 and pick a set of exercises. There are 6 stations with uno cards. Draw a card and perform the exercise per the rules below.

  • # Card * = Exercises x multiplier
  • Color on Card = Exercise
  • Reverse = Repeat any card you’ve already drawn
  • Skip = Save to pass on a future card of your choice. Draw again.
  • Draw 2 = Reps x 2. (max 12)
  • Wild = any color exercise. Reps x 10
  • Wild Draw 4 = All 4 colors. Reps x 3
    * 0 card = 10 Reps (nice try you know who you are)

After completing a set take a lap around the build.

Complete sheets for JUCO UNO: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1YHD3so-aqxcXJgUAJ0gNEcP-mmsRtWqTaZzENAsw3z4/edit?usp=sharing

After 6 or 7 rounds, mosey to the courtyard for some 8/8/22’s.

Round 1:
8 Dips
8 Derkins
22 Lunges

Round 2:
8 Dips
8 Box Jumps
22 SSH

Round 3:
repeat round 1

Head to the flag

Flutter kicks, plank with bird dog mixed in


Continuing some little known facts about laziness.

Review: #1 They are good at risk assessment. https://f3knoxville.com/little-known-facts-about-laziness-1/
#2 They don’t know they’re lazy! https://f3knoxville.com/juco-lazy-morning-2/

Little known fact about laziness #3: They are visionaries!

Proverbs 13:4

The soul of the sluggard craves and gets nothing, while the soul of the diligent is richly supplied.

Proverbs 21:25-26

The desire of the sluggard kills him, for his hands refuse to labor.
All day long he craves and craves, but the righteous gives and does not hold back.

The lazy have desires and a vision for change or improvement. They crave and have ideas and plans but come up empty. A vision or idea by itself is good and important but ultimately means nothing. It usually takes hard work, dedication and persistence to bring about a vision.

Recently I was challenged with a study to work on for my marriage and family. I signed up for it but now realize how much work it is going to be. It’s going to be hard and challenging. It’s going to take some work and dedication.

My challenge and the challenge for all of you, is to not just have a vision. Follow through, take a look at yourself and see if you’re one of the lazy.

It’s OK to be slow (to anger :-)


• Reach for the sky
• Let it hang
• Cherry Pickers
• Hairy Rockettes
• Tempo Merkins
• TN Rocking Chairs
• Plank; Right hand up; Plank; Left hand up
• Mosie to the courtyard


Courtesy of “Funk Roberts” on YouTube. I accidentally fartsacked a couple of weeks ago and found this workout to do at home. Do each exercise twice for 30 seconds with a 30 second rest in between.
1. Side Straddle Hop
2. Merkins (fingers out, shoulders back, elbows in)
3. Forward Lunges (keep core tight)
4. Freddie Mercuries (slow, hands out, elbows out, rotate to focus on your core)
5. Mountain Climbers
6. Seal Jacks (engage rear delts, back exercise)
7. Wide Push Ups
8. Reverse Lunges
9. Wide Crunches
10. Burpees


• Mosie to the coupon pile
• Everyone grab a coupon
• Break into 2 groups
• Group #1 carries to bottom of freshman hill and starts the rotation. Group #2 stays at the coupon pile and starts the rotation from there.
• At bottom of hill, Coupons (x15 each)
◦ Curls
◦ Presses
◦ Tricep extensions
• Bernie to top of hill and do 5 pull-ups
• Mosie back to coupon pile, Coupons (x15 each)
◦ Bent over rows
◦ Kettle bell swings
◦ Bench press
• Run to bottom of hill

No time!



Psalm 103:6-11
6 The Lord gives righteousness
and justice to all who are treated unfairly.
7 He revealed his character to Moses
and his deeds to the people of Israel.
8 The Lord is compassionate and merciful,
slow to get angry and filled with unfailing love.
9 He will not constantly accuse us,
nor remain angry forever.
10 He does not punish us for all our sins;
he does not deal harshly with us, as we deserve.
11 For his unfailing love toward those who fear him
is as great as the height of the heavens above the earth.
Eph 4:26
“In your anger do not sin”: Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry,
James 1:19
19 My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry,

Tim Keller on Anger

• https://youtu.be/2v-2ewGCQB4
• Note that God reveals himself as slow to anger. Its OK to get angry. To be like God, however, we need to do it slowly and at the right things.
• Anger is not the opposite of love; hate is and the ultimate form of hate is indifference
• Anger has a basic goodness. In this form is it response to love being threatened.
• What do we get angry about? There’s our loves and maybe our idols.
• On the flip side, what are things that should be getting angry about but don’t?
• In Mark 11, Jesus got angry about sin in the temple keeping Gentiles away from God. Yet, in his anger we are told he began to teach the people. He was in control of himself the entire time.

Keep Wheelchair Safe!

THE SCENE: You could chew the air this morning… Steamy, Muggy, Disgusting

Cherry Pickers
Arm rotations thumbs up in cadence
Reverse thumbs down in cadence
Tempo squats
Tempo Merkins

Mosey to JUCOmanjaro

  • Bernie 2 stripes
  • 8 ct Merkins
  • 20 flutter kicks
  • 15 squatsSometimes
  • Rinse and Repeat
  • For the last four or five we ran 1 stripe and did a CORE exercise
  • Mosey to Hard Knox stopping several times for Side Straddle Hops
  • Curls and Dips

Soccer Drills

Use the TAGS on right-side to record PAX (BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOURSELF) in attendance. Be sure to select the AO in CATEGORY above TAGS and then delete these notes!
“Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God.”
1 John 4:7

Thank you gentlemen for challenging me! I have nothing but respect for you guys.
Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Convergence this weekend July 2nd

No Glove Love

THE SCENE: 76 degrees and clear

cherry pickers, windmills, & quad stretching
Mosey to the wall near the pull up bars and stairs

20 lunges & a 30 second wall squat
19 lunges & a 30 second wall squat
repeat to 1/30

Mosey to the stairs
Bernie to the curb and repeat 3X
25 elevated heel squats run to the top of the stairs and do 25 monkey humpers

Mosey to the half wall in the courtyard with some Bernie sprinkled in
repeat until time is called
10 each leg Bulgarian split squats
10 step ups
20 calf raises

Mosey through the courtyard back to the AO
LBC’s in cadence until time expires
See above


I talked about my struggle to pray when times are good, and my desire to pray when times are tough.  I recently dropped my daughter off at a camp in Palo Alto CA.  She is 15, and we were both struggling at the prospect of her being on her own.  I finally left her, and I was a wreck emotionally.  I took a long walk around the Stanford Campus to clear my head and spent a lot of time in prayer.

My daughter met some people and did great, and I hailed an UBER back to San Francisco.  I encountered the best driver I have ever had.  He had over 28,000 trips and maintained a 4.99 star rating out of 5.  Nasim was a Jordanian immigrant.  He retired from the grocery business, and drives UBER for fun.  He loves people, and was raised as a Christian in Jordan, before immigrating to the US.  We had a delightful conversation, and he was an answer to prayers, and maybe even an angel.  Nasim and I swapped numbers and he texted me the next day (Father’s Day) to see how I was doing.

We need God all of the time, not just when things are rough, the challenge this week is to remember that and spend some time in prayer.  God is real, He is there just waiting for you to have a relationship with Him.



Convergence 7/2