F3 Knoxville

War on Fear

AO: juco
Q: Lt. Dan
PAX: Love Shaq, Guardrail, Wanderer, Butterknife, Data, Lil’ Spice
FNGs: None
• Side Straddle Hops (IC) X 10
• Windmills X 11 (IC)
• Cherry Picker x 10
• Tempo Merkin x 10
– Hello Dolly x 11 (IC)
– Flutter Kick x 11 (IC)

Mosey to side parking lot
Suicide runs BBS x 20 3 sets
Suicide Run Merkin x 20 3 sets
Suicide Run Burpee x 10 3 sets
Mosey to CMU Pile
– Lifts x 20
– Thrust x 20
– Squat x 20
– Curl x 20
– Assisted Pull Up Bar
– Austrilian wall push ups – IC 15
Mosey to Rally pt.

Team Pick in circle 5 mins
Box cutters X 15
Imperial Walkers X 20
Flutterkicks X 20
Big Boy Sit-ups X 20

Effort to teach Q 101, what and why.

On 16 August at approx.. 0750 hrs Dirt Track Race driver Scott Bloomquist died in a small taildragger plane crash in middle Tennessee. Speculation suggests that this may have been a suicide.
Mr. Bloomquist is described as a legendary racing car champion, having performed at the highest levels of his profession. Reports point to financial difficulties as a stressor in his life. Regardless of the actual driving force behind his tragic demise, it is true that our worldly anxieties too often disrupt even the most accomplished among us.
What motivates people to achieve greatness? What is greatness? How do we achieve greatness? Why do we fall short of greatness?
There are lots of questions, but few definitive answers.
First, what is greatness? Next, what prevents us from achieving greatness?
Greatness to me is living life for a higher purpose.
Soloman says “A man can do nothing better than to eat and drink and find satisfaction in his work”
Yes, eat and drink, smile daily, and enjoy the satisfaction of your work. Our work can be living life for a higher purpose. Maybe our job is not necessarily our work. Should we redefine greatness, redefine work, find happiness, and live life for a higher purpose?
We will never be absolutely Great, absolute greatness belongs to GOD. Human greatness is the intentional and consistent daily effort to improve along our journey.
How do we know if we are not so great? One measurement of greatness is the realization of satisfaction… happiness. If we are unhappy, we are unsatisfied.
What might prevent us from achieving human greatness? We all have GOD given capabilities, but we don’t often utilize these abilities.
I believe that Apathy is the enemy of greatness. But what makes us apathetic in life? Isn’t our human condition a manufacturer of apathy? Aren’t we often our own worst enemies?
Apathy is born of Fear and Anxiety.
Why didn’t we study for that exam? Why didn’t we join that mission trip. Why do we postpone the completion of daily tasks? We allow apathy to invade our minds. We don’t feel like doing the things that elevate our intentional and consistent efforts. We feel anxious, we feel fear and this erodes our intention and results in apathy. The fear of doing that uncomfortable thing becomes acquiescence to nonaction, non-improvement, and lack of intention.
My sincere challenge for myself, and for all of us is to go to war on apathy.
Let’s go to war with our fears, let’s eliminate the apathy that hinders our personal greatness.
The battlefield for this fight is in a special place within each of us. The armor is in our faith, the ammo is in our actions.
We will fight the enemy of apathy with intention, growth, and the satisfaction of a day well lived; a life well spent, and a purpose fulfilled. We will feel the satisfaction that Soloman spoke of and smile daily in gratitude for these gifts. Failure is growth. Failure is an acknowledgment of the actions behind our intentions. Don’t let fear of failure prevent intentional action. If we never fail, then we may not be trying hard enough. Overcoming our challenges ultimately delivers growth.
The battle over fear is within us, and we must fight, overcome, and win against these self-imposed challenges.
The Bible gives you the first instruction to overcoming anxiety—pray and supplicate. Supplication means to ask earnestly and humbly. God wants you to talk to Him about your thoughts and ask—invite Him into the process of overcoming anxiety. Tell Him your struggles—even about praying
God bless Mr. Bloomquist and his family during this difficult time.

[f3dadcamp] Camp Runamuck 2024

AO: f3dadcamp
Q: Sawdust
PAX: Bunny, Icey Hot, Grouch (Danni Lupisella), Humper ( Sam Hartness ), Passport (Ryan Matthews), Unibráu (Nick Robinson), Gibbler, Doubtfire (Nick Bond), FullHouse (Tommy Wolf), Trojan, Nadia (Leo Turcas), Data, Doppelgänger (Chase Hively), Avocado (Ben Erskine), Neon, Cosmo 2, Bail Bonds, Lightweight, Jig, M&M, Leia, Ghostbuster, Doodles, Laugh Jacks, Dunk, Drama, Simone, Bookworm, Dig, Chocolate, Lightning, Ninja, Home Plate, Cheetah Speed, Optimus, Guacamole, Link, Tecmo, Captain Underpants, Flyer, Dark Moon, FNG (Gibbler), FNG (Unibrau), FNG (Passport), FNG (Humper), FNG (Humper), FNG (Full House), FNG (Full House), Lancelot, FNG (Nadia), FNG (Bail Bonds), FNG (Bail Bonds), FNG (Bail Bonds)
FNGs: 13 Dark Moon, FNG (Gibbler), FNG (Unibrau), FNG (Passport), FNG (Humper), FNG (Humper), FNG (Full House), FNG (Full House), Lancelot, FNG (Nadia), FNG (Bail Bonds), FNG (Bail Bonds), FNG (Bail Bonds)
– Tempo Merkins
– Cherry Pickers
– Abe Vigodas
– Tennessee Rockin’ Chairs
– Motivators
– Tie-Fighters
– X-Wings
– Rockettes (Bunny style)
– Bear Crawl with your heaviest 2.0
– Wheelbarrow for your 2.0
– Burpees until the PAX were warm

– Mosey to the Campfire for a Partner SID workout:
– Step Ups
– Irkens
– Dirkens
– Mosey to the Slingshot Field for some Pictionary:
– X-Factor
– Captain Thor
– Hello Dolly
– Carolina Dry Docks
– Super Mario down Girl Cabin Row for 2.0 with Dad’s doing Lt. Dans for a Catch Me If You Can run. The 2.0’s only skipped twice before a full out run. The 2.0’s got caught and had to do Lt. Dans on their own.
– Mosey to another cabin for some Imperial Squat Walkers
– Mosey to the Chapel by the Water:
– Butt Touchers (with a nod to Kentucky)
– Dips
– Photo op by Bunny
– Mosey to the field in front of the Dining Hall

MARY: One Monkey Humper Each for a Count-Off

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Breakfast to Follow. Hurry up so we don’t let the biscuits burn.

COT: Seek Joy, not happiness. When you are anxious for nothing and make your requests known to Him, the peace that transcends all understanding will fall upon you (summation of Philippians 4:6-7).

back to pyramid

AO: juco
Q: Wanderer
PAX: Breadstixx, Waffles, Data, Butterknife, Love Shaq, Lt. Dan, Fetch, Colonel (Alex Wallace), Booster
FNGs: None
– windmill
– left over right/right over left
– tempo merkin
– LBAC forward/backward

Mosey to the Bill Haslam Science building

Pyramid is setup with the following.
– 10 – Box jumps
– 20 – Merkins
– 30 – Squats
– 40 – Dips
– 50 – Single leg RDL (25/each)

Start with 10 and then run the building. Next do 20 & 10 and run. Repeat adding an exercise each time building up to all 5 exercises.
Once at all 5 work your way down by 1 exercise each lap.

We got through about 7 rounds in the time.

– Flutter kicks
– Hello Dolly



“Bless the Lord, Oh my soul, and forget not all his benefits. “”
“”Psalm 103:2″Just a reminder today of the Lord’s benefits.
“Who forgives all your iniquities, who heals all your diseases, who redeems your life from the pit, who crowns you with steadfast love and mercy””
“”Psalm 103:3-4”

The Pentecost of Pentecost

AO: juco
Q: Commission
PAX: Wheelchair (Jonathan Perelman), Love Shaq, Ike, Data, Guardrail, Windex, Fetch, Mailbox, Lt. Dan
FNGs: None
Side straddle hop x 25 (4 count)
Cherry pickers x 5 (4 count)
Tempo merkins x 10 (4 count)
Tempo squats x 10 (4 count)
Flutter kicks x 10 (4 count)

Mosey to Sophomore Hill

50 merkins, 50 bear crawls and jog the remainder to top of hill
50 raised leg crunches (alternate at 25), 50 shuffle steps to the right and jog the remainder to the corner
50 monkey humpers, 50 lunges and jog the remainder down the hill
50 flutter kicks, 50 shuffle steps to the left and jog the remainder to the corner

50 sets of stairs (up counts as two, down counts as two)
50 mountain climbers (4 count)
50 American Hammers (4 count)
50 Heels to Heaven (4 count)
50 LBCs

This is the 50ish day follow up bootcamp from Pentecost workout that followed 50 days after Easter and the resurrection of Jesus. A life changing, world changing and eternity changing thing happened over those 50 days after the resurrection and the men of JUCO were invited to do some powerful in their lives with 50 days.

Updates as follows:

Love Shaq has been hitting up camps with his students to develop better relationships and has some professional development coming up later this summer that should equip him with some better tools for the classroom.

Fetch – Some journaling has happened but he wants to be more consistent with it.

Guardrail – Solid on pullups but injured his wrist doing hand walking. Wants to do better with encouragement and prayer.

Commission – This push has been just what I needed to kickstart the development I hope to build and everything is on track with the timeline I set.

[juco-rush] Little Steele

AO: juco-rush
Q: Trash Panda (JUCO)
PAX: Tooth Fairy, Erector, Butterknife, Fetch, Cheap Ride, Data, Trash Panda (JUCO)
FNGs: None
WARMUP: mosey to Bottom of Steele Hill

THE THANG: run up Little Steele to end of fence, cool off back to bottom, run up other side to HVA entrance, cool off to bottom x 3-4



COT: juco