- THE SCENE: Dark n stuff and what not
WARM-O-RAMA: - Jog across parking lot x2, High Knee Skip x2, butt kicks x2, Karaoke x2
- Squats IC x20, Hillbillies IC x20, SSH IC x20, Merkins IC x10, Burpos x10 oyo
THA-THANG: - HAIRBURNERS!!. 10 minutes of Pushing plates back and forth. At one end PI is doing curls with CMU, The other end P2 is doing Bent over rows with the CMU, P3 is pushing plates between cones and alternated out pushing plates with P1 and 2 for 10 minutes. AMRAP on the reps of Curls and BOR, once smoked on the reps, switched up to triceps and/or presses with the CMU. PAX did not like doing it for 10 minutes straight so we stopped for a moment of Clarity to find out WHY we are out here trying to get better. We got motivated again and pushed through the last few minutes! GREAT WORK PAX!!
- After the Hair burners, we needed a break so we did CAPN THOR. Actually not much of a break but a great AB smoker! We did all the way to 10 BBS: 40 American hammers. PAX killed it!
- Mosey to Mount Crumpit! 7’s on Mt Crumpit. Merkins and BBS
- Mosey back for some Mary/Abs. POWER T flutter IC x10, Iron Cross, Hello Dolly ICx10, Never Cross Dolly IC x10, JLO’s x10 IC, Hold Plank.
- PAX CHOICE! Music or Cones? For some reason PAX always choose Music and they think it sounds easier than cones?? The word cones must relate to pain and suffering…Actually, Music is just as bad, they just did not know it! 🙂 PAX chose music so we did CUMBAWUMBA, I get knocked down song. SSH the whole song and when they say I get knocked down, do a Burpee. About 33 burpees and is a great Smoker/Cash out for the end of a workout! Again, the PAX killed it!
- About 2 minutes left. FINS has not q’d yet so he lead us in some Boxcutters IC x20. He did awesome and now is ready to Q!!
15 including FNG(SLUMLORD) Hugh Ladd
Confucius Say……Better a diamond with Flaw than a pebble with out, The gem cannot be polished with out friction, NOR man perfected with out trials. You get it, IRON SHARPENS IRON!
I love silly quotes, Confucius quotes, simple words of wisdom.etc..What is comes down to is that we are not perfect but if you think you are or you think you will never be, you will NEVER grow and get better as a man! A man with out Fault will never grow so don’t be afraid to fail. Last week, I asked the guys to think about their WHY? Why are you coming out to a free workout early in the morning? When it gets tough, what motivates us to push through the suck? WELL, Fins came up to me today after the workout and shared his WHY with me. I was grateful to hear his WHY. I just met FINS and he came to me an opened up to me. That means a lot to me and is what I love about F3. Being a part of F3, we all know and have an unconditional bond with one another, even if we don’t know each other(YET). I believe we all have a similar WHY. Thank you FINs for sharing with me and I look forward to getting to know you more.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: - 2.0 workout tomorrow with TANK. Paying it forward with young men that do not have Fathers or Male role models in their life. Contact TANK for details.
Tag: Detention
No Phish, Just Embracing My Inner Singing Cowboy in the Clouds with EDM Playing in the Background
THE SCENE: Warm 32 Farenheit
Warm up
Round the clock merkins x 5
High knees and butt kickers
squat and stretch
Some stuff on your own
That’s it, we got to it.
Insert information about the workout.
- Mosey to track, 15 merkins IC, 1 Lap as fast as possible, Flutters after IC
- Mosey to Indoor Rink, Lunge across, 10 burp skurps (burpees), 2 rounds of sprints
- Indian run to the big hill (MatterEverest?), IC merkins, superman swims, and Flutters IC, Then we charged the hill
- At the top, more swims, flutters, and merkins
- Mosey to the base of the Tavern, 2 rounds of 5 turkish getups each leg with a trip to the rock (Now named Icculus), 50 calf raises, and some Hello Dollys IC
- Mosey back to AO
MARY:I We saiddddd naaaaahhhhhh to Mary today. We got no time for her today.
20….. Where was this last time?
It is good to remember that often, ideas have people, not that people have ideas. Be careful when making decisions to avoid falling into the trap of attempting to justify decisions after making them.ANNOUNCEMENTS:
Come out to The Wesley House Sunday and exercise with some young lads. Football is over and I know none of you watch hockey, so come out der.
Reading to the Kids
THE SCENE: 30 and clear
- Side stratal hop 20
- Imperial squat walker 10
- Cherry Pickers 10
- Baby arm circles 10
- Stop 1- 5 burpees
- Stop 2- 5 burpees , 10 big boy sit
- Stop 3 – 5 burpees , 10 big boy sit, 15 cheat sheet cherry pickers
- At Cardiac:Berney Sanders to first bend, alligator crawl(10) bear crawl to second sprint to top
- Stop 4 – 5 burpees , 10 big boy sit, 15 cheat sheet cherry pickers , 20 Hand Release Merican’s
- Stop 5 – 5 burpees , 10 big boy sit, 15 cheat sheet cherry pickers , 20 Hand Release Merican’s, 25 froggy squat
- Stop 6 – 5 burpees , 10 big boy sit, 15 cheat sheet cherry pickers , 20 Hand Release Merican’s, 25 froggy squat, 30 on a 3 cnt or 60 lbc’s
- Reverse
- Stop 6 – 5 burpees , 10 big boy sit, 15 cheat sheet cherry pickers , 20 Hand Release Merican’s, 25 froggy squat
- Stop 5 – 5 burpees , 5 big boy sit, 10 cheat sheet cherry pickers , 15 Hand Release Merican’s, 20 froggy squat
- Stop 4 – 5 burpees , 5 big boy sit, 10 cheat sheet cherry pickers , 15 Hand Release Merican’s
- Stop 3 – 5 burpees , 5 big boy sit, 10 cheat sheet cherry pickers
- Stop 2 – 5 burpees , 5 big boy sit
- Stop 1 – 5 burpees
Typically when putting the kids to bed it is easy to let her do the bed time reading when I know I should share the responsibility. Recently reading the daily devotional 4128-uncommen-being-better-husbands-and-fathers-daily it mentioned that kids who are read to by dad, according to a study by Harvard University researchers, have better-developed language skills than kids who were read to by mom. It goes to show that easy way is not always the best way.
Waffle house shared afterwards that reading to his kids (oldest is 16) is still an extremely rewarding experience!
Tallest Tower Wins
THE SCENE: Mid 30’s….cold!
- SSH x 20
- Burpees x 10
- OH Press x 10
- This/that stretch
- Cherry Pickers
- Split into 2 teams. Each team had 4-5 CMUs, 4-5 pee rocks, a 70lb kettlebell and an 87lb steel gas can. Mosey/ruck as a team to the paved hill by the restaurant carrying all of the team’s weight. Once we reached the hill it was time to build some towers. Each team had to climb the hill with all of their weight. Once at the top they could drop 1 item of the team’s choosing and perform 3 burpees as a group. Then take everything else back down the hill where the group performed 5 squats with whatever weight you were holding at the time. Rinse & repeat until all weights have been left at the top of the hill. Teams competed to stack the weight at the top of the hill into the tallest tower possible….tallest tower wins! All in all it was a pretty good workout….each team made 11 trips up the hill carrying different amounts of weight.
- Mosey/ruck everything back to the AO.
- Suicide lottery for the remaining time. There was a bucket filled with exercises. PAX choose a ticket lottery style and we do the exercise on the suicide course. The following were chosen:
- Bear crawls
- Nose Wipers x 5
- CMU squats x 10
- 4 ct Flutter kicks holding CMU x 10
- 4 ct Slutter kicks holding CMU x 10
- Big Boys with CMU x 15
- Peter Parker on the CMU
18 PAX: Mayberry, Frosty, Sparky, Bowflex, Underhand, Zygote, Detention, Slide Rule, Flute Loop, Waxjob, Tank, Peach Fuzz, Booger, La-Z-Boy, Shooter, Smoker, Junk, Bartman
Ecclesiastes 4:12 talks about a chord of 3 strands and that it is not easily broken. This is often talked about in light of marriage, which is absolutely correct. We need a chord of 3 strands (husband, wife, Christ) to have the strength to endure all life throws at us. But I believe the “3 strand” analogy also applies to other facets of our lives. Friendships, work relationships, mentoring relationships…I could go on and on. The question is: are you allowing Christ to be a part of all of your relationships? Are you squeezing him out so that there are only 2 strands, or are you letting him in to provide the strength of the 3rd strand?
- Lots of travel this week…I hope everyone stays safe on the road and enjoys the Thanksgiving holiday!
THE SCENE: 35 and damp
Buddy up and do laps around the track…stopping at 6 stations for some good livin’
Flutter Kicks 27x
Hello Dolly! 15x
Little Baby Crunches 20x
16 PAX (and NO FNGs)
Manage Up and Manage Down.